Weekly Republican Address 10/29/11: Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL)

Rep. Bobby Schilling delivers this week’s address on House Republicans’ Plan for America’s Job Creators. We know that government must get out of the way of small businesses to let do their job. That’s why we’ve passed bill after bill to reduce burdensome regulations and grow our economy–but the Democratic-controlled Senate refuses to acknowledge them. We can do more, and we can’t wait for the Senate and the President to work with us. Visit http://jobs.gop.gov to see our plan, and see the bills stuck in the Senate at http://majorityleader.gov/jobstracker.

Dold Announces the Creation of an Economic Innovation Zone at Naval Station Great Lakes and Lovell Center

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

NORTH CHICAGO, IL – Today, U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold (IL-10), Lake County Board Chairman David Stolman, members of Lake County Partners and Naval Station Great Lakes, announced a new project at Naval Station Great Lakes and Lovell Center that would create an innovation zone designed to address the high unemployment throughout the region.

“I am pleased to announce today that with the help of Lake County Partners, North Chicago will be at the center of an economic innovation zone,” said Dold. “This will help to address the high unemployment throughout the local community and be a resource in which local officials, businesses, and community leaders can come together and implement an effective strategy to bring jobs to North Chicago residents.”

Rep. Dold is a third-generation resident of the 10th District of Illinois. As a small business owner, he has faced many of the challenges confronting business leaders today and is using that firsthand experience in Washington to help find ways to create more jobs and strengthen the economy. For more information on his work in Congress, visit: http://dold.house.gov/

Senator Kirk, Congressman Kinzinger Respond to Super Committee’s Spectrum Question: “BRAC” the Spectrum

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R, Illinois 11th District)…

Proposal Would Use Successful Military Base Closure Process to Identify and Auction Federal Spectrum for Deficit Reduction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, four members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), and Sen. Patrick Toomey (R-PA)) sent a letter to President Obama, requesting a review of how Federally-owned spectrum can be used more effectively to increase public broadband access while paying down our debt.

In response, U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) and U.S. Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) urged the Joint Select Committee Chairmen Patty Murray (D-WA) and Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) to establish a process similar to the successful Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) procedure in order to identify which Federal spectrum should be auctioned for use by the private sector.
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Senator Kirk, Congressman Kinzinger Respond to Super Committee’s Spectrum Question: “BRAC” the Spectrum”

Video Spotlight: Rep. Dold on Helping Small Businesses

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC –U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold (IL-10) released a video on five bills that passed through the Financial Services Subcommittee that will empower small businesses to gain more access to capital, which will in turn help them to expand and create jobs.


The Dold-Championed ‘Supporting Economic and National Security by Maintains U.S. Leadership in Multilateral Development Banks Act’ Advances through Committee

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, during the Financial Services Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade, the “Supporting Economic and National Security by Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) Act” advanced through the committee. U.S. Congressman Robert Dold (IL-10) has helped lead this effort to ensure that the MDBs enact policies that are aligned with American interests, to encourage economic growth in developing counties, and to aid in U.S. national security.

“I am pleased to see this bill pass through Committee with bipartisan support,” said Dold. “Maintaining our nation’s leadership with Multilateral Development Banks is vital to promoting American export markets, job growth, and economic prosperity. Furthermore, our involvement ensures these MDBs implement policies that are aligned with our economic and humanitarian values while enhancing global and national security by helping to create stable countries throughout the world.”

Background Information on the Multilateral Development Banks Act:

  • By maintaining our MDB leadership, our nation’s priorities and policies will remain influential in the global economic and security system while allowing our nation’s entrepreneurs to continue playing a critical role in financial and natural resource development abroad.
  • MDBs also promote corruption-free projects in developing countries, which allow American businesses the opportunities to invest abroad and access new markets. This helps to create new jobs here at home as job creators can expand into growing markets.
  • America’s MDB leadership also strengthens global and national security by helping to other nations improve their own political stability, institutions, infrastructure, and general economic prosperity.
  • The MDB Act will increase transparency and accountability, enhance anti-corruption measures, and maintains strong standards for international competitive bidding on projects while ensuring that American favorably influences foreign country policies, including policies relating to national security, representative government, human rights, and the environment.


