Chicago: Terrorists Celebrated by Tax Funded Organization

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois Humanities Council is celebrating its 10th Anniversary with an auction fund-raiser. A good cause you might ask? Well, perhaps, but one of the items the council is auctioning features a special dinner with notorious domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

Why is a tax-funded organization celebrating the lives of these admitted and unrepentant domestic terrorists? That would be quite a good question.

As Illinois Review notes, we the taxpayers have been floating this IHC group with our tax dollars. “While Medicaid providers wait and wait to be reimbursed from the state,” IR says, “certain vendors don’t have much trouble getting their taxpayer funds every year. Such as the Illinois Humanities Council. Since 2007, the Council has been the beneficiary of $4,189,582, compliments of Illinois taxpayers.”

Once again we see how the left supports terrorism and propagates hate for our own system and country by celebrating murderers such as Dohrn and Ayers, two people that have never apologized or shown any remorse for their part int he death of a police officer.
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Chicago: Terrorists Celebrated by Tax Funded Organization”

After Denial, Anti-American Faculty of UIC to Fight For Bill Ayers’s Emeritus Status

-By Warner Todd Huston

The leaders of the faculty of the University of Illinois at Chicago are weighing whether they will wade into the fray and come to the aid of a terrorist.

Last week the board of UIC denied domestic terrorist and close Obama confidant William Ayers the emeritus status he sought upon his retirement. The reason he was denied is due to his own words as laid down in the dedication to his 1974 screed.

In that dedication, Ayers celebrated murderer and political assassin Sirhan Sirhan, the man who killed Bobby Kennedy as he ran for president in 1968.

Unfortunately for Ayers, though, it just so happened that the son of Bobby Kennedy sits on the same UIC board that Ayers had to appeal to for his last little undeserved academic plum. At Kennedy’s urging, the board denied the domestic terrorist’s accolade.
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After Denial, Anti-American Faculty of UIC to Fight For Bill Ayers’s Emeritus Status”

Protest Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers at Roosevelt University‏

Please join Reform Chicago Now for this important protest and spread the word by inviting at least one friend to come with you. Let’s send a strong message that terrorism will not be tolerated – even if the terrorist is a friend of Barack Obama’s.

There will be a protest THIS THURSDAY at 5:45 pm of terrorist-turned-university professor Bill Ayers. Weatherman bombing terrorist and friend of President Barack Obama is holding a fundraiser this Thursday at Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. The benefit is for the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. The admitted bomber and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn planned multiple terrorist bombings in the late 1960s, bombings that resulted in the murder of a San Francisco police officer, the blinding of another with nail shrapnel, and other murders and the injury of many others.

Ayers, a bomb designer, has boasted publicly that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. In all, the Weatherman claimed responsibility for more than 25 other bombings in its infamous reign of terror.
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Protest Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers at Roosevelt University‏”

Ayers Said Everyone Knew He was a Marxist

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the very same week that William Ayers was siting on a board with Barack Obama Ayers gave a radio interview where he said that everyone in Chicago knew he was a Marxist. Ayers also said once again, as he has many times, that he is not sorry for his monstrous terrorist actions.

THIS is the unAmerican scumbag that Barack Obama associates closely with.