With the Economy Down, Obama Looks to Help Big Labor Make it Worse

-By Warner Todd Huston

With this week’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing of American Airlines, we again see the results of unions having a hand in destroying American businesses. We also saw GM laid low by union demands costing Americans billions in bailouts. But despite these lessons of the recalcitrance of Big Labor forcing even worse calamities on our jobs climate in this dismal economy, Obama is about to make matters worse by using his powers to regulate to further harm both our business sector and our economy.

Obama likes to stand before the American people and claim that he wants to “help” the business sector. He claims that his crony capitalism is meant to “save” those businesses that are “too big to fail.” But while he stands before the microphones and pretends at being interested in capitalism, he wields his powers to regulate like a club with which to beat down the business sector.

Obama’s latest move — among dozens in the last three years — is to have a regulatory board he controls to issue new rules which would make it harder on business owners to prepare themselves and inform their employees on what it might mean to unionize their workplace.
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With the Economy Down, Obama Looks to Help Big Labor Make it Worse”

Illinois CAT Dealer: Illinois’ Worst Business Climate Getting Worse

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday I attended a “government day” event at Patten Industries, a 78-year-old Illinois Caterpillar dealer situated in Elmhurst, a northwest suburb of Chicago. The event, led by current General Manager Garrett Patten, featured a discussion on the severely unfavorable business climate in Illinois and why the state is lagging so horribly behind the leading economic indicators of every surrounding state.

Patten Industries has been guided by four generations of Pattens, the company having been founded by B. C. Patten, Sr. in 1933. But Illinois has not been good to the company or its employees over the last decade or so. Unfortunately, the company has gone from employing some 700 employees in 2006 to only about 400 today due to the harsh economic climate in the Land of Lincoln.

This contraction is most certainly not something the Patten family wanted to see happen to their long-standing Illinois-based company. Patten Industries has faced a whole host of negative forces causing them to scale downward. And Patten is just one of many Illinois businesses facing the same problems — problems faced in much less severity by businesses in other nearby states.

Even as many corporations are just starting to see an upturn in their fortunes, Illinois government has set up so many hurdles to growth that other states are either taking our customers or even welcoming Illinois businesses themselves as new residents.

Garrett Patten says that at least three major problems face Illinois businesses. Workman’s comp, labor unions, and corporate taxes.
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Illinois CAT Dealer: Illinois’ Worst Business Climate Getting Worse”

Obama Blames Job Loss on Technology, Internet and Efficiency

-By Warner Todd Huston

During his Midwest Misery Tour, President Obama was back to blaming technology, the Internet, and ATMs again for America’s job loss.

At a stop in Atkinson, Illinois Obama spoke about the need for education at an agricultural company named Wyffels Hybrids, Inc. He said that America is no longer a place where you can just “work hard” and find a good job doing so. Those days are gone he told his audience.

Obama lamented that bank tellers and travel agents have been replaced by automation. This is, apparently, why we have high unemployment.

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Obama Blames Job Loss on Technology, Internet and Efficiency”

Demagogue In Chief Slams Corp. Jets After Spending Stimulus Money on Them?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In his Wednesday presser on the state of the economy President Obama several times attacked those evil rich folks flying about in corporate jets saying that the filthy rich could “afford” higher taxes. But while he spent so much time slamming corporate jets today, back in 2009 the president was pushing a stimulus bill that included tax breaks to corporate jets.

In February of 2009, the stimulus package that Obama pushed heavily as the only way to “save” the country included a provision that, as the Associated Press then reported, “sharply reduces the up front tax bill for companies who buy assets like business planes.”

So, once again we have this president talking out of both sides of his mouth. Back in 2009 we needed a stimulus package that included big tax breaks to corporate jet owners, yet today those corporate jet owners are eeeevil for not paying enough taxes.
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Demagogue In Chief Slams Corp. Jets After Spending Stimulus Money on Them?”

MSNBC: Obama’s Job Loss Blamed on Natural Disasters, Bush’s Job Growth ‘False’ Because of… Natural Disasters?

-By Warner Todd Huston

From the “figures lie, but liars figure” department we find that left-leaning cable newser MSNBC reported that the main reason Obama’s job stats are tumbling and unemployment is so high is because of the harsh tornado season and other natural disasters we have been experiencing over the first half of 2011. Yet, hypocritically, if we take a peak back to the unemployment rates reported by MSNBC in 2004, during Bush’s era, his jump in hiring was called false because of — you guessed it — hurricanes and other natural disasters.

