An Example of Pointless Greenieness

-By Warner Todd Huston

NBC has created an entire phalanx of videos centered on environmental issues to show its fealty to the religion of greenism. There are celebrities, trite slogans, and all sorts of absurd promises on what going green can do for us all. But are these “solutions” really any good? Let’s look at one of NBC’s claims to see if it makes much sense, shall we?

The subject happens to be one of green fascism’s favorites: light bulbs. The ad, you see, claims that if every American household gets rid of incandescent light bulbs to be replaced with an energy savers, why… well, here is the voice over of the ad:

If every home changes one of these (image of an incandescent light bulb) for one of these (an energy saving light bulb), we’d save enough power to light up New York City for a year. Broadway, Wall Street, Central Park. Just one light bulb. You don’t have to do a lot to do a lot.

But let’s think about this.
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An Example of Pointless Greenieness”

‘Historian’ Gets Mouthy At Congressional Hearing

-By Warner Todd Huston

I meant to get to this last week, but “historian” Douglas Brinkley is so forgettable as a writer that it all slipped my mind. But, it’s a slow news day, so let’s take a look at the temper tantrum this hack threw when he visited the House Natural Resources Committee on Nov. 22, shall we?

Brinkley was there to provide his, uh, “insight” into the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, testimony that Alaska Rep. Don Young called “an exercise in futility” because the hearing wasn’t going to be changing anyone’s mind about the subject. I’d have to agree that anything including hack Brinkley truly is an exercise in futility. He’s one of the worst writers of popular history out there.

The fireworks began when Rep. Young accidentally called Brinkley by the wrong last name. This sent the scribbler off into paroxysms of pique and spurred him to interrupt not only Rep. Young, but also Committee Chair Doc Hastings when he tried to restore order.

Rep. Young later told the Washington Post’s Amy Argetsinger that he thought that Brinkley was just trying to get publicity with his outburst.
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‘Historian’ Gets Mouthy At Congressional Hearing”

Socialism much Closer than the Frontier

-By Kevin Roeten

Many refuse to believe Socialism is as close to America, something it was not founded on, as it is. We may start to see socialism initiated by the election this fall. The ominous harbinger—the outgoing of Senator Christopher Dodd (D/Ct).

Called the Livable Communities Act (SB1619) was brought by Dodd, and will fulfill The Green Agenda – Agenda 21, adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro (1992), creating a ‘new world order’. SB1619 has just been approved by the Senate Banking Committee, and is on the fast track to passage in the Senate. The thought is this legislation must be passed before a Republican takeover in November.

Few realize this, but the unscrupulous Nazi regime based on anti-Semitic laws, actually followed the highway of modern environmentalism through Nazi Germany, as described in the Mark Musser book Nazi Oaks Book Review.
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Socialism much Closer than the Frontier”

Climate Change in Europe? Always Been No Big Deal

-By Warner Todd Huston

An AFP story from September 5 headlined “Melting Swiss glacier yields Neolithic trove, climate secrets” was quite interesting. In fact, it was down right educational. It was all about how new human artifacts from up to 6,500 years ago have been found ion the melting ice fields of the Swiss Alps and these new finds say something important about so-called “anthropomorphic global warming.”

The story about the artifacts was really fun to read. With the ice fields melting, scientists and enthusiasts have found things like a birch bark quiver filled with arrows, leather clothing, and tools appearing literally out of 6,500 years ago to today as if by time warp. The speculation is that many of these items were from a single traveler that accidentally lost his life those thousands of years ago as he traveled alone across the mountains.

These findings are being touted as a way to pinpoint when humans were more easily able to travel by foot across the Alps. Of course, now a’days it is difficult to take a stroll across the Alps without freezing to death, you see.

“We know that people were only able to walk on this site when it was relatively warm,” said Martin Grosjean, executive director of a national network called Swiss Climate Research. “When it was too cold, the glacier advanced and it was not a passable route.”

Scientists have long known there were periods of warmer weather in the region but the artefacts allowed them to identify the exact years, when the site would have been passable on foot.

According to Grosjean, such data could help sharpen forecasts for the future by taking into account patterns of natural temperature fluctuation.

So, let’s take a minute to think about this. The Alps was once a temperate zone where men could casually walk across the mountains to visit other, far-flung villages. Then global cooling came and the Alps froze up. Now, the area just might be returning to a more temperate climate.

Now here is the thing:

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The Envirowacko Religion… Photo Proof

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the most part, extreme environmentalists are Godless. They often claim to be atheists or at least agnostics on the subject of religion. Many even ridicule religion, especially Christianity, calling it “superstition,” “backwards,” or “archaic.” They often blame for what they claim is the destruction of the world’s ecology on people who are religious and then use that as a basis to call hypocrisy on those same religious people. We’ve all seen it.

But, in general they also claim that their beliefs in humanism and nature are superior. However, they’d scoff at claims that they have merely replaced traditional religion with one of their own creation: environmentalism. They would argue that their beliefs are simply applied logic and does not represent that of religious zealotry.

Well, they say that pictures say a thousand words and the Los Angeles Times published a photo that puts the lie to the claim that environmentalism is not a religion:

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