Illinois GOP Follies: Establishment vs Reform in Champagne County

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois is drowning in debt and corruption. The state ranks as the worst state in nearly every category vying only with California for the worst-of rankings. The biggest factor in its downfall is the corrupt Democrat Party. So one would think that the state GOP could make good headway against this corruption. Unfortunately, the establishment GOP is in utter disarray. Worse, the establishment GOP fights to deep six any candidate from its own ranks that might offer reform and we have yet another story illustrating this fact in the 52nd District State Senate race in Champaign County.

The primary race in the 52nd is between the early announced John Bambenek(photo left), a long-time reform advocate, and establishment GOP candidate Alan Nudo, both of Champaign.

Bambenek is a well-known reform advocate and even wrote a book titled, “Illinois Deserves Better.”

For his part, Mr. Nudo, a 63-year-old Champaign County Board member, has in the past supported local tax hikes. He also was keen on securing stimulus spending for big government-style construction projects in his district.

But that isn’t all. Mr. Nudo has also had a hand in donating the single largest non-PAC donation to the incumbent Democrat Senator in the 52nd District!
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Illinois GOP Follies: Establishment vs Reform in Champagne County”

Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd

From the office of Ill. State Senator Kirk Dillard (24th District)…

In a Friday, October 14, 2011 interview on WLS radio’s Don Wade and Roma Show, Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) outlined his concerns about the SmartGrid legislation being pushed by Commonwealth Edison.

Voicing concerns relayed to him by local citizens and elected officials, Dillard said on the radio station that the SmartGrid legislation needs improvement. “The status quo is not enough,” Dillard said. “Cities like Elmhurst, which is right in my area, have had severe power outages. We need reliability. We’ve got to do something and we need to look at our electrical grid. In some places it’s old and decaying, so the status quo is not acceptable.”

In response to a question about how Quinn thinks raising electric rates are bad for businesses but thinks a 66% increase in income tax is okay, Dillard said, “I don’t believe in guaranteed rate increases [for utilities] by the Commerce Commission.”

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Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd”

Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard

From the office of Rep. Tom Cross, Ill GOP House Leader…

After tallying the ballots, the Downers Grove Township Republican Organization (DGTRO) voted to endorse Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in his bid for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Held at Ashyana Banquets on 75th Street in Downers Grove, the vote took place after extensive presentations by Dillard and his opponent. Citing his opponent’s lack of experience and inability to work within the Republican caucus and with Democrats across the aisle, Dillard called for Republicans to unite to bring Illinois back to fiscal responsibility. There were almost 100 Precinct Committeemen from throughout the township voting, and over 30 elected officials from around DuPage County attending. To endorse, the DGTRO required an extraordinary75% of committeemen to agree.
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Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard”

Ill. House GOP Update

From the office of Rep. Tom Cross, Ill GOP House Leader…

After we filed bills to address some of the gross abuses being reported by the media in regard to the Chicago Pension funds, there have been many media outlets following the story. In the last few days I’ve talked to many reporters including Roe and Roeper on WLS radio, Mike McConnell on WGN radio and Brian Byers and Co. on WSOY in Decatur. The Chicago Tribune and Chicago News Cooperative have been following the story closely as well.

If you have a few minutes, check out the media clips below. We will be working hard to pass this legislation as soon as possible.

Chicago News Cooperative: Pension Fund Bill Causes Uproar

Click here to listen to my conversation with Mike McConnell on WGN, Thursday.

‘Insane’ even by Illinois standards? Union official to get $500,000 in pensions,

Cross Files Bill to Protect Taxpayers from Double Dipping

From the office of Rep. Tom Cross, Ill GOP House Leader…

“Can you name any place in the world where someone can get two pensions for the same job?” said state Rep. Tom Cross, a Republican from Oswego who has been pushing for statewide pension reform. “Even by our standards here in Illinois, it’s beyond belief. It’s insane.”

This was part of a story uncovered by the Chicago Tribune and WGN-TV in the last 24 hours taking a look at union leaders exploitation of a loophole created by a questionable interpretation of state statute in the Chicago pension funds.

As the media continues to uncover gross abuses in the Chicago’s pension funds, Cross filed legislation today to ensure that Chicago union officials cannot collect multiple pensions, one through the City of Chicago and one through other labor organizations for pension credit earned for the same period of service.
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Cross Files Bill to Protect Taxpayers from Double Dipping”

Illinois GOP to hold first-ever online/in-person Presidential Straw Poll on Nov. 5

From the Illinois GOP…

The Illinois Republican Party will host a unique opportunity for Republican voters to participate in the first-ever in-person/online presidential straw poll held by a state Republican Party.

Complete with early voting online and in person locations, the Illinois Republican Straw Poll allows any Illinois resident a chance to participate.

