Congressmen Urge AG Holder to Grant Asylum to Homeschooling German Family

-By Warner Todd Huston

A coalition of 27 Congressmen have joined together to sign a letter urging the Department of Justice and Attorney General Eric Holder to rescind an order to deport a German family whose only crime was to homeschool their children.

In 2008 German citizen Uwe Romeike, his wife, and five young children fled Germany and took up residence in Tennessee because in their homeland, homeschooling children is a crime. The penalties are so stiff that the Romeikes faced having the government take away their children.

So, the Romeikes moved to Tennessee to escape this oppression and in 2010 were awarded political asylum by a federal judge in the Volunteer State.

But this wasn’t good enough for Barack Obama’s Department of Justice. Eric Holder and his DOJ fought the awarding of political asylum for the Romeikes and took the case back to court.
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Congressmen Urge AG Holder to Grant Asylum to Homeschooling German Family”

Obama Trying to Deport Homeschooling Family

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2010 a federal immigration judge awarded political asylum to a family whose German government was persecuting for having the temerity to homeschool their children. Now, three years later, the Obama administration seems poised to reverse that decision and deport the family back to Germany.

Uwe Romeike, his wife, and children were told that they could stay as legal residents in Morrisstown, Tennessee, when the family moved there in 2008 after being threatened by German authorities because they homeschooled their children instead of sending them to government schools.

In 2010, Mr. Romeike told reporters that, “I think it’s important for parents to have the freedom to choose the way their children can be taught.”

German authorities felt differently, though. The Romeikes were threatened with jail in the homeland unless they ceased homeschooling and turned their children over to the state.
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Obama Trying to Deport Homeschooling Family”

Internet Portends Major Changes to Colleges, Universities

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over at, Howard Finberg has quite an interesting piece about the changing world of education — he focusing specifically on educating future journalists.

Finberg and others have been ruminating on how e-learning will change the profession of education and of course they are ultimately right. But, I think some important factors were missed in the discussion, factors that will tend to put a dampener on these new ways to educate.

The question of change in our process of educating students has really ramped up with the ubiquity of technological innovation. Many education watchers imagine that, just as with brick-and-mortar businesses that have been affected so heavily by the Internet, so will in-person classrooms dwindle or go the way of the dodo bird as people turn to the Internet to find education while sitting in the comforts of their own home.

And who is to blame these futurists for imagining this brave new world of e-learning? After all, it would certainly be cheaper for the students to sign onto a website, listen to a lecture, or otherwise participate electronically, than have to re-locate to some new city and incur the major expenses associated with that effort. It would also be far cheaper for the school, no doubt.
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Internet Portends Major Changes to Colleges, Universities”

Tying One On: ‘Green Ribbon Schools’ Defy Sobriety

-By Daniel Clark

Our federal Department of Education has got a lot to worry about, if it chooses to do so. American students now rank only 48th in math and science, according to the latest survey by the World Economic Forum. History textbooks are riddled with factual errors. Language skills, already suffering from decades of rot under “whole language” theory, must now contend with the corrosive influences of text messaging and social media.

High school education has grown so insufficient that remedial courses are now taught at many universities. Public schools are often unsafe, as well as ineffective, prompting parents to try to help their children escape with the help of school vouchers. Home schooling has become an attractive option to more and more people, who have generally produced superior academic performances to those of the government schools.

So what’s a man like Education Secretary Arne Duncan to do? Why, initiate a “Green Ribbon Schools” project “to recognize schools that are creating healthy and sustainable learning environments and teaching environmental literacy,” of course.
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Tying One On: ‘Green Ribbon Schools’ Defy Sobriety”

Illinois Legislature Violates U.S. Constitution to Implement U.N. Treaty

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois State Senate will soon be considering State Resolution 92. This resolution would have the state recognize the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and force Illinois to observe its wholly un-American provisions. This move would, in fact, be illegal, but State Senator Kimberly Lightford (D, Westchester) thinks she has the power to obviate the Constitution anyway.

Lightford’s conceit is a perfect example of the arrogance of the left. This woman imagines that not only can she go around the president of the United States and deal with a foreign power of her own volition, but she thinks she can deal with this foreign power in violation of the law of the land. Imagine the arrogance.
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Illinois Legislature Violates U.S. Constitution to Implement U.N. Treaty”