From the Office of Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…
Thank you to UIC Law Professor Dick Simpson, who highlights our recent reform proposals in a new commentary piece in Chicago Journal.
Professor Simpson writes:
In May, Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica introduced a series of amendments to help curb unethical and corrupt practices. The amendments would prohibit Cook County government employees from serving as a lobbyist for any entity other than Cook County.
The best known conflict here is Cook County Board of Appeals member Joe Berrios, who has lobbied for the video gaming industry in Springfield while hearing — and granting — tax appeals for the clients of House Speaker Mike Madigan.
Peraica’s legislation would also prohibit former Cook County elected officials or firms in which they have a financial interest from receiving business from the county for a period of two years after they leave county employment, and tighten limits on campaign contributions.
Getting these reform amendments passed will be an uphill battle due to the large number of elected and appointed officials who are lobbying Cook County government … including some of my fellow commissioners.
But uphill reform battles are nothing new to us. And these measures are vital to fighting corruption in Cook County.
I urge you to click here to find and contact your county commissioner to urge him or her to support this resolution.
The fight for reform is not a Republican or a Democrat issue.
The time has come for us all to join together and make reform a reality.
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