Dold Votes to Approve Three Free Trade Agreements, 3 Agreements to Benefit Illinois Small Businesses

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressman Robert Dold (IL-10) voted to approve three free trade agreements. The three agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea have bipartisan support in Congress and are part of President Obama’s jobs plan.
“Small businesses throughout the 10th District of Illinois depend on our ability to export to other countries,” said Dold. “I voted to approve these trade agreements so that we can give local job creators an opportunity to expand and create new jobs. Right here in our district over 58,000 jobs rely on exports- the approval of these agreements will help increase exports and create new business right here at home.”

Background Information on the Free Trade Agreements:


Rep. Dold on the Pending Free Trade Agreements‏

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC –U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold (IL-10) released a video on the pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea that President Obama sent to Congress for approval. Rep. Dold spoke about the positive implications these agreements will have on Illinois’ 10th District.

Dold also released this statement…
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Rep. Dold on the Pending Free Trade Agreements‏”

Five Small Business Bills Supported by Rep. Dold Advance Through the Financial Services Subcommittee

From the office of Rep. Bob Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – In yesterday’s Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises, five bills that will empower small businesses advanced through the subcommittee. U.S. Congressman Robert Dold (IL-10) has co-sponsored each of these bills as they make it easier for small businesses to gain access to capital so they can expand and create new jobs.

“Small business is the backbone of our economy,” said Rep. Dold. “Two thirds of all net new jobs are created by small businesses. In order to help bring our economy back on solid footing, we need to create an environment in which small businesses can grow.

“Yesterday, five bills advanced through the Financial Services Committee that will help to do just that. These bills assist small business capital formation which has been restricted both by general economic conditions and by excessively restrictive, outdated, and burdensome regulations. Furthermore, this legislation is bipartisan and aligns with President Obama’s goal to cut the red tape that prevents small businesses from raising capital and going public.
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Five Small Business Bills Supported by Rep. Dold Advance Through the Financial Services Subcommittee”

Rep. Dold on Finding Solutions to the Housing Crisis

From the office of Rep. Bob Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

During today’s Financial Services Subcommittee Hearing on Housing and Community Opportunity, U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold spoke about the serious housing crisis in the nation and the need to find cost-effective solutions that take into account all of the potential consequences and risks.


October Surprise: Seal Endorses Robert Dold

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

Winnetka, IL – Tenth District Congressional candidate Robert Dold launched a new upbeat ad today titled “Seals for Dold”. The 30-second spot features a talking seal that takes a humorous look at opponent Dan Seals. The ad highlights the fact that Seals still doesn’t live in the 10th District despite three bids for Congress, and that he supports destructive fiscal policies that will hurt the economy and hamper job growth.

The ad was created by Chicago-based agency, First Tuesday, which is also the maker of the catchy “Dold With A ‘D’” ad, a light-hearted play on Dold’s last name.

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October Surprise: Seal Endorses Robert Dold”

Chicago Tribune Calls Out Dan Seals for Misleading Voters‏

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

As you probably read today, the Chicago Tribune called on Dan Seals and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to stop the false attack ads against his Pro-Choice stance. The ads, both running on TV and found on flyers mailed to voters across the District, seek to scare and intimidate women claiming Bob wants to criminalize a woman’s right to choose. Bob has always been Pro-Choice and respects a woman’s right to choose.

The editorial stated, “We are not impressed that Seals would give voters false ideas about his opponent’s views on abortion. Not impressed at all. He and the DCCC should drop these very misleading ads.”
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Chicago Tribune Calls Out Dan Seals for Misleading Voters‏”

Latest Poll Shows Bob Dold Up By 11 Points! in Ill. 10th

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

With just two weeks left in the campaign, the latest independent poll shows Bob with an 11 point lead over Dan Seals. The poll was released by We Ask America on Friday, October 15 and shows Bob with the lead at 50% to Dan at 39%. Click here to see full results.

