Sock Puppet for President

-By Dan Scott

Many of us feel disenfranchised by the clever manner in which the political process was manipulated for the 2008 presidential season. This was due to the front loading of states with liberal demographics and the MSM deselecting conservative candidates they didn’t like by not giving press coverage of the same quantity and quality as they did with very liberal candidates. A choice is not a choice when someone else makes the choices. Politicians and the liberal MSM engaged in deselecting viable candidates denying the public a real choice in whom they want to be President. This de-selection brings us full circle back to the days of the closed door brokering sessions of the power elites. The point of self governance is for the people to decide, not a small clique whose interests and agendas are better served by steering our choices. The first words of the Constitution says, “We the People”, not “We the elites know better, now shut up and do as we say.”

As dissatisfied as we are with the current selection, many of the more disgruntled among us who want to boycott the election are overlooking something very important. On occasion, politicians bend to the will of the People when they become very engaged on a specific issue. Politicians deign to the public in these matters since throwing a bone to them now and then keeps them thinking the politicians have finally got it and won’t pull another stunt. The problem is, the politicians do get it, that’s why they throw the bone, they are testing to see how engaged the public is on the issue. It seems that we have to be constantly on guard against politicians with agendas. You see, in order for politicians to advance their agendas they require our silence, our condoning of their actions. This is representation turned upside down in a Republic, the politician is supposed to represent the thinking of those who elected them. Gone are the days when we can complacently go about our business while expecting our public servants to do our bidding. Unfortunately, as long as they incrementally make changes (laws), the public doesn’t notice or doesn’t see the agenda for what it is until it’s too late. It’s only after the law is made, some people notice but not enough or all at once to make a difference. Arbitrarily not enforcing laws to advance an agenda also works the same way, illegal immigration is the example of this. This is how self governance is corrupted giving way to special interest groups backing politicians with their own agendas.

On the GOP side, John McCain is nothing more than a sock puppet when it comes to the issues. As a politician, he will do what is required when the public gets engaged. Public engagement on the immigration debate de-railed the entire amnesty agenda despite virtually every top politician willing to sign on the dotted line claiming it was a done deal. John McCain said he got it when the public resoundingly said, “We told you no amnesty and we meant it!” Anyone who believes that is just plain naïve, what McCain really said when you read between the lines is, whoops, I took too big a step and the public got engaged in the issue, I need to take smaller steps so they won’t notice until it’s too late. In the meantime, the public thinks it got its way and thus they are placated. What McCain and other liberals practice is the art of false compromise. Whenever an agenda is brought before Congress, it is presented as though we “have to” do something. No we don’t! Accepting a compromise with someone’s agenda is accepting half of their agenda, in other words they still get something while the rest of us lose something. It’s then only a matter of time when they come back for the rest of the agenda.

Which brings me to the strategy that scares the living daylights out of politicians, public engagement, true Democracy. If the representative system of governance (Republic) isn’t working, then try the activist route. If you will remember, California law allows various voter ballot initiatives for issues that are too hot to handle for politicians. The unintended consequence of the ballot initiative was to give voters the means to tie the hands of politicians on various issues they became engaged in like Proposition 13, the infamous tax rate hike limitation law. This shows the power of the electorate when they get engaged on an issue. While there is no Federal equivalent to the ballot initiative, there is public pressure. We should note time and again the public has foiled socialist programs, like HillaryCare and Amnesty for illegals by calling and sending emails en mass to register public engagement on the issue. What this means is, We the People, need no longer complacently sit back and let the politicians handle business as usual since clearly they aren’t representing our interests but their agenda. Every major issue can be handled with the same energy as with immigration but it does require our continual vigilance with the help of groups who will sound the alarm when some agenda through false compromise is being pushed to our determent. It shouldn’t work this way, but the ugly fact is if we don’t act, they will. Those with an agenda are committed to see it through no matter how long it takes, which requires us to be equally committed to oppose the agenda.

The bottom line is it really doesn’t matter anymore which liberal is elected in 2008, it may as well be Barney or Big Bird. In a perverse way, we have the liberals to thank for showing us that we actually have the power to influence votes in Congress. The attempts at shoving their agenda down the public’s throat has backfired. We the People are no longer assuming the politicians we elect are going to represent our interests anymore. In fact, given the recent Court decision on whether a politician can be held accountable for lying to the voters making false promises during an election, the Court said politicians are expected to lie therefore they can’t be held accountable for anything they say. The duplicity of the Courts regarding the lack of integrity and ethics of politicians is astounding to some, but after the Court’s ruling that the police are not responsible for protecting the public, nothing should surprise us anymore. What we now have is adversarial governance where it’s the politician against the public.

So the choice here for all you who are disenchanted at the manipulation of the choices for the 2008 Presidential race is either to get mad and not participate or get even and participate. Which candidate is the most likely to bend to public pressure on any given issue? That is really the choice you are making this November. Is McCain, Romney, Clinton or Obama the kind of sock puppet you think them to be? Which candidates do you feel are so inflexible and impervious to pressure as they can’t be trusted no matter what? It was one thing to have a resolute determined leader like George W. Bush who for the most part represented our interests, except for the illegal immigration thing, it’s quite another with a liberal.

As far as I am concerned:

Lord Sidious / Darth Vader in O8 Long live the Empire! Come to the Dark Side, it is your Destiny!
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.

Dan can be seen on the web at as well as, And can be reached for comments at

2 thoughts on “Sock Puppet for President”

  1. The one salvation in this is God inspired our founding fathers to create a government which so gums up the works that even Dr. Strangecain, an Obama obsessed with Oprahizing Africa or the various soul sellers from Al Gore to Mike Bloomberg can only mandate so much before the sloven dolts in Congress refuse to play in adoring their 6 figure salaries and go home and as Terrell Owens said of Donovan McNabb at the Super Bowl, “Went home and took a nap while the game was going on”.
    God bless and your blog was very articulate and flowed well.

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