Illinois: Is the State Fair an Entitlement?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let me start this by saying I am not against state fairs. State fairs have a long tradition in America and often serve as a focal point for the community, most especially the rural, farm community. But a state fair is neither a “right,” nor an entitlement. Unfortunately, the attitude that a state must have a fair is just another abuse of what the role of government should be, especially in the United States. We are not a monarchy and when a state is billions in the red a state fair is the last thing people should be wasting state money on.

In fact I’d say canceling the state fair because of the deficit that politicians have gotten us into might be one way to get people to understand that they should be voting these politicians out of office.

In Illinois this whole state fair discussion arises from Pat “the accidental Governor” Quinn’s ire over what a Chicago-based conservative think tank said about the bankrupt state spending money it doesn’t have on an elaborate state fair.
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Illinois: Is the State Fair an Entitlement?”

Brady for Illinois: Rasmussen Says Race is a ‘Toss Up’

From the Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

While political polls will come and go between now and November, we thought you’d be interested in some great news!

A new, independent poll released today shows Bill’s lead over Governor Pat Quinn is growing. The new poll shows Bill now leads Governor Quinn 48 to 35.
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Brady for Illinois: Rasmussen Says Race is a ‘Toss Up’”

Thanks Obama: More Illinoisans on Food Stamps Than Ever

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to the AP, there are more citizens in Illinois on food stamps than ever before.

More than 780,000 Illinois families got food stamps in June. The Illinois Department of Human Services said Monday that the figure is up 11.9 percent from a year earlier.

Is this any surprise when Illinois clocks in as having one of the worst business climates of any state in the Union?
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Thanks Obama: More Illinoisans on Food Stamps Than Ever”

Ill Gov Race: GOPs Brady Has Bigger Bang for Fundraising Bucks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ed McClelland over at NBC Chicago’s Ward Room blog makes a good point about reports of the two gubernatorial candidate’s fundraising. Both seem to be claiming to have $2.3 million on hand going into this leg of the campaign. But, McClelland makes the point that so far Brady’s $2.3 million is “bigger” than Quinn’s.

How is that?

Well, Brady has gotten the benefit of money from the Republican Governors Association for ads and whatnot while Quinn has not benefitted much from the Democrat Governors Association. That means that Brady doesn’t have to spend as much of his $2.3 million to reach voters as Quinn does.
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Ill Gov Race: GOPs Brady Has Bigger Bang for Fundraising Bucks”

After Giving Raises, Now Ill. Gov Cuts Staffer’s Pay

-By Warner Todd Huston

If this isn’t a reed-in-the-wind sort of move, I’m not sure what is? If you’ll recall a few weeks ago Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn was left trying to explain why he was giving his staffers big raises even as he was gallivanting about the state saying how we are out of money and that we’d need to cut the budget. Well this week he is cutting staffer’s pay giving them more furlough days.

After giving out raises, now Quinn is trying to save face from that tone deaf move and requiring his staffers to endure 24 furlough days this year instead of the previous 12 day cut.

And Quinn is now putting up a grand show of his seriousness on fiscal issues by hectoring every government office to make such cuts.
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After Giving Raises, Now Ill. Gov Cuts Staffer’s Pay”

WATCH: Governor Quinn: ‘But that’s just how it works…’

From Bill Brady for Governor and the Illinois GOP…

Pay hikes for state government executives during a fiscal crisis is outrageous, but Governor Quinn? He defends his executive pay hikes, telling viewers on Chicago Tonight, “… that’s how it works.”

If Pat Quinn is serious about controlling state spending, he should immediately enact a wage freeze on state government payroll, and reverse his pay hikes for his executive staff today.

Gov. Says Ill. is Broke, but His Staffers/State Workers Get Big Raises

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many businesses across Illinois are trying to stave off closing their doors by cutting salaries and hours for employees. Some aren’t so luck and are laying off thousands of workers. Add to that dismal outlook that the state’s budget is billions in the red and politicians are so at loggerheads on how to solve the crisis that no budget can be agreed upon.

Cue accidental Governor Pat Quinn whose job, as he sees it, has been to warn Illinois that we are broke, that we can’t afford the many programs we have, that the poorest of us are at risk and that taxes will have to be raised to “fix” it all.

It’s a very bleak picture, indeed. Bleak, that is, unless you are one of Quinn’s staffers. In that case you are living high off the hog and getting an up to 20 percent raise in salary thanks to the Governor’s generosity… oh, and at the taxpayers expense, of course.
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Gov. Says Ill. is Broke, but His Staffers/State Workers Get Big Raises”

Another Journo Turned Politico Turned Journo Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well we’ve got a case of another journalist that turned into a political operative that now wants to go back to being a journalist. And would you be surprised that the journo/politico/journo redux is a Democrat? I would hope you wouldn’t because the right leaning journo to politico hardly ever happens (though it has been known to).