“Other states have had straw polls at one location and websites have had online polls but no one has ever done what we’re doing,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady. “Republican voters in Illinois from Chicago to Cairo and anywhere in between can participate without traveling very far and they can even do so without leaving their house. We’ll even have early voting just like a regular election to maximize convenience.”
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Illinois GOP to hold first-ever online/in-person Presidential Straw Poll on Nov. 5″

David McSweeney Announces Candidacy for State Representative in the 52nd District

From the campaign of McSweeny for State Rep…

Barrington Township: Barrington Township resident David McSweeney is officially announcing his candidacy for State Representative in the 52nd District. McSweeney is a longtime resident of the area and the 52nd District. He is a 1983 graduate of Barrington High School and earned an undergraduate degree at Duke University and an M.B.A. at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

“After careful consideration, I have decided to run for Representative in the 52nd District. Unless tough choices are made, Illinois will soon face a serious financial crisis. The future of our state depends on citizen legislators who are committed to the hard decisions that bureaucrats and politicians have failed to make. With my business background and experience, I am ready to fight for fiscal responsibility and economic empowerment to get Illinois back on track,” said McSweeney.
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David McSweeney Announces Candidacy for State Representative in the 52nd District”

Hey Illinois Republicans, Run for GOP Precinct Committeeman

-By Doug Ibendahl

In 2010 there were a total of 6,705 precincts in Illinois. (That’s across the state’s 101 counties other than Cook County. Cook has a unique legal structure and neither political party elects Precinct Committeemen there as explained below.)

Of those 6,705 precincts: 3,440 had no one running for Republican Precinct Committeeman in 2010. That’s a 51% statewide vacancy rate.

It also represents a major lost opportunity for thousands of Republicans and our entire Party. It’s unacceptable, and it’s a big reason why good Republican candidates are losing winnable races to the Democrats in Illinois.

The Illinois GOP is not coming close to matching the ground troops the Democrats field every election.

The goal of the Republican Precinct Project is to reduce the vacancy rate from 51% to below 20% next year. In 2014 our goal is to have it down to below 5%.

Every Precinct Committeeman spot is up for election in the March Primary. It’s an all-volunteer position with a two-year term. And since this is a party office as opposed to a public office, the March Primary is the election. The Democrats elect their own Precinct Committeemen in March…

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Ill. GOP House Leader Tom Cross: Reforming Chicago and Cook Co. Pension Boards‏

From Illinois GOP House Leader Tom Cross…

In a speech at the City Club of Chicago this afternoon, Illinois House Republican Leader Tom Cross announced that he filed a bill that will help give more accountability to taxpayers by reconstituting the City of Chicago and Cook County pension boards. The bill, which will be sponsored by Senator Matt Murphy (R-Palatine) in the Senate, will also require pension boards statewide to refer any suspected fraud to the local authorities.

“Recent media reports have unveiled abuses in the Chicago Pension systems that were not reported to the proper authorities for punishment or investigation. We believe these matters should have and still should be reported to law enforcement. We mandate that in our bill,” said Cross. “We also believe the pension boards in the City of Chicago and Cook County need a fresh start—that’s why we are seeking reconstitution.”
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Ill. GOP House Leader Tom Cross: Reforming Chicago and Cook Co. Pension Boards‏”

State Rep Tom Morrison: The Results Are In!‏

From the office of Rep. Tom Morrison (R, Palatine, 54th District)…

A few weeks ago, I asked for your input on several questions regarding our community and our state and I wanted to share the results. As your representative in Springfield, I rely heavily on the input from my constituents. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to share your viewpoint/opinions with me. I am thrilled by receiving over 400 completed surveys from residents within our district, thank you.

Here are the results!

1. What issue/s in state government is/are most important to you?

Topping the list were government spending/borrowing, taxes, public mistrust in government and corrupt elected officials. Also, many social issues were addressed as well as firearm regulations.

2. Do you support legislation that will repeal the 66% income tax rate increase signed by Governor Quinn in January 2011?
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State Rep Tom Morrison: The Results Are In!‏”

Dirty Tricks in the 52nd District State Senate Race?

-By Warner Todd Huston

One question has arisen in the race for the Illinois State Senate in the 52nd District: why is GOP Sen. Leader Christine Radogno getting involved in a local primary to the reported tune of some very tall cash? And why is she supporting a guy that supports civil unions and tax hikes?

The GOP primary race is between activist Champaign small business owner John Bambenek and 63-year-old Champaign County Board Member Al Nudo. And in this race there are some clear differences between the two candidates.

For instance, Bambenek is much more in line than Nudo with the ideals of the last crop of GOP Congressmen that were elected from Illinois in 2010. Bambenek’s ideas would find echos in Randy Hultgren or Bobbie Shilling. Nudo, on the hand is much more a social and fiscal “moderate.”

