Commissioner Peraica: Bringing Important Issues to Your Attention

From Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

While the County Board is out enjoying the last few weeks of summer — issues facing taxpayers and our citizens continue to mount.

That’s why I want to make sure you are aware of the following important issues facing the county board in the coming weeks.

  • On August 26 the county board will come together to discuss and deal with the flood issues facing Cook County.
  • The Cook County board will meet again on September 1 to kick off the 2011 budget process.
  • On September 15, a special meeting of the Finance Committee will convene to deal with the County Ethics Ordinance that we have put forth. The ordinance would prohibit lobbying by all elected officials of any legislative body.

I also invite you to watch my brief video update:

Tony Peraica
Cook County Commissioner

Dan Patlak’s Campaign For Cook County Board Of Review‏

From the Patlak for Cook County Board of Review campaign…

Today we are rolling out our third “Tax Facts” video for your review. The first two have been met with interest by Cook County taxpayers far and wide who find the information provided to be empowering. The first two Tax Facts videos are now posted in our Education Center at You can ask your own question about property taxes by clicking on “Ask Dan”.
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Dan Patlak’s Campaign For Cook County Board Of Review‏”

It’s All In The Family In Suburban McCook

From the office of Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

In the small suburban Cook County village of McCook it’s all about hiring as many relatives to the village payroll as possible.

It is mind-boggling to find out that a village as small as McCook (only 250 residents) — has at least 12 relatives of Mayor Jeffery Tobolski, including his own wife who work or contract for something with the village of McCook.
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It’s All In The Family In Suburban McCook”

2 Property Tax Changes That Should be Repealed

From the campaign of Dan Patlak for the Cook County Board of Review…

Two changes recently made to the property tax code by Governor Quinn and the state legislature are bad for taxpayers and should be repealed.

The first change is a “Senior Penalty” requiring that Senior Exemptions be renewed every year. Evidently, our lawmakers believe that once homeowners turn 65 they may actually get younger. The requirement for seniors to renew each year is an unnecessary burden on seniors as well as the County Assessor’s office which must repeatedly process paperwork year after year for taxpayers who have already proven they are eligible for the exemption. The result is more administrative expense, more missed exemptions, more refund applications and more confusion for seniors.
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2 Property Tax Changes That Should be Repealed”

Property Tax Education Center and Tax Facts Video Release‏

From the Patlak for Cook County Board of Review campaign…

With real estate values declining and property taxes rising, it is important to have a representative within our county government who is dedicated to making sure taxpayers get a fair hearing when they appeal their property assessment. My name is Dan Patlak and I am a candidate for Commissioner of the Cook County Board of Review which reviews property assessment appeals. Unlike my Chicago Machine opponent, I possess the formal education, professional credentials, real world experience and demonstrated actions as a Taxpayer Advocate that make me uniquely qualified to lead the Board of Review. Details confirming this can be found in my biography.
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Property Tax Education Center and Tax Facts Video Release‏”

Peraica: Today’s Taxing (and Troubling) News‏

From the office of Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica….

There were two tidbits in today’s headlines that further support my push to fully repeal the Stroger sales tax hike in Cook County.

First, despite rising taxes and fees, tax collections are actually down in the state (again). As the Champaign News-Gazette reports, overall state tax collections are down 9.5% in July.

The reason for this decline? Simple: people are out of work. When they are out of work, their incomes drop (obviously). That leads to a drop in income tax revenues. They also consume less, which leads to a drop in sales taxes. It is for that reason that increasing the income tax and keeping sales taxes high will only further decimate our economy.
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Peraica: Today’s Taxing (and Troubling) News‏”

Second Tax Facts Video Released Empowering Cook County Property Tax Payers

From the campaign of Patlak for Cook County Board of Review…

As promised, we have released the second Property Tax Facts video in a series designed to educate Cook County property owners about our property tax system. If you have a question of your own, go to and click the Ask Dan button located in our Education Center.

