Jeb Bush CANNOT Win the White House, The Base Will NOT Vote for Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

If the Republican Party is stupid enough to hand Jeb Bush the nomination for the 2016 election for president, we will be stuck with another four years of a Democrat in the White House. ANY Democrat in the White House. Jeb can’t win and he’ll lose the entire base of the party if he becomes the nominee. His nomination will also be the last straw for most conservatives.

Bush foolishly imagines that he can overcome his disagreements with the conservative base. And his assumption might seem sensible in light of recent electoral history where the base has always dutifully fallen into line just ahead of the general election even after years of complaints. But I think that Bush misreads the level of dissatisfaction that conservatives have reached.

At a recent appearance in Myrtle Beach, SC, Bush said that he thinks all the carping conservatives are doing about yet another Bush run for the White House will go away once the nomination is had and the general election is nigh.
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Jeb Bush CANNOT Win the White House, The Base Will NOT Vote for Him”

Jim Webb: The Democrat Who Could Beat Hillary From The Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hillary Clinton is likely running for president. This is probably the worst kept secret in politics. But how is she running? That is the big question. Will she run as the far left candidate, to the middle, even toward the right side of the Democrat coalition? What ever side she angles for, there is one candidate, former Virginia Senator Jim Webb, who, if he runs, would surely run to Hilary’s right and he could beat her doing it.

Webb was an unknown quantity when he first ran for the U.S. Senate in Virginia in 2006. In fact, he was so unknown in politics that no one knew which party banner he would pick up for his then rumored run for Senate.

Many thought it was a lock that he’d pick the Republican Party. After all, he was a hawkish member of the Reagan administration serving as the Gipper’s Secretary of the Navy from 1987 to 1988 and before that was Reagan’s Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs from ’84 to ’87. Further he was the author of a book that extolled the martial virtues of the Scots-Irish in the Old Confederacy. Before all that he was a Marine in Vietnam where he earned multiple combat awards.

However, Webb shocked everyone by picking the Democrat Party to represent in his 2006 run for the Senate. It seems fairly obvious he did so more because he saw that as a path to victory than as a strictly ideological choice. After all, the Democrats were resurgent at the time and the Party was advancing all across the country. Only two years later Barack Obama would ride a wave of Democrat success right into the White House.
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Jim Webb: The Democrat Who Could Beat Hillary From The Right”

Hilarious: Hillary Sings Praises of Possible 2016 Rival, Socialist Elizabeth Warren

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hillary Clinton and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, both rumored to be in the hunt for the 2016 Democrat nomination for President, appeared at the same event last week prompting Clinton to praise Warren as a “passionate champion for working people.”

As one of the nation’s most well known Democrat women, Hillary Clinton is certainly expected to throw her hat in the ring for the 2016 Democrat nomination for President. But there is another up-and-coming woman of the (far, far) left who is dallying with the same decision. Senator Elizabeth Warren has slowly begun to soften her stance against running going from a solid “no” to a “we’ll see what happens.”

In April, Warren had told ABC that she was absolutely not running for president. But by October her stance had softened considerably.

In a recent interview with People magazine, Warren said that she has learned not to “be so sure what lies ahead.” This is quite a difference from her previous straight out statement of “I’m not running for president.”
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Hilarious: Hillary Sings Praises of Possible 2016 Rival, Socialist Elizabeth Warren”

Sycophancy: MSNBC Host Grovels for Elizabeth Warren’s Autograph… ON the Air!

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, much for unbiased, just-the-facts, journalism over at MSNBC. The Last Word host Lawrence O’Donnell was so star struck when Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren came on his show that he stopped everything in order to get her autograph and did so on the air!

Like a kid meeting his favorite teen rock star, O’Donnell shoved a copy of Warren’s “first bill” across the table slobberingly saying, “if I could just get your autograph on my copy of the first Warren bill… this is very exciting.”

O’Donnell even promised to frame the Xerox copy of the bill as if the “first Warren bill” is a keepsake for the ages.

Not much sycophancy there, eh?

Let’s state the obvious, shall we? Anyone that acts like a love-struck teenaged girl over a mere politician (like MSNBC’s O’Donnell did here) does not belong reporting about them as if they are real reporters.
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Sycophancy: MSNBC Host Grovels for Elizabeth Warren’s Autograph… ON the Air!”