Liberals Don’t Know What Patriotism Means

-By Warner Todd Huston

**UPDATE** Alan Colmes Links to this post at Liberaland

Some think it a canard that liberals aren’t patriotic. In some ways, it is a canard, but only just. Some liberals really do imagine themselves patriotic. But in what ever way liberals imagine they feel for their country, it doesn’t seem that patriotism is really what they feel. At least not in the way that patriotism is properly defined. There has been a spate of stories in the media since Obama’s election that serve to illustrate why liberals seem incapable of being patriotic.

But, first, what is patriotism?

After the War of 1812 one of our most celebrated sea captains, Stephen Decatur (America’s first post Revolutionary War military hero) once gave a toast at Norfolk to his fellow seamen that is the most perfect illustration of true patriotism. As he lifted his glass, Decatur said,
“Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong.”

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Judge Agrees, Patriotic Banner OK for Classroom

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Federal judge said that it was OK for a Poway, California school teacher to sue his school district for forcing him to remove a banner that featured well known, patriotic American references to God in an early September ruling.

Math teacher Brad Johnson who teachers at Westview High in San Diego County, California, had the banner on his classroom wall for the last 20 years but only last year was told by school administrators that the banner was supposedly an affront to the principles of separation of Church and State. After two decades without complaint, Johnson was told his banner suddenly offended his students because the banners “were an impermissible attempt to make a Judeo-Christian statement to his students.”

The suddenly banned banner included the phrases “In God We Trust,” “One Nation Under God,” “God Bless America,” and “God Shed His Grace on Thee.”

Teacher Johnson decided to take his school district to court to restore to his classroom wall the common American slogans while the school system sought to have the suit tossed out claiming that Johnson, as a public employee, had only limited 1st Amendment rights and that the principal had authority over what appeared on the walls of the classroom.

Judge Roger T. Benitez sided with the patriotic-minded teacher.

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