Liberal Carnival: Hand Wringing on Bullying that Never Happened

-By Warner Todd Huston

On a recent hospital visit, Denver photographer Steve Crecelius found out he was a woman. Now, this late in his life, he’s all worried about “bullying.” It’s another example of the empty thinking of liberalism that has infected our national discourse.

Mr. Crecelius is what used to be called an hermaphrodite, a person born with both sexual organs either external or internal. In Crecelius’ case inside him he has female organs while outside he has working male genitalia.

According to the ABC News article, some 1,500 kids are born each year with some level of “intersex condition” — the new term for hermaphroditism.
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Liberal Carnival: Hand Wringing on Bullying that Never Happened”

When is ‘Art’ Just a Stain on a Bowl?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently “art” is just a stain on a bowl when a janitor thinks that a piece of junk that the intelligentsia call “mah-dren arht” needs to be cleaned up a bit. That’s what happened to a piece by “artist” Martin Kippenberger at a museum in Dortmund, England.

A janitor from Germany came across the display built of stained slats of wood featuring a plastic bowl at the bottom painted to look as if it had been stained by water. Apparently the cleaner took the faux stain for a real water stain and decided he’d better clean that thing up so the bowl looked nice and shiny.

Extra points for the cleaner so keen about his job that what looked like a long-time stain was cleaned up. I call that initiative.
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When is ‘Art’ Just a Stain on a Bowl?”

Welcome to ‘Smug-A-Palooza’: a Fake Rally for the Arrogant

-By Warner Todd Huston

Think you’re smarter than everyone else? Think you are more “civilized,” more “adult,” and more “informed” than all around you? Then your arrogance makes you a perfect contestant for the Comedy Central Shark-Jumping event with the two… well, I guess you call them “comedians”… Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

They think quite a bit about themselves, don’t they?

The newest estimate of the crowd size was around 200,000. That is a good, large number to be sure. But it is still far, far less than Beck drew and it must be pointed out that with these “comedy” guys they had to get two of them together to get that numbers.

Me, I’ve always felt sorry for the “tragically hip” folks out there like those that fall for Stewart and Colbert. They are such mindless conformists.

Here is the best quote I’ve seen on this national disgrace that was the Stewart/Colbert rally:

You want some media criticism? Try this: Think how much better informed we would be as a nation about the monumental election in two days if members of the press had spent half the time reporting and writing about the issues and candidates instead Stewart, Colbert and their exercise in ego on the mall — their effort to prove they can draw as big an audience as Beck.

What an apt description and a sentient observation!

This was by the Baltimore Sun’s TV critic David Zurawik, a guy I usually disagree with.

Anti-War Hiroshima A-Bomb Book Caught With Multiple Fictions

-By Warner Todd Huston

When it debuted the left instantly hailed it as an anti-war masterpiece. The book “The Last Train from Hiroshima,” a popular history of the WWII A-Bomb drops on Japan, quickly accumulated much acclaim. This was “gleaming” wartime history according to The New York Times. It was so poignant and solemn that moviemaker James Camereon was said to be considering making a movie based on the book. It wasn’t long, though, before major questions about the veracity of the tale were raised.

The author of the book, Charles Pellegrino, used the experiences of at least three participants in the bombings at important junctures in the book. He reported the experiences of one of the U.S. airmen that was aboard the Enola Gay as well as two European Jesuit priests that were living in Hiroshima during the bombing.

But now comes the admission from the author that two of these three people don’t even exist, and a third lied about his service on the Enloa Gay casting doubt on Pellegrino’s whole endeavor.
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Anti-War Hiroshima A-Bomb Book Caught With Multiple Fictions”

A Reply to Bill Reed

-By Warner Todd Huston

I know you readers have tired of this comic book controversy, but a youngster wrote me another one of those “open letters” on CBR and he was much less unhinged than most of the folks over there. So, I’ll just post this reply to him here and move on. I promise that this will be the last word on this business… well, probably.

Bill Reed wrote his “A Really Open Letter to Mr. Warner Todd Huston” and this is my reply…

Mr. Reed,

Thanks for your letter and thanks for being the only one from the CBR site that even attempted to be even tempered and free of vitriol (unlike Carla Hoffman and all her sycophantic commenters). Unfortunately you make an awful lot of assumptions in your piece that shows a lack of greater perspective and this is a failure that most of your CBR folks are making. All this adds to your feelings about my “lack of courtesy, misconceptions about the comic book medium, and considerable errors of judgment.” In truth it is you and your CBR folks that are mired in these errors.

You begin by saying that you don’t want to “gang up on me.” I beg to disagree. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have bothered to write in the first place. In fact, one of the things I am amused at from your CBR fans is the constant refrain that they all don’t care what I have to say. “Who cares what Huston has to say,” is the oft heard refrain from you folks on CBR. Who cares? I submit that YOU guys care because of the many posts about me, the constant pot stirring, and the rehash seen here. If you guys truly didn’t care you’d have ignored the whole thing.
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A Reply to Bill Reed”

New Rule of Thumb: History Only Happens in Our Lifetime

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s a new rule of thumb, apparently, that history doesn’t matter. Fall of Rome? Who cares? WWII? What’s it matter? The Great Depression? Just a blip. It’s NOW that we care about, man. All that history stuff? Pffft. If it isn’t happening now, it doesn’t matter.

This notion that history is for the stuffed shirts of academe and that it doesn’t mean anything to modern, common folks always screams out when these woeful “Top Ten” lists start showing up in the media.

Today we have another example of this historically illiterate sort of list at Time Magazine’s website. There you’ll see history’s “Top 10 Mistresses,” but if you have even a cursory knowledge of history, you’ll also see that there is no sense of history in this list of “history’s famous mistresses.”
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New Rule of Thumb: History Only Happens in Our Lifetime”

I am Loath to Call Americans Stupid, But…

-By Warner Todd Huston

When I see the elitists on the left hold themselves up as being smarter than everyone they survey I am always offended. My American can-do spirit is assaulted by such an elitist opinion. It disgusts me when leftists assume that Americans are stupid. I refuse to accept such an assessment. But then there are stories like this…

Apparently when the House of Representatives voted to admonish Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), now famous for calling out that Obama was a liar during his recent healthcare speech, Americans all across the country rushed to their computers and did some research.

Were they looking up arcane House rules of conduct? How about the names of various elected officials? Maybe they were looking up political history?

Uh, no.
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I am Loath to Call Americans Stupid, But…”