Obama ‘Outsourcing’ Fundraising… to China!

-By Warner Todd Huston

While Obama tries to get America focused on the false claim that Romney outsourced jobs as the chief of Bain Capitol, what was the President doing? Why, outsourcing his fundraising, of course. Outsourcing it to Shanghai, China to be precise.

On July 11, Obama’s big money men were holding a nice fundraiser in Red China for the President. It headed up by Technology for Obama co-chairman Robert Roche, who has committed to raising $500,000 for Obama.

Here is the fundraising webpage for the Shanghai event.

Does that seem a bit hypocritical? Attacking Romney not only for supposedly outsourcing jobs overseas, but also attacking him for having investments outside the U.S., yet here Obama is sponsoring fund raisers in China, of all places?
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Obama ‘Outsourcing’ Fundraising… to China!”

Obama’s America: Rationing Toilet Paper

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2005 Democrat Senator Dick Durbin said that our soldiers were just like Nazis and were running the Soviet Gulags. Well, obviously Durbin and his extremist, left-wing hatred for our troops is off base, but we are seeing something in Obama’s America that is reminiscent of Soviet Russia: toilet paper rationing.

Apparently, things have gotten so bad in Obama’s America that toilet paper has to be rationed at Coney Island and other places in New York City. Fortunately the rationing is only for the women’s public bathroom. Unfortunately, the men’s bathroom just doesn’t get any TP at all.

The New York Post informs us of this Sovietesque situation.
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Obama’s America: Rationing Toilet Paper”

Destroying the Dollar

-By Alan Caruba

Something I never thought I would ever see in my former hometown, a wealthy New Jersey suburb of New York City, was a Dollar Store, but one opened recently in a former supermarket. Dollar Stores are giving Wal-Mart, Target, and similar outlets a run for their money and it’s not hard to see why. The local one has just about everything you could need and all for astonishing low prices.

In countless ways people are looking to save money these days. The looming problem, however, is the question of what happens when Americans wake up to learn that even a dollar can no longer buy anything?

When Faith in U.S. Dollars and U.S. Debt is Dead the Game is over – And that Day is Closer than You May Think” is the cheery title of an article recently posted on EconomicCollapse.com.
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Destroying the Dollar”

Obama Allows Anti-American Song to be Played at State Dinner for China

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Epoch Times has a stunner of a story for January 22. Unbeknownst to most Americans, China insulted the United States right in front of Obama and the world by having its nationalist pianist, Lang Lang, play a Chinese propaganda song that called Americans “jackals” during the Chinese sponsored concert during the recent state dinner in Washington D.C. Chinese nationalists have been hailing this stick in the eye of the U.S. since it occurred at the state dinner on January 19.

There is little doubt that Obama knew this was going to happen, but that he had no problem with it fits neatly with his world apology tour, his three years of apologizing for the United States in foreign lands, his bowing and scraping (literally) before kings and tyrants the world over, and his constant need to punish this country.

The song was titled “My Homeland” and is famous for appearing in the Chinese propaganda movie Battle on Shangganling Mountain, a film about the Korean War. In the song, American troops are called “jackals” that are “greeted” by Chinese “hunting rifles.”
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Obama Allows Anti-American Song to be Played at State Dinner for China”

China Scenario Overwhelms US in Taiwan Strait

-By Kevin Roeten

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) claims the Chinese Air Force Could Overwhelm OpponentsPatriot Update in a battle in the Taiwan Strait. Even with a 6 to 1 kill ratio by American jets, a Rand simulation program in “war gaming” still reveals that the Americans would lose. This was revealed in an interview with Aviation Week (1/9/11). Even with all American missiles spent with a kill, more Chinese jets would presumably be available to wreak mass havoc.

That scenario is not likely true if all of China’s arsenal of jets are not in the near vicinity of Taiwan.

But for ballistic missiles—those able to traverse continents—their speed (10-15,000 mph) and nuclear capability–would cancel out sheer numbers of attacking ‘bogies’. The scary part is what President Obama presently knows.

He knows that American technology with missiles enables a spot on a “bullet” to be hit by another “bullet”. He knows that America has demonstrated its ability to shoot down any incoming missile with a non-aggressive missile that could destroy the interloper with the sheer speed of contact. Continue reading

China Scenario Overwhelms US in Taiwan Strait”

As The Chinese Laugh at America, the Failed Nation…

And now we sit in on a lecture by a Chinese Professor explaining why the United States of America has fallen…

Truly chilling.

Video sponsored by Citizens Against Government Waste.

Obama Pays to Treat Alcoholism in Chinese Hookers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chinese hookers have a drinking problem. Obama has the answer: U.S. Tax money. So it appears that the President of “change” seems to be The One that drunken Chinese prostitutes “have been waiting for.”

Our informative friends at CNSNews.com discovered that the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse (NIAA) has been awarded $2.6 million U.S. tax dollars to help train Chinese prostitutes to “drink responsibly on the job.” Yes, I said Chinese prostitutes… in China. One wonders if the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse missed the salient fact that they have the word National in their moniker? Or perhaps the NIAA just missed that the nation in their title is supposed to be our nation, not China’s?

I guess it’s heartwarming that the NIAA cares so deeply about China’s FSWs (that is university speak for whores — Female Sex Workers), and all, but what of American prostitutes? Are they unworthy of the attention of the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse? Don’t our oh, so intellectual university pinheads care about our own home-grown drunken whores?

Guess not.

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Obama Pays to Treat Alcoholism in Chinese Hookers”

Chinese Humvee… er, Mengshi, we Mean… Outperforms American Humvee

-By Warner Todd Huston

Don’t you just love it when other nations have such grand successes in the realm of science, technology, and engineering? Isn’t it great when, all on their own without any help from anyone, a backwards country such as China can produce a battlefield transport vehicle that is far better than our poor American version? And, they did it without any espionage, too.

And if you believe that…

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Olympics Watchers Assisting Chinese Torture

-By Warner Todd Huston

Do you like your silly little Olympic games? Well, I hope you are really, really enjoying it because your support, your watching of this garbage makes you a direct, unequivocal party to the torture, imprisonment and oppression of the Chinese people. So, you, Mr. Olympics watcher, get a gold medal in torture. Congratulations. Feel proud.

It’s so easy to just shut your eyes and pretend that you are innocent, of course. After all, you didn’t send thousands of storm troopers through the streets of Beijing to round up homeless people, prostitutes, the elderly, or unwanted races like black immigrants from Africa and have them sent to interment camps a mere 30 miles from where the games are being held, right? Why you just bought a ticket to attend, or merely turned on your TV to watch the games. You can console yourself that you had nothing to do with these torture camps being filled up with less than telegenic Chinese people that wouldn’t look good on TV. You just want to see some guy swim, some girls play volleyball or some people running.

You’re innocent, right?

Wrong. You are directly responsible for thousands of people being beaten, displaced, tied to a bench for days on end, forced to go without clothing as punishment, and told that “re-education through labor” is the ideal… just like the Nazis used to tell their victims that “work makes you free.”

Yes, be very proud of yourself.

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