Our Matching Contribution effort is gaining traction. We are already half-way to our goal of raising $10,000 by August 19 which will be matched by a generous supporter who believes as we do that we need to fight the Chicago Machine by bringing professional competence and political balance to the Board of Review. But we still need your help. Please contribute whatever amount you can afford by mailing a check to Citizens for Dan Patlak, 113 Berkshire Drive, Wheeling, IL 60090. Or you can contribute on-line by clicking here.
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Second Tax Facts Video Released Empowering Cook County Property Tax Payers”

Town Hall Meeting on Local Flooding: 10 a.m. Sat., La Grange Village Hall

From the office of Tony Peraica, Cook County Commissioner…

You are invited to join me tomorrow for a town hall meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. at LaGrange Village Hall to discuss local village flooding and local governmental efforts to provide relief to local residents and families.

WHEN: Tomorrow, Saturday, July 31, 2010 — 10 a.m.
WHERE: La Grange Village Hall (53 S. La Grange Avenue)

We will have data forms available for you to fill out to detail any property damage. These forms will help our efforts to garner federal aid for local flood damage. You can also find those forms online at our Web site (please note: they are to be returned to your local town, village or township office.)

We hope to see you tomorrow

Tony Peraica
Cook County Commissioner

Now Cook County Board Prez Stroger Sticks Taxpayers With $175,000 Contract Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cook County Board President Todd Stroger’s last year in office is marked by one incident of bilking the taxpayers after another. Each week seems to bring a new example of Stroger and his buddies and family members sticking their hands in our pockets and this week has been no different.

In fact, this week we’ve gotten a twofer as two incidents of Stroger’s nest feathering have come to light. The first came on the 27th when Big Boss Todd awarded a $15,000 consulting job to Raymond L. Harris Sr., of Bolingbrook, who worked on Stroger’s losing primary campaign to retain his seat.
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Now Cook County Board Prez Stroger Sticks Taxpayers With $175,000 Contract Bill”

Another Stroger Appointment on the Backs of Taxpayers

From Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

Earlier today, in another direct insult to the county taxpayers — Todd Stroger and his administration put forth yet another campaign official from their failed primary campaign to join the county payroll as a $60,000 paid labor consultant.

It is high time for the Stroger administration to stop granting political favors by placing former campaign workers in high paid roles on the backs of the taxpayers.

Tony Peraica
Cook County Commissioner

The Jobs’ Not Done Yet — Sales Tax Still Highest in Nation

From the office of Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

Let’s not forget that even though the county board approved to cut back the sales tax by a .5 percent reduction , there is still more work to be done.

This was an important step forward for Cook County taxpayers, who are struggling to make ends meet amidst rising unemployment and a growing tax burden.

But it is only a first step.
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The Jobs’ Not Done Yet — Sales Tax Still Highest in Nation”

Tony Peraica: Local Flood Relief Assistance

From the office of Cook County Commissinoer Tony Peraica…

I would like to offer my gratitude to Cook County and local municipal officials in the 16th District for their efforts in addressing the massive flooding which occurred over the past weekend.

I am pleased that everyone came together and worked to help county residents, especially the elderly. County employees from the Sheriff’s Department, Office of Homeland Security, and my own staff were on hand to survey damage and provide needed assistance. While this was certainly an unfortunate event, it was heartening to see local officials, neighbors and friends helping one another in this time of need.
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Tony Peraica: Local Flood Relief Assistance”

Cook County Board to Extort Suburban Drivers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oh, the games Cook County Board President little Todd Stroger plays. And they are always about sticking it to the taxpayers, aren’t they? Stroger and his Democrat co-conspirators have really proven that county Democrats are more like a criminal syndicate as opposed to proper representatives of the people with a recent move to stick it to suburban drivers in violation of what the suburban cities even want to have happen in their jurisdictions.

