-By Dan Scott
I hear a lot of breast beating by my fellow conservatives that with the last nationally recognized truly conservative candidate bowing out of the race that now we as a movement and a nation face rueful choices and consequences. With Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson bowing out this leaves only Alan Keyes as the lone conservative among the current candidates running for the Republican nomination for President. Unfortunately and it pains me to say it, Alan doesn’t have the executive experience or the national recognition needed to take up that banner. If Tom, Duncan and Fred represented the stalwart national face of conservatism, Alan represents the soul.
So where do we go from here, what are our choices? On one hand we see the Main Stream Media (MSM) has been successful at hoodwinking the electorate yet again by deselecting candidates they don’t want through negative or no press coverage. None of the four conservative candidates ever received the quantity and quality of press coverage collectively that Obama and Clinton have received individually let alone the other more liberal Republican candidates. We clearly under estimated the residual strength of the MSM, dying as they are in the ratings themselves. They may yet be successful in influencing the 2008 general election for the Dems but in doing so will equally share in the blame when failure occurs. However, we should not discount the positive effect of the alternative media, both radio and internet, in that had it not been for them, we would never have even heard of Tom, Duncan, Fred or Alan but for scant mention of their existence. What this tells us is the glass is neither half full or half empty, it means that the glass is currently too big! We need to continue with the successful strategy of outing the MSM every time they engage in propagandizing. Our efforts thus far have reduced the trust they usurpt through presumption and consequently the ratings they enjoyed at the expense of the public trust. A few more years of consistent chopping will fell this tree that has cast a shadow over the political arena in the debate of ideas. Remember it was the alternative media starting with Radio that gave the conservative cause a voice where none before existed due to the intolerance of the liberally controlled MSM.
On the other hand, we now have an opportunity to rebuild the Republican Party to our liking. Any failure of the current liberal Republicans will clear out the insidious group think where we do all the compromising and they get what they want at the country’s expense. Let us contemplate the unthinkable and unacceptable if a Democrat (Dem), either Hillary or Obama win the Whitehouse (WH) with a Dem majority in Congress. It took 50 years for the Dems to run the country into financial problems by the time Jimmy Carter took the WH. They had the luxury of raiding the Social Security Trust fund (SS) for their vote buying social programs. After four years of Carter’s incompetence on top of a Dem controlled Congress, the financial state of the economy was in shambles (you remember the misery index? Inflation plus Unemployment), at that point the electorate had their fill of the Dems thus setting the stage for the Reagan Revolution. It’s the economy stupid!, to borrow a phase from the master of spin.
This time around, the Dems won’t have 50 years, actually, they have around nine years maximum. Why nine years? In 2017, the balance sheet on SS goes in the red for receipts covering pension payments, forcing a refund of the IOUs to cover the red ink at SS. At that point the national debt begins to be paid down since SS holds half the national debt. If you thought the persistent budget deficit was worrying even with the extra trillion dollars the Bush tax cut brought in, the run up to 2017 will mean ever higher deficits and tighter budgets as SS receipts dwindle at a progressively steep rate. For the last two years, the 2006/7 and 2007/8 federal budgets have been merely a copy of the 2005/6 budget spending levels and yet the deficit continues to grow! The Dems will be faced with a budgetary crisis of epic proportions. They must choose to protect the sacrosanct SS in it’s entirety thus sacrificing all their other vote buying scams (social programs) or cut SS benefits and raise taxes inciting an electoral revolt in the following elections. This is why the Dems are desperate to kill the Bush tax cuts and not index the AMT, both of which can be achieved by doing literally nothing by keeping silent, they know what is coming. Bush tried to head off the disaster with SS but the Dems couldn’t let Bush take the credit for fixing the problem.
On top of the financial fiasco will be the terrorism debacle. The Dems have long admitted by their stances that they are for open borders and the UN running our foreign policy. The reason why the Dems want the UN to run our foreign policy instead of being assertive in the Global War on Terror (GWOT), because they are eyeing the military defense budget just like Carter and Clinton did to delay the inevitable just so another sap can take the blame and the responsibility to clean up the budget mess.
The results of letting the UN (an inept group of self serving national interests) run the show will create a revitalized al Qaeda and a belligerent Iran free to spread their religion of hate under the guise of Islam. What England has experienced will be here in full bloom.
Taking the principled stand warning the electorate about the important issues like Immigration, GWOT, Taxation, SS, Social Spending, Energy Independence, etc. while these may not win 2008 given the liberal Republicans who are left in the race, conservatism will in the long run sweep the country thereafter. Just as the electorate became fed up with the incompetence of the Dems during the years of Jimmy Carter, so will they also have a belly full by the time Obama or Clinton are done as well. Watch the 2010 House and Senate races for the turning of the tide. In the meantime, it would behoove candidates like Duncan Hunter and Alan Keyes to get executive experience in running a bureaucracy like the governorship of California or Massachusetts, states that are ripe for financial disaster due to liberal entitlements and liberal governors who failed to restrain their prolific social spending under the guise of health care reform. Time is on our side, this is a war and there are many battles in a war, sometimes loosing a battle is a necessary and harsh wake up call to rally the nation to win the war.
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.
Dan can be seen on the web at http://www.geocities.com/fightbigotry2002/ as well as http://www.geocities.com/dscott8186/saidwebpage.htm, And can be reached for comments at dscott8186@yahoo.com.
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