Uh Oh! Mike Huckabee Opens First Radio Show With Planted, Shill Caller

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday former Arkansas Governor and former GOP candidate for President Mike Huckabee started his new nationally syndicated radio talk show. Unfortunately, his first “caller” hit quite a sour note starting the show off with a less than auspicious beginning.

The caller, a “Mike from San Francisco,” happened to be a staged, shill caller, one that Huckabee unethically foisted on his listeners as just a random caller.

Jeffrey Lord has the scoop over at The American Spectator, but essentially what seems to have happened is that “Mike from San Francisco” is in reality Mike McVay, the senior vice president of programming for the Cumulus Media Network and Huckabee’s boss.
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Uh Oh! Mike Huckabee Opens First Radio Show With Planted, Shill Caller”

KTS WEEK IN REVIEW: Can Newt Beat Romney in Florida?

On This Week’s Episode: Poor Steve Dahl is still waiting on the phone while fearless (but deathly ill!) reporter William J. Kelly and co-host Warner Todd Huston talk all things Newt Gingrich. Can he still pull off a Florida win? Or will the Romney money ad machine make mincemeat of him? Bill and Warner also talk with Sangamon County Republican Chairman Tony Libri about the legendary Sangamon County Lincoln Day Dinner and their special guest rocker and conservative extraordinaire Ted Nugent. Then Bill gets talked into taking on the American Lung Association’s Fight for Air Climb. How did he get roped into it? Just ask American Lung Association spokesperson and former Miss Illinois Katie Lorenz. Why does it always come down to a woman?


Want more Kelly Truth Squad? Our Radios shows are archived at kellytruthsquad.libsyn.com. Please, go check them out and download some today.

KTS Week in Review: Is Romney a Shoo-in for the GOP Nod?

Fearless reporter William J. Kelly and co-host Warner Todd Huston argue whether Romney is a shoo-in for the GOP nod after his historic win in South Carolina. Granitegrok.com founder Skip Murphy joins in the free-for-all and discusses James O’Keefe’s voter fraud sting operation in New Hampshire. Is there more fall-out to come? Guest John Challenger of Challenger, Gray, and Christmas discuss the jobs outlook and Bill gets a lesson in CPR from the Red Cross and tries to get a free defibrillator for the Kelly Truth Squad – because everyone could use a defibrillator at some point, right? Miguel Fuentes of the Chicago Guardian Angels is also interviewed.

Listen to the latest episode HERE.

Kelly Truth Squad is ON the Radio (And Yours Truly is the Cohost??)

-By Warner Todd Huston

I’d like to announce my first official radio gig. Last week I started as the co-host of the Kelly Truth Squad on Chicago’s local station, WCEV AM 1450.

Our first show aired on Sunday, Jan. 8 (I didn’t write about it before because I wasn’t 100% sure that was the actual start date). You can hear the podcast here: The Kelly Truth Squad Radio.

The show is a two hour extravaganza made up of two segments. The first is an hour of discussion on national and local politics. The second is a showcase program of local charities and events Chicagoans need to know about.

The show is Mr. Kelly’s, certainly, but I am really enjoying being the “color” guy, the second banana. Kelly is such an outsized personality and it is fun to listen to him on the radio.

Now, some of you may be wondering just what the heck I’m doing? Warner with Kelly? Yep. I have to admit, being with Kelly, a political gadfly in Chicago to say the least, is great fun.

So, please check back at the podcast page every week to listen to what the William J. Kelly Truth Squad is up to, won’t you? If you are within the station’s signal, please do listen on the air On Sunday’s at 5AM, at AM 1450 on your dial.

Dancing With The Haters: DWTS Slam on Tea Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even Dancing is not safe from left-wing attacks on Tea Partiers, sadly. Tonight on the venerable dance show, fashion makeover maven Carson Kressley thought it would be a hoot to make fun of over half the voters in America with an attack on how he thinks Tea Party activists smell.

On tonight’s Dancing With The Stars, funny guy Carson Kressley hit the screen wearing a gorilla mask. Taking it off he snarked, “It still smells like a Tea Party.”

So, what are we to make of this nonsense? Is Kressley saying that Tea Party activists smell like gorillas?

Are we supposed to be laughing at that, now?

So, what do Democrats smell like? Maybe Europeans? How about reds?

I wonder what dance partner Anna Trebunskaya, who was born in Russia, thinks about that? I wonder how ABC will take attacking so much of its audience?

Whatever Anna or ABC thinks of it the bigger questions is, what do you Tea Partiers think? Maybe you can ask ABC yourself?

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Dancing With The Haters: DWTS Slam on Tea Party”

Eleanor Mondale Passes, Aged 51

-By Warner Todd Huston

Eleanor Mondale, the precocious daughter of Vie President Walter Mondale, passed away at her home in Minnesota. Mondale, aged 51, had been diagnosed with brain cancer in 2005 and finally succumbed to the illness.

Mondale made a name for herself in radio and TV after her father’s failed 1984 run for the White House against Ronald Reagan. But she was also the talk of the town, if you will before she launched her entertainment career.