Certainly Al Nudo, running claiming the need for “bipartisanship” in Springfield, is thought of as the “moderate” candidate in the race. “I work with both sides. There’s issues you can take from both sides,” he recently told the Daily Illini.
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Dirty Tricks in the 52nd District State Senate Race?”

Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard

From the campaign to re-elect Kirk Dillard, Illinois State Senate…

At a recent Republican meeting, Illinois State Representative and Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Citing several pieces of landmark legislation sponsored by Sen. Dillard, including most recently a Internet Portal Act to disclose, on-line and in real-time (, every salary, contract, tax break and tax deadbeat, Durkin said, “Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of families in Illinois and we must return Kirk Dillard to Springfield so we can draw on his valuable experience in creating jobs to get Illinois working again, protecting our families, controlling our out-of-control state budget and providing accountability in state government.”

Durkin then added, “Kirk knows Western Springs and our area well. He was instrumental in garnering the funds to replace the dilapidated Oak Street Bridge so that area residents have access to Hinsdale Hospital in case of emergency.”
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Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard”

Cross Files Bill to End Pension Perks‏

From Illinois GOP House Leader Tom Cross…

In response to a series of news reports in the Chicago Tribune on WGN-TV this week, uncovering huge pension hikes under the guise of public service, we filed a bill (HB3813) to close the little known loophole that nets some Chicago city workers tens of millions in pension bumps at the end of their careers.

Click here to watch WGN-TV’s coverage of our bill filling.

Click here to read the Chicago Tribune’s story.

“This is a huge slap in the face to taxpayers that government in cooperation with its employees comes up with a scheme, that is currently allowable under state law, to boost pensions sky-high,” said Cross. “This practice needs to stop—immediately—and we will file a bill today, so that this provision in state law cannot be abused.”
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Cross Files Bill to End Pension Perks‏”

Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard

From the reelection campaign of Senator Kirk Dillard…

At the York Township Republican Committeemen meeting, Illinois State Senator and long-time Elmhurst Police Chief John Millner (R-Carol Stream) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District. Millner is also a Past President of the Illinois Police Chiefs Association.

Calling Dillard one of Illinois finest legislators, and a friend of all of the communities in DuPage County, Millner cited Dillard’s accomplishments, especially in the areas of accountability/transparency, fiscal policies and law enforcement.

“Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of DuPage County in Springfield and we must have his valuable experience in stopping the tax, spend and borrowing agenda,” Millner said.
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Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard”

A Blueprint for Illinois Job Creation

From the Illinois House Republican Caucus…

We traveled around Illinois this week introducing our new jobs plan to several communities in an effort to become more competitive with other states in order to retain and grow jobs.

Media Round-up:

We’ve all seen the news. Mounting debt, sluggish consumer confidence, zero jobs created in August – the first time since World War II that the U.S. economy had a net zero jobs created for a month – and the Illinois unemployment rate at a staggering 9.9%, nearly a full point higher than the national average.
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A Blueprint for Illinois Job Creation”

Run for Republican Precinct Committeeman

-By Doug Ibendahl

In 2010 there were a total of 6,705 precincts in Illinois. (That’s across the state’s 101 counties other than Cook County. Cook has a unique legal structure and neither political party elects Precinct Committeemen there as explained below.)

Of those 6,705 precincts: 3,440 had no one running for Republican Precinct Committeeman in 2010. That’s a 51% statewide vacancy rate.

It also represents a major lost opportunity for thousands of Republicans and our entire Party. It’s unacceptable, and it’s a big reason why good Republican candidates are losing winnable races to the Democrats in Illinois.
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Run for Republican Precinct Committeeman”

State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend

From the Office of Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard…

State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) called upon his local volunteers and precinct committeemen to suspend political petition passing and other political activities this weekend in observance of the September 11th terrorists attacks 10th year anniversary. This is the first week candidates can pass petitions to be on the March 2012 election ballot under the newly drawn legislative maps following the census. Dillard will be attending multiple official ceremonies and church services over the weekend.

“This weekend is the time to transcend politics and partisan activities,” said Dillard in a letter to his local volunteers and committeemen. “Let us count our blessings and remember what is truly important.”
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State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend”

Ron Sandack Announces Candidacy 81st House District

From the Sandack for State Rep…

Downers Grove, IL – State Senator Ron Sandack announced today that he will run for State Representative in the 81st House District. Sandack was appointed to the State Senate in November of 2010 to replace State Senator Cronin, now DuPage County Board Chairman, in the 21st District.

“It is time to restore Illinois to its rightful place as the best State in the Midwest and the economic engine of America. I am introducing my prescription to restore our State to its inherent greatness. I call it “Five to Revive Illinois.” These initiatives are based on principles I championed as Mayor of Downers Grove,” said Sandack.

