The Fall Campaign Starts Today with Reforms & Respect

From Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady…

The Illinois Republican Party’s slate of candidates will work to reform Illinois state government, restore the state’s sinking economy and return respect and integrity to Springfield in November.

There is hope for our state, and as bad as it’s been under the Blagojevich and Quinn Administrations, we must not lose heart.

This campaign is about what Republicans will do to erase our deficits, get our state’s economy moving and put people back to work. Voters have a real choice this fall: more of the same Democratic control or real, honest reforms that Republicans will fight for if given the opportunity.
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The Fall Campaign Starts Today with Reforms & Respect”

ILL. GOP Chair Pat Brady: A Republican Tidal Wave‏

From Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady…

On November 2nd, Illinois will elect a Republican to the United States Senate and a Republican as the next governor of Illinois. Don’t take my word for it – that’s the latest prediction from one of America’s top political prognosticators. According to Stuart Rothenberg, “This cycle is bad for the Democrats and particularly bad for Illinois Democrats.”

He’s right. A new Politico reports a “tidal wave” might be coming for Republicans. The Hill newspaper notes Mark Kirk already leads Alexi Giannoulias 45-23 in the 19th Congressional District.
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ILL. GOP Chair Pat Brady: A Republican Tidal Wave‏”

Brady for Illinois: Rasmussen Says Race is a ‘Toss Up’

From the Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

While political polls will come and go between now and November, we thought you’d be interested in some great news!

A new, independent poll released today shows Bill’s lead over Governor Pat Quinn is growing. The new poll shows Bill now leads Governor Quinn 48 to 35.
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Brady for Illinois: Rasmussen Says Race is a ‘Toss Up’”

Ill Gov Race: GOPs Brady Has Bigger Bang for Fundraising Bucks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ed McClelland over at NBC Chicago’s Ward Room blog makes a good point about reports of the two gubernatorial candidate’s fundraising. Both seem to be claiming to have $2.3 million on hand going into this leg of the campaign. But, McClelland makes the point that so far Brady’s $2.3 million is “bigger” than Quinn’s.

How is that?

Well, Brady has gotten the benefit of money from the Republican Governors Association for ads and whatnot while Quinn has not benefitted much from the Democrat Governors Association. That means that Brady doesn’t have to spend as much of his $2.3 million to reach voters as Quinn does.
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Ill Gov Race: GOPs Brady Has Bigger Bang for Fundraising Bucks”

WATCH: Governor Quinn: ‘But that’s just how it works…’

From Bill Brady for Governor and the Illinois GOP…

Pay hikes for state government executives during a fiscal crisis is outrageous, but Governor Quinn? He defends his executive pay hikes, telling viewers on Chicago Tonight, “… that’s how it works.”

If Pat Quinn is serious about controlling state spending, he should immediately enact a wage freeze on state government payroll, and reverse his pay hikes for his executive staff today.

Did Sessions Say Abortion is Not a Problem for Judicial Candidates?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael O’Brien over at The Hill reports that Senator Jeff Sessions (R, Ala.) told Fox News recently that he had no litmus test on abortion for judicial candidates and that a judge that had pro-abortion views could get his vote for confirmation.

This might alarm anyone that is vehemently anti-abortion. It should also alarm all those conservatives that pushed for Senator Sessions to be made the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

…but hold your outrage for just a minute. Let’s more closely look at what he said.

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Did Sessions Say Abortion is Not a Problem for Judicial Candidates?”

Was Palin the Worst VP Pick Ever?

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have gone through the first round of internal recriminations with the recent excoriation of Governor Palin by those “unnamed” McCain staffers. But, as we all know, Gov. Palin was the subject of heated debate even among Republicans long before the election. One common complaint was that she was the “worst” VP candidate pick “ever.” But, was she really?

A look at recent history can only serve to deflate that ridiculous claim. There have been far worse picks than Gov. Palin and only the extremely emotional state of mind that this past election ginned up could obscure the historical record. Two of those picks in particular make Palin’s choice rather inspired by comparison.

In the first case George Wallace’s pick of general Curtis LeMay for his vice presidential pick in 1968 was a disaster and in the second George McGovern’s pick of Thomas Eagleton for his in 1972 was even worse — both were far more disastrous than Palin’s. There was some speculation in the media that Palin would suffer Eagleton’s fate, but the situations of the two just don’t bear any resemblance at all.

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Conservatives, Obama’s Win is Your Fault

-By Warner Todd Huston

With that headline you may think I am employing hyperbole. If so, you would be wrong. I am absolutely and positively blaming the conservative movement for the rise to the presidency of a man that adheres to a socialist ideology. In fact, in this day and age, I might even blame conservatives for the continued existence of this man’s ideas altogether, though that might be a stretch. No, more directly, conservatives are at fault for the singular fact that many millions of Americans saw no reason not to vote for a socialist. They mistakenly imagined his ideas were still just as American as anyone’s. These voters haven’t the first clue that their vote stood four-square against true American ideas. Unfortunately, conservatives are at fault for this rampant inability of our fellows to understand what is an American ideology and what isn’t. Sadly, we have allowed several generations to pass without being educated as to why Barack Obama’s basic political creed is blatantly socialist.

Leftism got its start in America before the turn of the 20th century but in 1960 a conservative grass roots movement began to form around what later became the 1964 candidacy of Barry Goldwater. His campaign biography, Conscience of a Conservative, captured the minds of hundreds of thousands of Americans yearning for a return to American principles. After only its first few short years the book that bore Goldwater’s name had sold over 3 million copies and has by now gone through dozens of printings.

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What It Will Take to Build a Rightroots Movement

-By Warner Todd Huston & Patrick Ruffini

I highly endorse what is presented here from Patrick Ruffini in regards to the Rightroots movement on-line. We have failed to rival the nutroots in effectiveness, but I think a lot of it is inherent in our own mental makeup. Conservatives do not do “join” well. It’s just a fact.

However, we must intellectually over come that reticence to “join” if we expect our cause to win and flourish.

But, I have to say we are all, even this new Rightroots effort, forgetting the single reason why we are not as successful as the nutrooters. There is ONE reason we cannot get traction. It isn’t lack of money, it isn’t lack of drive, focus or philosophy.

One reason we are failing. There is just one.
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