Little Toddie wanted to have county sponsored red-light cameras positioned throughout the Cook County suburbs so that the county could get more money in the form of mailed fines from drivers. But the suburban towns and cities didn’t want the county to intrude upon their roads with these onerous cameras and at least in the case of one city, Schaumburg, we have a town that already removed their own red-light cameras due to pressure from the voters. So the county board offered a compromise.

To mollify the suburban cities the board included an opt out clause in its red-light camera rules. If the cities didn’t want them, they could opt out and keep them out of their areas. Stroger and his extortionist buddies were shocked, though, when “nearly every Northwest Cook County town proceeded to opt out” of his grab for suburban driver’s wallets.

What to do, what to do? Stroger was losing his new revenue stream. How could they stop it?

Eureka! Toddie had an idea…
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Cook County Board to Extort Suburban Drivers”

Dem. Cook County Board Prez Candidate’s Big Union Haul

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Sun-Times reports that the next Cook County Board President might be yet another bought and paid for union stooge.

Democrat Party candidate Toni Preckwinkle raised $1.3 million for her campaign for county board president thus far and $220,000 of that came from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

So, what we are seeing is yet another Democrat candidate owned lock, stock and barrel by a public employees union. Gee, I wonder if she’ll be amenable to union demands once in office?

Her opponent, GOP candidate Roger Keats, has raised only $19,000 so far. Not that there IS a Republican Party in the county of Crook.

If you would like to help out the Keats campaign, here is his website: You can donate directly here: Keats For Cook, PayPal.
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Dem. Cook County Board Prez Candidate’s Big Union Haul”

Dan Patlak: Empowering the Taxpayers

From Dan Patlak for Cook County Board of Review…

In the spirit of empowering taxpayers, we have released the first in a series of “Property Tax Facts” videos. This video series compliments our website’s new “Education Center”, and answers commonly asked questions about Cook County Property Taxes. If you have a question about property taxes please visit our web site at and click on Ask Dan.
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Dan Patlak: Empowering the Taxpayers”

Truth in Budgeting? Not With This Budget

From the Office of Tony Peraica, Cook County Commissioner…

Earlier today, the County Board considered the newly proposed budget for the county health bureau.

Unfortunately, in terms of promoting transparency and truth in budgeting and taxation, the health bureau budget falls short.

You can read my statement on the budget here.

County President Stroger: Lame Duck Still Rolling Out Gravy Train for Pals

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the main reasons that little Todd Stroger lost his comfy job as president of the Cook County Board — the office left him by his deceased father — is because of the graft and payoffs to his friends and family members that he constantly perpetrated. It was so bad even Democrats were ashamed of him and voted him out of office in the last primary.

But thanks to the fact that Illinois Democrats moved the primary to February President Stroger has eight months to continue giving his friends and family members cushy jobs paid for by the County taxpayers. And this week he’s done it again.

This time Stroger has given a plum job to his former campaign manager, Vincent Williams. Williams now has a $38,000-a-year job on the Cook Zoning Board of Appeals thanks to his pal President Stroger.

Let us recall that Williams was the campaign manager of a losing campaign, shall we?
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County President Stroger: Lame Duck Still Rolling Out Gravy Train for Pals”

Peraica Statement on County Sales Tax Decrease Going into Effect

From the office of Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

CHICAGO, IL — Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica (R-16) issued the following statement regarding the .5 percent reduction in the Cook County sales tax, which goes into effect today:

“This is an important step forward for Cook County taxpayers, who are struggling to make ends meet amidst rising unemployment and a growing tax burden.

“But it is only a first step.
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Peraica Statement on County Sales Tax Decrease Going into Effect”

Property Tax Education Center Now On-Line

From the Dan Patlak for Cook County Board of Review campaign…

Wheeling—Cook County Board of Review candidate Dan Patlak has announced the grand opening of his new “Education Center” located on his web site at The Education Center possesses an array of pages for taxpayers to explore that include links to county and state property tax related departments, an “Ask Dan” section where taxpayers can pose their own questions, a listing of townships currently open for appeal to the County Assessor, a description of property tax exemptions available to homeowners and a variety of other information about the property tax system in Cook County.