We have just 15 days left to get Bob’s message out to every 10th District voter. The tremendous financial support Bob is receiving will keep his message on radio and television, allowing him to continue reaching every part of the District in these final two weeks.

Now is the time to volunteer with Team Dold and help elect Bob on November 2! Please visit www.doldforcongress.com or call the office at 847-251 (DOLD) to learn how you can help. Thank you for all of your support!

Chicago Tribune Endorses Robert Dold (10th District)

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

We’re thrilled to share with you the news that the Chicago Tribune endorsed Bob today! After outlining the two candidates’ position on major issues the Tribune ended the endorsement with, “we’re convinced [Dold] will be in the moderate, pro-choice, independent mold of Kirk. And Dold will take a much firmer line on out-of-control federal spending than Seals. Dold is endorsed.” Click here to read the full endorsement.

This is the second time the Tribune has endorsed Bob. In its primary endorsement it said, “Congress needs more people who genuinely understand what it takes to put people to work — and how government puts up roadblocks to employment. Dold makes a convincing argument that he does” and “would bring a fresh, common-sense perspective to government.” Click here to read the full primary endorsement.
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Chicago Tribune Endorses Robert Dold (10th District)”

Dold (10th District): Keeping America Safe‏

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

As we remember the victims of the 9/11 tragedy, we must reflect on the policy changes needed to protect our country and its citizens.

We must maintain a strong U.S.-Israel relationship, which reflects the extraordinary security ties between our two nations. I traveled to Israel for a week this year to see, first-hand, the critical security challenges that the United States and Israel face together in the Middle East. In the face of threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, and a nuclear Iran, I understand what is at stake in the region, and I am committed to using my voice in continuing the 10th District’s proud tradition of pro-Israel leadership in Congress. I will be a champion for the U.S.-Israel relationship to make sure our security and the security of our allies remains top priority for our leaders.
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Dold (10th District): Keeping America Safe‏”

(10th District) Robert Dold Radio Spot

Robert Dold is running to replace Mark Kirk who resigned his 10th District seat to run for Senate.

Dold’s calling himself a “social moderate.” I shudder hearing that. But he is running in a trending liberal district and that is how Kirk had to sell himself, too (and in Kirk’s case he more than a “social moderate.” He’s nearly a straight out liberal).

Anyway, Dold has a new radio spot…

Here is Dold’s website: www.doldforcongress.com

(10th District) Dold’s Fundraising Report

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

Yesterday we filed our second quarter fundraising totals with the Federal Election Commission. We raised approximately $561,000 and have $722,000 cash on hand, almost identical numbers to our opponent. We’re well-positioned to take Robert’s message to voters through television, radio and internet advertising, and we have to keep our fundraising push going strong!

Our grassroots volunteer team is also up and working hard for Robert in the district. We’re phone banking every day, and this week the team made more than 9,000 calls to 10th District voters. They gave out yard signs, campaign literature and thousands of bumper stickers across the District.
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(10th District) Dold’s Fundraising Report”

Fmr Congressman Porter Endorses Dold for 10th District

-By Warner Todd Huston

The GOPs Robert Dold just picked up a strong endorsement. Former Congressman John Edward Porter has announced his backing of Dold who is running for Porter’s old 10th District Congressional seat.

Porter initially backed Party favorite Beth Coulson in the primary and could have just taken a pass on this election, but he did chose to endorse Dold giving the first time candidate the seal of party approval.

Porter said of Dold: “Robert Dold is an independent Republican who mirrors the values of the 10th District. He will be a voice for common-sense, small-business thinking with a moderate stance on social issues such as choice and the environment.”

For more information on the Dold campaign, visit his website at: www.doldforcongress.com.
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Fmr Congressman Porter Endorses Dold for 10th District”

10th District: Robert Dold’s ‘Let’s Get to Work!’ Bus Tour

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

From June 16-20 our “Let’s Get to Work!” bus tour touched every corner of the 10th District and took Bob’s message of small business growth and job creation to the voters. We visited numerous train stations, coffee shops, restaurants, baseball fields, farmers markets and businesses along the way. Collectively we spoke to and were visible to thousands of voters throughout the 5 days.