This time it’s one Bob Reed former Chicago reporter and editor of Crain’s Chicago Business turned mouthpiece for Illinois Democratic Governor Pat Quinn. Reed quit the journalism trade to head up Pat Quinn’s communications office when he was Lt. Gov. and stayed with him when he became Illinois’ accidental governor upon the elimination of Rod Blagojevich from his lofty, bribe riddle heights. Now Reed wants to go back to being a journalist and has resigned from Quinn’s staff to pursue new opportunities.

Interestingly, Reed termed his employ in the guv’s office as just another journalistic “assignment.”
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Another Journo Turned Politico Turned Journo Again”

Ill. Gov. Who Says ‘I Always do the Right Thing,’ Said the Same thing About Blago

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes words come back to haunt you, ya know? Ask Illinois Governor Pat Quinn who has just said something that is as bad as when a husband tells his wife she really does look fat in that dress. It’s something that just can’t be forgotten.

Last week Governor Pat “I’m For the Little Guy” Quinn took some guff for his pay-to-play union payoff when he signed an amendatory veto that benefited the Teamsters Union. As soon as Quinn issued the veto that would help the Teamsters his opponents highlighted the fact that Gov. Quinn only last month received $750,000 in political contributions from the union.

Quinn scoffed at the idea that he was handing his union pals a big payoff.
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Ill. Gov. Who Says ‘I Always do the Right Thing,’ Said the Same thing About Blago”

Quinn Abolishes Wasteful Office of Education

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, finally our Illinois governor did something I agree with. Pat Quinn abolished a state funded office. If only this wasn’t the first and likely the last time he’ll do such a thing.

On Sunday, Quinn signed an order to abolish the state office of education, a complete waste of money, an office from which former Superintendent Charles Flowers embezzled over $400,00 to fill his pockets.

The agency did nothing of use, really, at least nothing that other agencies couldn’t easily do instead and that is precisely what will now happen. Duties this useless office performed will go back where they belong.
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Quinn Abolishes Wasteful Office of Education”

Adam Andrzejewski: Illinois Can’t Afford Quinn‏

From Adam Andrzejewski and For the Good of Illinois

Thanks to you, we’re winning the fight to Open the Books!

Over the past couple weeks, advocates of transparent and accountable government in Illinois have been winning more and more small victories.

Quinn’s canoe czar, $85,000 per year, STOPPED!
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Adam Andrzejewski: Illinois Can’t Afford Quinn‏”

Quinn Lies About ‘Losing Middle Class’ Without Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Pat “the accidental governor” Quinn told a union crowd that Illinois GOP Gubernatorial nominee Bill Brady would somehow destroy the middle class by his anti-union stance. Quinn also made the essential claim that without unions there’d be no “middle class.”

“We’re not going to have a middle class if we allow a lot of anti-labor, anti-union operators to get in politics and tear to shreds fundamental things we all agree on,” Quinn said. “He doesn’t believe in the minimum wage. He wants to abolish it.”

There is, of course, a glaring error in Quinn’s wild-eyed union claim. As of 2009 union members accounted for only 12.4 percent of America’s workforce. With this fact one wonders how the middle class could be eliminated by anti-union forces when union workers make up such a tiny percentage of the total U.S. workforce already?
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Quinn Lies About ‘Losing Middle Class’ Without Unions”

Quinn’s Wants 1% Income Tax Hike ‘For Education’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In his budget speech, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is proposing a one percent hike in the state income tax in order to”restore our education budget to current levels.” A one percent increase is like a 33% increase if the tax goes from a flat tax of 3% to one of 4%.

In his speech (beginning on page 10) Quinn addresses the education budget. Sadly, Quinn’s proposal does nothing to address why the problem has arisen in the first place.

Quinn asks for no necessary cuts, he asks for no union concessions, he makes no effort to tighten our education belt in Illinois. Quinn should be slashing the unnecessarily lavish benefits that teachers unions force out of the state, hundreds of useless administrators should be fired and their positions eliminated. The whole education establishment needs to be assessed for it excess. Those imagining that the “fix” is just to pump more money into these failing schools are fooling themselves.

But Quinn is doing nothing but treading water with the state’s education establishment when he should be demanding a bottom to top review of the waste of public education in Illinois.
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Quinn’s Wants 1% Income Tax Hike ‘For Education’”