“This campaign is about empowering individual taxpayers,” said Patlak. “Our Education Center provides information to property owners so they will have the ability to determine whether they are paying an appropriate share of the overall tax burden. It also encourages them to think about where their tax dollars are going and how they are being spent. An informed citizen is a good citizen and as a Commissioner at the Board of Review I plan to continue educating taxpayers about how the system works and how they can be sure they are paying no more than their fair share,” concluded Dan Patlak.
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Property Tax Education Center Now On-Line”

Stroger Serves Up a Tasty Double-Dip Doles Out County Job to Crony State Representative

From Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

The Cook County Board failed to override Todd Stroger’s veto of the board’s hiring freeze.
So it appears Todd is going to continue to thumb his nose at the taxpayers by hiring cronies for sweetheart, taxpayer-funded county jobs.

The latest is Todd’s friend, State Rep. Art Turner. You see, he makes more than $87,000 per year as a state legislator.

But now, thanks to Todd, Turner will also make a $110,575 salary as the director of the county’s President’s Office of Employment and Training (POET).

Do you want to be the first to receive important county reform updates like this?
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Stroger Serves Up a Tasty Double-Dip Doles Out County Job to Crony State Representative”

Cook County Commish Caught Violating Own Ethics Rule

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oopsie. Cook County Commissioner Peter Silvestri (R, Elmwood Park) was caught violating his own ethics rule, one he wrote and ushered through the County Board himself. He says it was an accident — don’t they always say that, though?

As FoxNews Chicago reports, last Wednesday a full page ad paid for by a state disaster grant (in other words, our tax money) appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times. The ad featured a photo of Silversti and several other area pols all speaking in favor of the county’s flood relief grant program.

The ad violates Silvestri’s ethics policy because politicians are barred from appearing in ads touting public service campaigns when said pol is up for reelection. With this policy an incumbent is barred from flooding the voters just ahead of an election with ads paid for by county funds saying what wonderful things he’s done while in government.

Silverstri says he had no idea he was to be in the ad and when asked about it said he didn’t even know who authorized it all.
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Cook County Commish Caught Violating Own Ethics Rule”

Commissioner Tony Peraica: Time to Make Reform a Reality

From the Office of Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

Thank you to UIC Law Professor Dick Simpson, who highlights our recent reform proposals in a new commentary piece in Chicago Journal.

Professor Simpson writes:
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Commissioner Tony Peraica: Time to Make Reform a Reality”

Cook County Commissioner Timothy Schneider, Update

From the office of Cook County Commissioner Tim Schneider (15th District)…

Schneider Votes No On Red Light Cameras:

This Tuesday, the Cook County Board voted to authorize the use of red light cameras at 30 different intersections in Cook County (9 of which will be located in Schaumburg and Elk Grove). Sadly, this is just another way for Cook County to fleece it’s taxpayers, and is exactly why I voted no. Red light cameras are all about revenue for the county and less about public safety for it’s citizens.
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Cook County Commissioner Timothy Schneider, Update”

Hispanic Pandering Cook County Commish Attacks Commish Peraica, Son of Immigrants

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is how hatemongers like Cook County Eddie Reyes play their little games, isn’t it? In Tuesday’s Cook County Board meeting a resolution to boycott Arizona-based companies to exclude them from being patronized by Cook County government was discussed and the pandering Reyes as much as called Commissioner Tony Peraica, himself a son of immigrants, a racist because he voted against the boycott of Arizona companies.

During the debate, Reyes told Peraica, “and Tony, honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself for being a son of immigrants and going thru the process and not having the heart to support this issue.”

