Grease is the Word for ‘Emergency’ Increase in Government Powers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrat State Representative Kathy Webb of Arkansas is so alarmed that she says she needs “emergency powers” to make sure her stupid, thoughtless citizens do the right thing. Nanny Webb, you see, is upset at sink grease and wants those nitwit citizens to make sure they don’t wash it down their sink drains and she wants to use the iron boot heel of government to make sure they obey her will.

James Taylor, the writer not the singer, of Forbes magazine tells us of Nanny Webb who wants “to declare an emergency” over the offending goop, noting that “Frying hamburgers is now The People’s Business of the Highest Order” in the razorback’s state. Webb has introduced a bill to make sure her serfs toe her line.

Webb’s bill claims food grease presents an emergency risk of sewer overflows that threatens the environment. “It is in the public interest to establish a Fat, Oil, and Grease Advisory Committee to study the recommended measures to better ensure that the collection, transportation, disposal, and recycling of fat, oil, and grease are done in a manner that is protective of the environment,” reads the bill.

Oh, but this isn’t just a bill meant to punish the stupid, stupid people. It’s also a jobs bill. Why, 14 of Webb’s closest pals will get a nice cushy state job on the 14 member panel she intends to create with her new law, not to mention the “adequate staff and facilities” she wants to afford them… at the expense of those stupid, grease-dumping taxpayers, of course.
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Grease is the Word for ‘Emergency’ Increase in Government Powers”

Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Indiana Democrats are playing the fleebagger game. Because they don’t have enough votes in the Indiana Statehouse, Hoosier Democrats are abandoning their rightful duties and fleeing the Capitol over Indiana’s right-to-work bill currently under consideration in Indianapolis.

Indiana Senate Bill 269 and House Bill 1001 would make it illegal to require workers in Indiana to join a union as a condition of being allowed to have a job. Allowing workers a choice seems like an inherently American idea, doesn’t it?

After all, how could anyone tell you that you must belong to a union or you’re not allowed to have your job? That sort of forced association seems so contrary to the American character. But forcing people to join unions just so that they can have a job is precisely what Indiana Democrats are fighting to protect.
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Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs”

VIDEO: The Story of Broke Response, Why Annie Leonard is Wrong… AGAIN!

Extremist “progressive” Annie Leonard recently perpetrated another video attempting to “explain” why capitalism and the United States is evil. Well, couldn’t let her lies and left-wing propaganda go by unaddressed. So, they made this excellent video…

Prof. Art Carden responds to “The Story of Broke”, a recent video by the creators of “The Story of Stuff.” In “The Story of Broke,” Annie Leonard claims that the government isn’t actually broke. Rather, the government just wastes resources on the wrong things like subsidies to the dinosaur economy and war. She claims that the government should change its ways, and instead, subsidize firms that will bring us the future we really want.

Art Carden agrees with Leonard that war and subsidies are wasteful, but is skeptical of notion that there is one unified vision for the future. To Carden, everyone has a different vision for the future. Our path to the future, he argues, is determined by the interactions of billions of unique individuals pursuing their own objectives.

Additionally, Carden questions Leonard’s distinction between bad subsidies and good subsidies. Every subsidy, deemed good or bad, must be allocated through the political process. Lobbyists and special interests exert a large degree of influence on political decisions, and they use this power to direct subsidies in their own favor at everyone else’s expense.

Carden concludes that government spending won’t buy a brighter future. A brighter future will emerge when people are allowed to spend money on things they care about. Put another way, positive change will come from billions of people cooperating freely and voluntarily with one another, not from pushing trillions of dollars through a broken political process.

RATE Coalition: We Are on Track to Have the Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World

A group called Reform America’s Taxes Equitably (RATE) has a new video:

Reducing the corporate tax rate would be a boost for American competitiveness, investment and job creation,” the video concludes. “To get America back on track and bring jobs back where they belong, Congress must act and Reform America’s Taxes Equitably … This is our economy fair and simple.

RATE’s goals are to reform the tax code, making it fairer and simpler and improving the prospects of growth and jobs in the U.S. economy by reducing the corporate income tax rate to make it more competitive with our nation’s major trading partners.

Reality TV Tax Hikes? ABC Pushes a Kim Kardashian Tax

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here’s a new way to try and hip-up the boring, ages-old, left-wing idea of tax hikes: link it to reality TV star Kim Kardashian. That is just what ABC News tried to do on the Wednesday, January 4 edition of ABC World News Tonight when the venerable news program helped advertise an effort by a small group headed by a former Democrat operative that wants to hike California’s income taxes. It is a two-pronged approach of hitching a big government, big spending, high tax agenda to the TV reality show star in order to drag younger people into the left’s class warfare game.

ABC highlighted a California Millionaires Tax policy recommendation from a group called Courage Campaign. The group is headed by Rick Jacobs who is the former head of Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign in California, a Huffington Post writer, and leader of this admittedly “progressive” group.

ABC reported that the “liberal group” (and kudos to ABC for actually identifying them as a liberal group for a change) is upset that Kim Kardashian, who made some $12 million in 2011, only paid one percent more than the average middle class wage in the Golden State.

Here is what the extremist high-tax group says on it’s website about this:
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Reality TV Tax Hikes? ABC Pushes a Kim Kardashian Tax”

Obama: Vending Machine Operator in Chief

-By Warner Todd Huston

Wanna know the next stop for the Big Government juggernaut? School vending machines. That’s right, now that Obama has taken control of the auto manufacturers next he wants to control what sort of vending machine your schools have. Right after that he’ll likely decide that he….

You know, right there I was going to try and make some sort of outrageous statement as a joke, I was going to compare this socialist’s next move to something nutty, but I realized that there is no way to shock or outrage any more. Obama is such an outright dictatorial socialist that no one would be shocked by any joke I could make. I couldn’t come up with anything that would startle because, well, anything I’d joke about would seem utterly plausible.
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Obama: Vending Machine Operator in Chief”