That’s right, folks, MSNBC is using natural disasters to explain away Obama’s high unemployment rates when they used the very same excuse, natural disasters, to say that Bush’s rise in employment was false.

Talk about tailoring the “news” to fit the ideological objective that MSNBC wants to push, eh?
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MSNBC: Obama’s Job Loss Blamed on Natural Disasters, Bush’s Job Growth ‘False’ Because of… Natural Disasters?”

Unemployment Worst since the Great Depression, NOT Getting Better

-By Warner Todd Huston

Don’t believe a word of the happy talk you hear from the Obama Administration when they say that the jobs situation is getting better. It isn’t.

In fact, the current job loss stats are the worst since the years right after the Great Depression and it is not getting better.

The CalculatedRiskBlog had this disheartening graph showing that the jobs situation is worse than every down turn from 1948 to date.

What the graph also shows is that, contrary to what the administration is constantly saying, jobs have flattened out and are not coming back at this time. The other dips in previous recessions show that jobs came back fairly quickly, but this time they are not coming back.


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Unemployment Worst since the Great Depression, NOT Getting Better”

Minimum Wage-Pushing Democrats Don’t Pay Congressional Interns

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hypocrisy, they name is Democrat. Michigan’s Mackinac Center for Public Policy has laid bare another example of the hypocrisy of Congressional Democrats. In this case while those representatives that are all hot and bothered to push an ever rising minimum wage law are making noise about how inequities exist in the workplace, these same congressmen are sponsoring unpaid internships in their own offices.

How can one be all for the control of wages from Washington D.C. and feel that business should not be allowed to set its own pay rates, yet at the same time offer only unpaid internships in your own offices> It is a hypocrisy that is at once galling and awe inspiring for its brazenness. Yet this is where our out-of-touch, arrogant Congress has come to.

There is nothing wrong with an unpaid or a low paid internship, to be sure. Back in 1981 I served as a $50 a week intern at Chicago Magazine as a way to get some experience in the publishing industry. The money was sort of pointless, really. It wasn’t even enough to buy lunch for the week! But it made sense to me to do this and it makes sense for those with political leanings to get their young feet wet in a congressman’s office to see how it all works and to make contacts for the future.
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Minimum Wage-Pushing Democrats Don’t Pay Congressional Interns”

Unemployment Worsens: What Happened to 3.5 Million Workers, Mr. President?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge asks an interesting question about the latest jobs data that the Obama administration has released to the public — and to a mostly unquestioning Old Media. As Durden calculates it, 3.5 million workers have mysteriously disappeared from the work force. If this is true then the unemployment rate is a lot higher than that being bandied about by the administration.

According to Durden the data show that there is actually a workforce of 157.4 million workers as opposed to the 153.9 million that the administration has claimed. So, where did 3.5 million workers go?

Durden says, “labor force participation has now dropped to the lowest rate it has been since 1984, at 64.5%. Assuming a reversion to the long-term average participation rate of 66%, means that the civilian labor force is in reality 157.4 million as opposed to the disclosed 153.9 million, a delta of 3.5 million currently unaccounted for.”

After that, Durden had a question for President Obama. “Maybe someone can ask the president during his imminent press conference what happened to the unemployed population, which would have been 18.3 if this labor force delta was incorporated, resulting in an unemployment rate of 11.6%.”

Would it be a surprise if the Obama administration has fiddled with the numbers to present a false image of just how bad it is out there?
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Unemployment Worsens: What Happened to 3.5 Million Workers, Mr. President?”

Illinois Hits Highest Unemployment Rate in 27 Years

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois has reached an unemployment rate of 12.2 percent. ChicagoBreakingNews says that this is the highest rate in 27 years.

The state’s monthly jobless rate, which soared from last years up from 8.7 percent, outpaced the national rate of 10.6 percent. The U.S. unemployment rate in January 2009 was 8.5 percent. The rates are not seasonally adjusted.

Thank you Governor Pat “union hack” Quinn and President Obama “economy killer” Obama. Good work for the both of you… if you intend the destruction of the country, that is.

(For an ongoing update of unemployment stats, see this National Conference of State Legislatures page.)