Commissioner Peraica: Bringing Important Issues to Your Attention

From Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica…

While the County Board is out enjoying the last few weeks of summer — issues facing taxpayers and our citizens continue to mount.

That’s why I want to make sure you are aware of the following important issues facing the county board in the coming weeks.

  • On August 26 the county board will come together to discuss and deal with the flood issues facing Cook County.
  • The Cook County board will meet again on September 1 to kick off the 2011 budget process.
  • On September 15, a special meeting of the Finance Committee will convene to deal with the County Ethics Ordinance that we have put forth. The ordinance would prohibit lobbying by all elected officials of any legislative body.

I also invite you to watch my brief video update:

Tony Peraica
Cook County Commissioner

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