She was a known “party girl” and again became notorious after her fling with rocker Warren Zevon was revealed in a book by Zevon’s widow published in 2007.

Mondale had several parts in TV shows, became an entertainment reporter, and went on to become a successful radio personality in Minnesota. Her radio career touched Chicago briefly in 1986 when she did a stint on WGN-720 (AM)

She was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2005 but had thought that the cancer had gone a year later. But by 2008 the cancer that eventually took her life had returned.
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Eleanor Mondale Passes, Aged 51″

A Wonderful Example of Fascism at Chicagoland Radio and Media Message Board

-By Warner Todd Huston

The fascist way that the left deals with opinion differing from its own is just one of the many reasons why the left in America today is so hypocritical. Aside from the oppressive aire of our Universities and colleges no better example of the quashing of opposing views can be seen than on Internet message boards. And on the Chicagoland Radio and Media website we have as perfect an example as one can find.

The altercation that revealed a leftist’s fascist fascination with quashing differing opinion happened in a discussion analyzing a Chicago radio station’s relative political bent. This altercation occurred between the owner of the board me, a fellow that goes under the fake name “Larz.” (I posted under my own, full name.)

Over the years I have become wary of anyone that refuses to use his proper name on the web. Though I have done so in the past myself, I have shied away from it as time has progressed. It’s one thing to be just a commenter on a site using a fake Internet handle, but when it comes to people that wish to run major websites anonymously, that always makes me suspicious of their motives and veracity. We start off right away with a deficit of trust when people run sites under cutesy names. And after seeing the skewed “opinion” of this “Larz” fellow, trust is definitely a forlorn hope.

As I was saying we were discussing the political leaning of one of Chicago’s largest radio stations. It is, of course, a lefty station. Now, it isn’t that the station is a politics talk station, it isn’t, its programming is more for lite entertainment than politics. But the station is in downtown Chicago and politics is naturally a common topic of discussion. In fact it is almost a daily topic with one host or all.
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A Wonderful Example of Fascism at Chicagoland Radio and Media Message Board”

Chicago Radio: the Laughing Stock of the Midwest

-By Warner Todd Huston

Welcome to Chicago Con the Air!

What the heck is going on with Chicago’s AM radio stations? For some ungodly reason… and I DO mean ungodly… convicts are turning up all over the place as radio hosts. No, I mean real convicts. Not just your average car-jacker or B&E guy, I mean political convicts. It’s no wonder Chicago is the laughing stock of the country. The city is so crooked that crooked politicians even infest the radio, fer cripes sakes!

Just announced by WVON a Monday morning radio show will be hosted by convicted Cicero Mayor Betty Loren-Maltese. Maltese just got out of jail for misappropriation of city funds.

As Chicago Radio maven Larz notes, “It should be noted that the man Betty Loren-Maltese is filling in for, Cliff Kelley, is himself a disgraced former politician.”
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Chicago Radio: the Laughing Stock of the Midwest”

Me on ChicagoNow Radio on Chicago’s WGN

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just got back from the big city, downtown Chicago. I appeared in studio at WGN Radio AM 720 this morning on the ChicagoNow Radio show with host Sarah Spain.

I appeared with Blake Dvorak who operates The Voting Booth on ChicagoNow. It was a great time. Take a listen, won’t you?

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I’ll Be on Chicago’s WGN Radio on Saturday Morning, 10AM

-By Warner Todd Huston

In connection with my ChicagoNow.com Publius Forum site, I have been asked to wing it on down to the WGN radio studios this weekend.

I’ll be in studio with host Sarah Spain on Chicago Now Radio starting around 10AM central time.
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I’ll Be on Chicago’s WGN Radio on Saturday Morning, 10AM”

Seattle Radio Host Wants to Punch Out Ann Coulter, Octomom, Zach Effron, Others

-By Warner Todd Huston

Brooke Fox of Seattle’s MOVIN, 92.5 FM radio show “The Ladies Room” wants to know who would be worth risking jail just so you could punch them out. Such violence. Of course, the question is what would have happened if a conservative radio show host had made this Twitter post?

On her Twitter feed on February 17, Miss Fox asked the question “Fill in the blank ‘I would be willing to go to jail for the opportunity to punch out ____!'” The next day she answered the question by posting a few names of celebs she apparently wouldn’t mind punching out. That list included Zach Efron, Ann Coulter, Kanye West, Octomom, Kate Gosselin, and John Mayer.

I guess it’s OK when a liberal radio talker wants to commit violence on people they don’t like. But the whole of the media establishment would have raised up in righteous indignation if a conservative yacker had made such an idiotic Twitter post. Should it have been a conservative, that radio host would have been on every TV and in every newspaper in the country and would likely have been suspended or even fired. He’d have been said to be pushing a “hate crime.”

But our Miss Fox is a left-winger, so she gets a pass. For her the Old Media is silent. Just more of the double standard the Old Media employs.

CLICK HERE to see image of Twitter feed
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Seattle Radio Host Wants to Punch Out Ann Coulter, Octomom, Zach Effron, Others”