“We must return to a job-friendly environment where businesses can flourish and families can thrive; leaner government focused on the basics; ethics reforms to clean up Illinois’ tainted culture; fiscally prudent management to finally stop Illinois’ continued descent to the basement in every economic category and open government to provide access to the public and accountability for officials,” said Sandack.
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Ron Sandack Announces Candidacy 81st House District”

Illinois GOP State Central Committee Meeting: Sound and Fury Signifying No Changes

-By Warner Todd Huston

In one of the most well attended yet contentious State Central Committee meetings for some time, the movers and shakers of the Illinois GOP met on Tuesday evening to attempt to decide if the system for certifying delegates for GOP presidential candidates should be changed. The short answer is that there was a lot of sound and fury from party members lower on the food chain, much debate from those on top, and questions all around all of which resulted in a failure of the proposal to make the change. In the end a resolution was passed to keep it all the same as it was in 2008.

Beginning at 5 PM the meeting at the Boilingbrook Country Club was well attended by both SCC members, concerned party members, a few county party chairs, committeemen, and Tea Party activists. House leader Tom Cross made an appearance as did long-time conservative activist Jack Roeser. Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford was also there, like many of the others, to speak about the proposed rules change.

I should note that one reason this rules change was contemplated is that the national Republican Party is trying to get every state to change their system into one of proportional representation of delegates to the convention. The RNC gave Illinois the leeway to change its process and several activists took this opportunity to propose a major change to the system, a change that meets the law as well as state and national party rules.

Certainly the change being contemplated was extensive. Currently, the presidential candidates are awarded delegates via the ballot box, a method only three other states favor. Campaigns come to Illinois, build their Illinois machine, and solicit for delegates. These delegates then have to stand for election on the primary ballot. To do so they must each get 600 signatures of voters in their district so that they, the delegates, can get on the election ballot. Then, those elected are considered official delegates to the GOP nomination convention.
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Illinois GOP State Central Committee Meeting: Sound and Fury Signifying No Changes”

Illinois GOP to Change How Presidential Candidate Delegates Chosen

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a follow up to my post last week on the proposed changes on how Illinois selects the delegates for GOP presidential candidates, more needs to be said about this as on the evening of Tuesday, September 6, the Illinois GOP State Central Committee will meet to discuss whether or not the changes will be accepted.

My points made last week about the State Central Committee endeavoring to take away even more ability of Illinois GOP voters to influence the milieu of Republican politics in Illinois was written before I had seen the final wording of the resolution in question. From the old language I had seen up to that time, it seemed pretty clear that the GOP State Central Committee was trying to take even more power unto itself. This was intolerable, especially after so much GOP failure over the last decade in the Land of Lincoln.

However, I have now seen what is up to now the full proposal, the one that will be discussed at the Tuesday SCC meeting. The most recent proposal mitigates my fears somewhat… but not entirely.
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Illinois GOP to Change How Presidential Candidate Delegates Chosen”

Statement of GOP House Members from Ill. on the Proposed Congressional Map Filed Today in Federal Court

“The Fair Map filed in federal court today proves that it is possible to create congressional districts that respect both constitutional and democratic principles. More importantly, this map stands in stark contrast to the contorted map passed by the Democrats, which is so gerrymandered that it can have no goal but to maximize partisan advantage by disregarding the will of Illinois voters.

“The Fair Map specifically addresses the problems with the Democrats’ map by providing a second district for the state’s growing Latino population, creating district lines that satisfy the tests for compactness, and protecting communities of interest by keeping them wholly within individual districts.

“We look forward to an impartial hearing in court that exposes the fatal flaws in the Democrats’ Illinois congressional redistricting scheme and recognizes the fact that creating fair, compact, and representative congressional districts is not only possible, but necessary.”

Rep. Peter Roskam (Il-6)
Rep. Joe Walsh (Il-8)
Rep. Robert Dold (Il-10)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Il-11)
Rep. Judy Biggert (Il-13)
Rep. Randy Hultgren (Il-14)
Rep. Don Manzullo (Il-16)
Rep. Bobby Schilling (Il-17)
Rep. Aaron Schock (Il-18)
Rep. John Shimkus (Il-19)

Dismal Illinois Political Climate Spawns Song

-By Warner Todd Huston

Singer/songwriter Jim Gwynn was so incensed last January by the increase in Illinois taxes ushered in during the dead of night by a recalcitrant and failure-filled Illinois General Assembly that he wrote a song to express his dissatisfaction.

“I had some anger. I got a little warm inside and sat down and wrote the song,” Gwynn said.

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Dismal Illinois Political Climate Spawns Song”