Wealthy Michigan Teacher Upset She Can’t Retire at 47

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s just unfair, isn’t it? I mean, if an $80,000-per-year, union protected, unfireable, teacher can’t retire at the extremely young age of 47 while the rest of us have to work into our 70s, well, what kind of world are we living in? That’s how teachers in Michigan feel, anyway.

Just ask the haughty Terri List, a Michigan public school teacher from Saginaw Township. She’s entirely disgusted with all those ignorant taxpayers — who vote in evil Republicans — that won’t let her retire at 70% of her salary at a sprightly 47-years-of-age. She’s so upset that she’s telling anyone that will listen that being a teacher isn’t worth the effort.

On the government union site run by the Michigan Education Association, Mz List is seen carping that waiting to retire at 60 is a travesty for the teaching profession. In what rotten world do people have to wait until they are 60 to retire, anyway!?

… only the rest of us, Mz List, only the rest of us. You know the “us” I’m speaking of Mz List? Yeah, the “us” that are with our taxes forced to pay your exorbitant salary, your overly generous benefits, and your retirement in your middle age.
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Wealthy Michigan Teacher Upset She Can’t Retire at 47″

Shuttering New Jersey Abortion Mills: Another Reason Why Christie is a Hero

-By Warner Todd Huston

Aside from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie taking the fight to the state’s greedy, education-killing teachers union the Gov has also struck a blow against rampant abortion in the Garden State by taking away state funding to abortion mills. Steven Ertelt reports that at least one Planned Parenthood office is closing down and others are looking to “creative” budgeting to stay open.

In July Governor Christie vetoed a bill that would restore the $7.5 million of state funding that the legislature tried to implement after Christie removed that funding from the budget. Democrats in Trenton thought they had enough votes to override Christie’s veto, but at the last minute state Republicans backed out of signing onto the override.

Parenthood of Southern New Jersey president Lynn Brown told the newspaper, “We are in think mode and creative mode and we are doing all that we can to try and salvage to see as many people as we need to see.”

“We all know it’s strictly ideological,” Brown said of the funding cuts to the abortion business. “This is a very frustrating and perplexing time for us.”

Perplexing? What is so hard about understanding that the state is nearly bankrupt and can’t be wasting money on killing babies?
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Shuttering New Jersey Abortion Mills: Another Reason Why Christie is a Hero”

Teachers Union Seeks to Impair Charter Schools

-By Warner Todd Huston

During its late conference held during the Independence Day holiday weekend, the National Education Association took up a series of new resolutions that targeted charter schools. The union was looking for ways to reign in the success of charter schools to make their own woeful attempts at education in the public schools look better. The union was also looking for ways to cash in on charter school’s success as well as for a way to get more union oversight into them.

But, here is the thing: when they work, charter schools work because they have less union meddling involved in their operations.

In their adopted resolutions, the NEA paid lip service to the “potential” reforms and “creative teaching methods” that can more easily be adopted at charter schools. Yet the following resolutions seemed determined to undermine and eliminate the very freedom and flexibility it paid lip service to at the outset. One is struck by the logical disconnect. Why, exactly, do the unions imagine that the freedom realized at charter schools lends itself to that innovation in the first place? Conversely, why is innovation not seen in public schools?

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Teachers Union Seeks to Impair Charter Schools”

Unions are Inherently UnAmerican — Teachers Union Rips Off Members

-By Warner Todd Huston

Imagine a fast food place that makes you buy a cheeseburger when you want a chicken sandwich. Oh, they don’t mind if you buy the chicken sandwich, too, mind you, but you are forced to purchase a cheeseburger every time you walk through the doors whether you want it or not. Seems a bit like a rip off, not to mention unAmerican, to force you to buy something you don’t want, doesn’t it? Well, this is unionism. Only unions prevent you from even having a job in your chosen profession in the first place to have the cash to buy your chicken sandwich unless you follow their rules. That’s forced labor for other’s benefit.

We used to call that a form of enslavement… now it’s called union membership.

Case in point, teachers unions and teacher’s support for California’s Proposition 8 — the sanctity of marriage law now embroiling California in such turmoil.

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Pennsylvania’s Corrosive Strike Culture

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Wall Street Journal recently had an interesting article on the extremely high percentage of teacher’s strikes in the State of Pennsylvania. The Journal noted that Penn. teachers account for an astonishing 42% of all teacher walk outs in the nation.

This, apparently, despite the fact that Pennsylvania’s teachers are some of the highest paid in the nation.

The strikes take place despite the state’s ranking in the top 20% nationwide for teacher salaries in 2006-2007 — the most recent data available — with an average of $54,970. Those paychecks go even further when adjusted for the state’s cost of living compared to top-spending school districts in places like California.

The Journal notes that 37 states have passed various laws that limit or eliminate teacher walk outs but union bigwigs in Penn. have succeeded in burying all attempts to implement such laws in the Keystone state.

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An Anti-Intellectual Teacher’s Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

A school disinvited a Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist because he jabbed the California teachers union in a newspaper cartoon. What was so egregious that the school banned this prize winning cartoonist? See for yourself:

Political cartoonist, Steve Breen of the San Diego Union-Tribune was originally scheduled to appear at Sunset View Elementary School in Point Loma, California, but the week before his visit he was disinvited from the school. And the reason he was disinvited is because of the December 3 cartoon above.

The cartoon shows how the California Teachers Union, depicted as pirate ships waylaying a larger ship labeled “Sacramento (the capitol of Calif.), have been a baneful force in California.

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How Colorado Teachers can get their Union Dues Refunded

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Colorado, teachers are not required to join a union to do their job. But of those that do, there is a state law whereby they can get a refund of the part of their dues that goes to political activism if that teacher is against the union’s use of the money for political ends.

So, teachers in Colorado that oppose the causes and candidates the unions spend dues money on can get a refund of that portion of their dues. But these teachers only have until December 15th to apply for that refund.

The Independence Institute has created this two minute video to explain how Colorado’s teachers can apply for this refund.