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10th District: Robert Dold’s ‘Let’s Get to Work!’ Bus Tour”

Dold for Congress Updates

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

Washington, D.C., June 7, 2010 — The National Federation of Independent Business, America’s leading small business association, announced its endorsement of Bob Dold in the race for the open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois’ 10th District.

The endorsement comes from NFIB’s Save America’s Free Enterprise Trust, the association’s political action committee, and is based on positions on key small business issues.

“As a small business owner himself, Bob Dold understands the issues and challenges that entrepreneurs face every day,” said Lisa Goeas, NFIB’s vice president for political operations.
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Dold for Congress Updates”

10th District: GOP’s Bob Dold on Jobs

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

Our National unemployment rate rose to 9.9% last month and the unemployment rate in Illinois is even higher, now at 11.5%. There is some good news in these numbers as our country created 290,000 net new jobs in April, and there is evidence that workers who had given up seeking work reentered the search for employment.

There remain, however, an unacceptable number of people unemployed. We must not accept this as a “new normal” and herald an economy that leaves millions of people without work. Our Federal government deserves much of the blame for the slow recovery of our jobs market.
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10th District: GOP’s Bob Dold on Jobs”

Congressman Eric Cantor Visits Chicago and Praises Bob’s Campaign

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

Virginia Congressman and House Minority Whip, Eric Cantor, came to Chicago on Sunday 4/18 to meet with friends of the Pro-Israel Community. Congressman Cantor is the highest-ranking Jewish member of Congress. Bob first had a chance to talk with Congressman Cantor on Sunday night, at a Republican Jewish Coalition program in Skokie. Prior to the event, Bob, Congressman Cantor, and two of the area’s other Republican congressional candidates met privately to discuss the various issues impacting Israel’s security. The program that followed included remarks from Congressman Cantor, to an audience of 250 people. During his speech, the Congressman spoke glowingly about Bob and his campaign, and urged those in attendance to work hard to get Bob elected.
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Congressman Eric Cantor Visits Chicago and Praises Bob’s Campaign”

10th District, Dold for Congress: We Can Do Better

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

It is once again Federal income tax season in the United States and this April is a reminder of the problems we face. For a large number of Americans, 2009 represented a year during which many made less than in previous years compared to their expenses. Yet we worked harder than ever and made sacrifices to meet the obligations of both our families and our nation. But those in Washington, DC who are charged as responsible custodians of our tax dollars have not met our sacrifice with the same diligence and seem disconnected from the reality of what it takes to earn those dollars. We now find ourselves facing the reality that we may be the first generation of Americans who leave to our children a country worse off than the one we inherited. We cannot and will not accept this. We can do better.
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10th District, Dold for Congress: We Can Do Better”

Dold: Healthcare, an Historic Missed Opportunity

From the Bob Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

The healthcare bill recently passed by Congress and signed into law by the President is an historic missed opportunity that will adversely affect the 10th Congressional District and chill the creation of new jobs. While nobody disputes that healthcare reform is needed, this legislation is the by-product of a corrupt and partisan process that ignored the voices of job creators throughout our country. By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans have voiced their opposition to this bill. Unfortunately, their voices fell on the deaf ears of Congress. When presented with an opportunity to work together and craft reforms with consensus, the U.S. Congress chose politics over policy.

I have always supported healthcare reform. Specifically, I have advocated the merits of addressing medical malpractice costs, and have promoted consumer-driven care as a means to reduce costs and expand coverage. However, this new healthcare reform addresses neither of these issues. This legislation threatens to bankrupt our great nation through tax increases, and places new and expensive burdens on small businesses. In short, this legislation does not address the root cause of the problem – healthcare is too expensive. Instead, it simply shifts the burden on to businesses, taxpayers and seniors.
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Dold: Healthcare, an Historic Missed Opportunity”