New Book Drags Abe Lincoln’s Race Ideas Back Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

No president’s views of race relations have elicited more spirited conversation than Abe Lincoln’s and his complex views are again the subject of conjecture. A new book about Lincoln’s ideas on sending America’s negro population to another country, a policy called “colonization,” has been penned by a researcher at George Mason University showing that Lincoln pursued the policy long after other researchers said he had dropped the idea.

The argument has raged for decades over just what our 16th president thought about black people. Did he hate them or love them, did he respect them or dismiss them, did he think they were equals to whites or inferior? Did he care if they were enslaved or was he an ardent abolitionist? The argument has raged and with this book rages on still…

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New Book Drags Abe Lincoln’s Race Ideas Back Up”

Called on the Carpet: Obama’s New WH Rug Muffs History

-By Warner Todd Huston

He grew up in Indonesia, his father was a Kenyan, and he’s been fighting the perception that he isn’t much of an American since he became a nationally known entity. Unfortunately for President Obama, his redecoration of the Oval Office is not helping by making him seem just as ignorant about America as his critics claim. This latest gaffe is in the expensive rug he commissioned that has woven onto it a quote mis-attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Obama’s rug has attributed to King an oft-repeated line, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Sure King said it. But even King reminded people that he wasn’t its creator.

Jamie Stiehm has the facts regarding this quote. It was originated by the 19th century champion of social progress, Theodore Parker.

Parker was a staunch anti-slavery man who died just on the eve of the American civil war, a man involved in every reform effort of his day, quite a radical for his time. He even supported domestic terrorist John Brown and supplied money for guns to be used in the “Bloody Kansas” fights over slavery.

King admired this white man who fought to end slavery and used his phrase many times — with full attribution, of course.
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Called on the Carpet: Obama’s New WH Rug Muffs History”

A Telling Quote on Slavery Reparations

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want to know what the ultimate goal is of those that want reparations for the American slave trade, you have to look no farther than a telling quote that appeared in the Memphis Commercial Appeal on September 25.

For slavery reparation advocates, the ultimate desire is not contrition, no apology will do, no memorial statues or finger wagging in Congress is satisfactory. Nothing less than punitive sanctions against living Americans for an institution that is 150 years dead is what these people want.

The article in question details the efforts of Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen (D, Tenn.) who has been spearheading a resolution that would see Congress launching a commission that would study reparation proposals.

The quote in question comes from Detroit City Council member JoAnne Watson. She said that an apology is just the first step in the reparations process. (my bold)
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A Telling Quote on Slavery Reparations”