Apple CEO Who Hates Indiana Christians Happily Does Business With Countries That Execute Gays, Stone Women

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apple CEO Tim Cook is making a particular point this week to attack Christians in Indiana calling them “dangerous,” but it seems he has no problem at all selling his products in Muslim-led countries that kill gays for being gay and stone women when they are raped. Nor does he have a problem making his product in China, the world’s leading violator of human rights.

Clearly Tim Cook is a huge hypocrite… like all liberals are.

If you tool over Cook’s Twitter feed, you’ll see several Tweets of him whining about Indiana’s Religious Restoration of Freedom Act–a law just like those in 30 other states, states that no leftist is seeking to boycott.

Here is a screenshot of Cook’s Tweets…
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Apple CEO Who Hates Indiana Christians Happily Does Business With Countries That Execute Gays, Stone Women”

Apple CEO Joined Michelle Obama at State of the Union Speech

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apple CEO Tim Cook sat with Michelle Obama as the President delivered his State of the Union speech on February 12.

Cook is the second member of the world of Apple to join the First Lady. At last year’s speech, Mrs. Obama invited the widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs to view the SOTU speech.

Gene Sperling, a top White House economic advisor, confirmed the First Lady’s invitation as well as Mr. Cook’s acceptance.

“Apple is a great American company, and it stands for our sense of innovation, invention, entrepreneurship, and risk taking and I think that’s quite an appropriate person to be in the First Lady’s box when the president is talking about our economic future, the importance of job creation, manufacturing, innovation and how we create strong middle class jobs,” Sperling said.
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Apple CEO Joined Michelle Obama at State of the Union Speech”

Ashton Kutcher’s Apple Computer Founder BioPic Slammed as ‘Totally Wrong’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actor Ashton Kutcher is starring in jOBS, an upcoming film based on the life of Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs. But at least one person intimate with the Mac mastermind is not impressed. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is slamming Kutcher’s film as “totally wrong.”

Apple co-wiz, Woz, made his comments after seeing a clip from the movie showing the 34-year-old actor seeming to portray a period in Apple’s creation when Steve Jobs was a much younger person than actor Krutcher. Wozniak felt their “relationship” was portrayed incorrectly, as well.

“Not close…we never had such interaction and roles…I’m not even sure what it’s getting at…personalities are very wrong although mine is closer,” Woz wrote to the tech site Gizmodo.

Woz also noted that it wasn’t Jobs that was the early, far-seeing computer maker that foresaw the social changes that computers would eventually bring. In fact, Jobs came to the computer club that helped spawn what would become Apple Computers after the home computer’s creation was envisioned.
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Ashton Kutcher’s Apple Computer Founder BioPic Slammed as ‘Totally Wrong’”

Apple Quietly Drops Claims that Macs Don’t Get Viruses

-By Warner Todd Huston

As a Mac user since the early 90s, I’ve always laughed at Windows users so constantly beset by viruses that destroy their computers. My computer, I would tell them, is safe from that nonsense. That Macs don’t get viruses has been such a common assumption that even Apple said so on its website. But now Apple has quietly dropped that boastful claim after hundreds of thousands of computers were hijacked last April by a Trojan virus.

In April the Flashback Trojan hit some 600,000 Macs worldwide, said to be more than one percent of Mac users.

This Trojan masqueraded as an update to Adobe Flash, a web browser graphics application, and once activated by the user exploited a vulnerability in the web language program Java to take over the computer. Users were then slammed with unwanted advertisements from the web but were also open to having their financial and banking information stolen.
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Apple Quietly Drops Claims that Macs Don’t Get Viruses”

Will Media Apologize for Airing Anti-Apple Computer Activist’s False Claims?

-By Warner Todd Huston

When it broke, the Old Media was all over Mike Daisey’s story of the horrid working conditions at Apple Computer’s foreign manufacturing plants. The story had oppressed workers, pathos, and best of all, eeevil corporate greed. Daisey was well on the road to making Apple the liberal’s newest bete noire and was being hailed as the next Upton Sinclair. Until, that is, it became clear that he made it all up.

One of the first major media outlets to push Daisey’s anti-Apple claims was the program This American Life aired on the venerable Public Radio station WBEZ. The program featured Daisey’s claims in a January episode, but has now been faced with the “difficult news,” as representatives of the show have said, of Daisey’s fabrication.
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Will Media Apologize for Airing Anti-Apple Computer Activist’s False Claims?”