‘Proud to be an American… Finally’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I really hated Jimmy Carter. I felt Bill Clinton was a disgrace as a man much less a president even though his administration wasn’t half as bad as Carter’s, admittedly. Historically, FDR proved to be a president that introduced more anti-American ideas into our political system than any other. As to the future, Obama could be a humongous disaster for this country. But through all of those horrible leaders of American history, I was still — am still — proud to be an American. I have always been happy to wave the flag or argue our merits with a snooty European, and I’ve always gotten a thrill up my leg on Independence Day (with apologies to Chris Matthews for stealing his obsequiousness). Who the president was didn’t make me less an American, or less willing to be one.

But not so with liberals. So often, it seems that liberals have no self worth unless they win elections. To liberals America cannot be “good” unless liberals are in charge. Without liberals in the lead they cannot be proud of America. This is once again proven by a columnist with the Philadelphia Tribune who has announced to the world that she was never proud of America until the evening of November fourth when The One ascended to the highest office in the land.

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