Closing The Suez Canal

-By Mark Mattingly

What happens to the United States if the Suez Canal closes? What happens if the Suez Canal comes under the control of an Egyptian government that is hostile to the USA and The West?

Instead of closing the Suez Canal, maybe they will just increase the cost of a transit of the canal to an exorbitant level. Maybe the number and type of transits will be limited.

Why should anyone in the US even care? We will be forced to care even if any of the above happens. The reason that we will care is that the cost of gasoline at the pump will increase, and it will increase A LOT.
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Closing The Suez Canal”

R.I.P. Judge Roll… But Why Were You There?

-By Mark Mattingly

Judge Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona). As a result of this, Judge Roll was murdered when a lone gunman opened fire. In total, six people were murdered and 15 others, including Congresswoman Giffords, were hit and injured by gunfire as well. I am against this kind of violence and would seek to avoid it at all costs. I also extend condolences to Judge Roll’s family as well as to the other families of the dead, and I wish a rapid and full recovery to the wounded in this attack.

There has been a constant news vigil on this matter, with the dominant theme being the recovery of Congresswoman Giffords, along with placing the blame for the shooting on Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, the TEA Party, and conservatives in general, none of whom were present or involved in the shooting. As I have posted previously, there has also been a concurrent attack on both the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the US Constitution as a result of this shooting as well.
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R.I.P. Judge Roll… But Why Were You There?”

Targets in Arizona? Freedom Of Speech and Right To Bear Arms

-By Mark Mattingly

When Barack H. Obama was a candidate for President I researched his background and saw that he was a committed Marxist. At the time I wrote that if he became President that we would see unprecedented removal of personal liberty and freedom and growth of the central government along with increased control by that central government over our lives. I received a lot of scorn from people on The Right. I got email along the lines of “you make me ashamed to be a conservative”.

Now, barely two years after the election of Barack H. Obama to the Presidency of the United States, we see that both the 1st and 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution are under all-out attack from forces on The Left who are no doubt emboldened by the election of this Marxist-at-heart President and the success that he has had in imposing his will on the US. The “Stimulus”, OBamaCare, and “Quantitative Easing” are but three examples of the fundamental change that Barack H. Obama promised to deliver. While the full cost of this fundamental change is yet to be paid, rest assured that the United States is on a collision course with the yet unrealized consequences of blindly accepting the imposition of Marxist ideology from within our own government.
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Targets in Arizona? Freedom Of Speech and Right To Bear Arms”

Russians Living In The USA Recognize The Rush To Marxism

-By Mark Mattingly

There are other countries besides the USA that have gone down the Primrose Path to Marxism, and Russia is one of those countries. While there are no Russians left alive who can remember the insurrections of 1917, the February Revolution and the October Revolution and the political and doctrinal underpinnings thereof, there are indeed many Russians who can remember what it was like to live in the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) under what we in America term as “Communism” or “Marxism”.

Some Russians who fall into the category of “been there and done that” when it comes to Marxism currently are part of the Staten Island community in the New York City metro area, and they recognize that where the USA is heading is where Russia has been already, and they don’t want to go there. The Russians are apparently aligning with the Republican Party here in the US. If We The People can somehow put enough pressure on the GOP to abandon the RINO principles (which look too much like Democrats for my taste) and go to true Conservatism then the Russians’ affiliation with the GOP will be a constructive one in the long term for them and for all of us as well. Drawing on their experience and heeding their warning is a great place to start.
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Russians Living In The USA Recognize The Rush To Marxism”

Will DADT Open The Door For Gay Marriage?

-By Mark Mattingly

What’s that you say, Guy Average? Your headlines are frequently off the wall, but this one takes the cake! Well, not so fast my friend….

The Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ) prohibits sexual conduct between members of the military unless they are married to one another. Now that DADT (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell) has been repealed and homosexuals can now openly identify themselves as homosexual and still serve in the military, it is a short step to a discrimination lawsuit that complains something along the line of “we’re homosexual and we want to serve in the military and we also want to be married so when we have sex we won’t be discharged from the military”, or something like that, you get the drift. It is clear from the story by Verena Dobnik and quoted below that the long-term goal in this is to leverage it to expand homosexual legal rights beyond the scope of the military and into US society as a whole. Here are some comments from the article:
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Will DADT Open The Door For Gay Marriage?”