Energizing the Base

-By Dan Scott

While John McCain is considering his choices for Vice President (the lucky one to be named on his birthday) he still has not energized the base of the Republican Party. Within my memory, there has not been a GOP nominee that has so created an environment of malaise in the base as this current election season. So far, John McCain’s only saving grace in this campaign is the hatred that Obama and Clinton supporters feel for each other. Essentially, whether John McCain wins on November 4th will almost entirely depend on which group of Democrats are the most offended by the other’s favorite nominee so they either stay home on election day or vote for McCain out of spite for the other. That’s not saying much for McCain since he doesn’t really seem to be capitalizing on the energy issue the Democrats basically gifted him with a nicely wrapped present, bow tie and card saying congratulations, you’ve won!

To say the least, it seems John McCain so far has approached this election with the intent of fighting with one arm tied behind his back. He has taken the conservative base for granted thinking they won’t vote for a Democrat or consider staying home on election day so they’re stuck with me. Well John, right back at you! This perceived attitude of McCain is a serious lack of leadership on his part. Whether the perception is real or imagined, the point is John McCain hasn’t demonstrated leadership to the conservative base otherwise they would follow his lead. Eisenhower laid out some basic principles of leadership:

  1. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because they want to do it.
  2. Pull the string and it will follow wherever you wish, push it and it will go nowhere at all.
  3. Our real problem, then, is not our strength today; it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow.
  4. You don’t lead by hitting people over the head-that’s assault, not leadership.

John McCain at this point needs to show leadership to the GOP base. Since he has had months to figure this out but yet can’t seal the deal, here are some suggestions:

1. Pick a VP who will reflect the values of the base and thus assure them their concerns will be clearly articulated to him and he will take them seriously, i.e. not for granted. So far in the opinion of this writer, McCain has mouthed the words but nothing of substance has come out. Here’s a suggested short list virtually all conservatives can accept and trust to faithfully communicate their concerns:
Tom Tancredo
Duncan Hunter
Fred Thompson
Alan Keyes
Michael Steele

You will note that four of the five were competing against McCain for the nomination but were essentially deselected by the MSM for coverage thus giving McCain the edge to win the primaries. Whether you like it or not, McCain owes his presumptive victory to the MSM by the deselection process, and if the MSM can deselect conservative candidates during the primaries they can deselect him as well just as they deselected the Clintons. The fact is even the WaPo ombudsman admitted as much on their own coverage of Obama versus McCain’s presidential campaign so far. My personal choice would be Michael Steele since he has the added benefit of executive experience running a bureaucracy as a former Lt. Governor of Maryland which btw McCain as a candidate lacks and would give good balance to the ticket. Michael Steele will be to McCain as Condi Rice is to George W Bush, a major stick in the eye to the Democrat’s plantation mentality regarding Blacks as a group.

2. Clearly articulate the high priority issues which you have poorly communicated so far: the important issues like Illegal Immigration, GWOT, Taxation, Social Security, Social Spending, and Energy Independence.

3. McCain’s vision of the Contract with America, what is he trying to accomplish or place us firmly on the path to in the four years he desires to be President of these United States?

If John McCain will lead, the conservative base will follow and do so enthusiastically. Their lack of enthusiasm so far is solely John McCain’s fault, so now is the time to take responsibility and solve the problem like any good leader does.
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.

Dan can be seen on the web at http://www.geocities.com/fightbigotry2002/ as well as http://www.geocities.com/dscott8186/saidwebpage.htm, And can be reached for comments at dscott8186@yahoo.com.

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