Like many of his pandering ilk, Reyes imagines that the Arizona law is merely some race card issue he can throw out. Peraica did not take kindly to being called a racist, however.
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Hispanic Pandering Cook County Commish Attacks Commish Peraica, Son of Immigrants”

DesPlaines Tax Seminar: June 1st 2010

Richard G Hamen 57th State District Representative candidate, along with 9th Congressional District candidate Joel Pollack and Cook County Board of Review candidate Dan Patlak , will discuss each of the taxes imposed on you by the state and county. Here in the 57th District, we are taxed at an all time high by property tax, sales tax, income tax, and many other taxes. Our taxes are some of the highest in the country and we have some of the highest debt and unemployment in the country. Is there a connection? We will give fresh idea’s of how taxes can be lowered, how revenue can be raised, and people put back to work in these tough times for everyone.
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DesPlaines Tax Seminar: June 1st 2010″

Peraica Introduces New Ethics Ordinance Amendments

Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica (R-16) will introduce new ethics ordinance amendments to help curb the unethical and corrupt practices of county elected officials and employees. The measures will be introduced at today’s Cook County Board meeting.

“Cook County has long had problems with illegal hiring and patronage and we must set a new standard of behavior for all, starting with elected officials and all the way down to the front line workers,” said Peraica.
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Peraica Introduces New Ethics Ordinance Amendments”

Surviving Trauma Might Depend on Where You Live in Chicago Area

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News did an interesting report a few days ago that showed that most Chicago-Area Emergency Rooms are not properly equipped for trauma cases. It seems that it might depend on what part of the city you live in if you will survive a car crash, falling off a building, a gun shot or other such life-threatening trauma. Naturally, if you live on the north side you have a better chance of finding a good emergency trauma center than if you live on the south side.

Fox reports that one of the few southward trauma centers is Advocate Christ Medical Center of Oak Lawn.

The main problem is, of course, money. An unfortunately large number of trauma patients are not covered by insurance and when these patients come through a hospital and are treated for their expensive injuries, the hospitals eat much of the costs of care. The state does pay hospitals a small portion of the costs of indigent care, but by no means do hospitals get their costs satisfied in total.
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Surviving Trauma Might Depend on Where You Live in Chicago Area”

PC-a-paloosa: Cook County Board Pushes Anti-Arizona and Pro-Affirmative Action Measures

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here we have Cook County Board President Todd Stroger spending as much cash on his family, offices and friends as he can before he gets canned from his high position in government, here we have the County budget coming in at $3 billion, the Board constantly squabbling over massive tax hikes — hikes they thankfully didn’t implement this budget cycle — and so many things going on that are supremely important yet the County Board is wasting time trying to pass anti-Arizona rules and setting up new offices to implement affirmative action measures.

In talks about new red-light cameras that are little else but cash machines that sap money from the citizens straight to government pockets while providing little by way of safety, it occurred to a pair of pro-law breakers on the County Board that they should exclude the Arizona-based company that was in the running for the county’s red-light camera business.
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PC-a-paloosa: Cook County Board Pushes Anti-Arizona and Pro-Affirmative Action Measures”

The Campaign to Stop Stroger’s Lame Duck Spending Spree

-By Warner Todd Huston

Todd Stroger lost his bid for re-election to his position as President of the Cook County Board. Since he lost that primary, Stroger has stepped up his efforts to spread County cash to all his buddies in a last ditch, lame duck campaign to reward his friends and family before he’s out of office for good.

Led by Commissioner Tony Peraica the County Board has been racing to put an end to this wild, lame duck spending spree. They have voted to put a limit on the spending that Stroger can indulge.

Sadly, this is what we have come to expect from Chicago politicians. Whether on the way out or on the way in, they all too often use their offices as a cash machine for friends and family.

Fortunately some, like Peraica, valiantly fight in the public’s interests. but it is up to we voters to pay attention to what our elected officials do and it is incumbent upon us to do something about it.
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The Campaign to Stop Stroger’s Lame Duck Spending Spree”