Tea Party Board Endorses Ben Loyola in VA 2nd District GOP Primary

-By Norvell S. Rose

(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA) – MAY 26, 2010 – Following lengthy and vigorous investigation and deliberation, the Hampton Roads Tea Party (HRTP) Board of Directors endorses Ben Loyola in the GOP primary in Virginia’s Second Congressional District.

“After thoroughly and thoughtfully evaluating the GOP candidates vying for the Second District nod,” says HRTP Founder and Chairperson Karen Miner Hurd, “the Board has decided to make a clear declaration of its support for Mr. Loyola.”

“The Hampton Roads Tea Party was created to fight back an overreaching, corrupt, and obese government – at all levels,” says Hurd. The Tea Party movement, including the Hampton Roads Tea Party, holds both the Republicans and the Democrats accountable for the current state of the Nation. The political elites are not listening to the people who pay their salaries. In 2010 we have an opportunity to send representatives to Congress who WILL listen and who know that they are obligated to the people – the voters – not to a political machine.”
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Tea Party Board Endorses Ben Loyola in VA 2nd District GOP Primary”

Tea Party Board to Announce Endorsement in VA 2nd District Race

(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA) – MAY 24, 2010 – Continuing to build upon the strength and momentum of successful Tea Party activism around the country, the Board of Directors of the Hampton Roads Tea Party (HRTP) will announce its candidate endorsement in Virginia’s Second District Congressional race. The candidate backed by the HRTP Board will be made known during the HRTP-sponsored radio show, FreedomWize, on Wednesday, May 26, between 10-11AM. FreedomWize airs each Wednesday morning on WYRM, AM1110.

“After thoroughly and thoughtfully evaluating the many candidates vying for the Second District seat,” says HRTP Founder and Chairperson Karen Miner Hurd, “the Board has decided to make a clear declaration of its support for one of them. This decision has not come easily,” adds Hurd. “But so many of our members have asked for guidance in this critical contest, we felt it our duty to let people know what we believe. While the Board of Directors doesn’t necessarily speak for the 2000+ members of the Hampton Roads Tea Party, we do want to speak to them,” Hurd explains, “as well to anyone else interested in better understanding the crowded race.”
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Tea Party Board to Announce Endorsement in VA 2nd District Race”

Another Government ‘Fix’ Becomes Another Government Failure

-By Norvell S. Rose

How many times must we learn the painful lesson? What will it take for us to recognize the near-universal rule governing the outcome of any unwieldy Washington-driven “reform” effort? That rule is: When the government attempts a big fix for something, watch out below! Duck and cover! Run for your liberty-loving life! The fix will, in all likelihood, come crashing down around us; even as seemingly oblivious lawmakers continue to pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

Such is the sorry case with the so-called credit card reform act of 2009 – all but buried among the wrack and rubble of a multitude of such massive makeover attempts by the liberal crusaders. In its predictable activation of the law of unintended consequences, this sweeping “consumer protection” law should be a stark lesson in what not to do with regard to another far-reaching reform effort – the health care fix.

As background on the “Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009″…
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Another Government ‘Fix’ Becomes Another Government Failure”

Will Obama ‘Go Gangsta’?

-By Norvell S. Rose

In a recent column for CNN.com, fiery political analyst Roland Martin urged the President of the United States to get down and dirty with his political adversaries. Like, you know, jump ugly and go all street thug on ‘em. Clearly spoiling for a fight — and with a curious, chest-bumping homage to the nasty culture of radical rappers — Martin wrote:

Obama’s critics keep blasting him for Chicago-style politics. So, fine. Channel your inner Al Capone and go gangsta against your foes. Let ‘em know that if they aren’t with you, they are against you, and will pay the price.

Interesting, isn’t it, that the supposedly respectable Mr. Martin would implore the President to act like a notorious criminal. That he would champion scandalous behavior and embrace violent vengeance of the sort promoted by despicable gangsta rappers.

Of course, the outspoken Roland Martin is certainly not a lone liberal voice when it comes to exhorting President Obama to get tough, even get dirty, but get the job done. The job of crushing his critics and forcing his radical agenda on a resistant populace. Policy by raw power, not by reasoned persuasion.
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Will Obama ‘Go Gangsta’?”

Liberal Virus Alert! Reprogramming the Language of Job Creation

-By Norvell S. Rose

I thought I would take the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the Obama stimulus package to issue an urgent warning: Don’t let your thinking be infected by the left’s insidious attack on the language of job creation in the United States. We must not allow the destructive virus of big government to reprogram our discourse – how we seek to understand and deal with issues surrounding labor and employment in the American free market.

If we don’t guard against this incessant viral attack, the operating system of our cherished free enterprise will become totally corrupted. And our drive for self-determination will inevitably crash.

Make no mistake – President Obama and his conniving crew are engaged in a purposeful, methodical campaign of thought-bending. Every policy they propose, every discussion they promote, every media move they make – all are designed to establish and implant in our language and culture a new framework for discussing and developing jobs.

That new socialist structure: government = jobs.
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Liberal Virus Alert! Reprogramming the Language of Job Creation”

The Green Shoots of Obama’s Green Police

-By Norvell S. Rose

Despite its creepy implications, I was going to let that odd Super Bowl car commercial featuring the Green Police just ride quietly into the sunset. Until the even creepier announcement the following day from the Obama White House. That’s when the worlds of fiction and fact, denial and disdain collided with a big, bad bang.

About that commercial — you know the one from Audi — offering a disturbing glimpse into a future envisioned no doubt by environmental extremists of the ultra-lib left. A future where a meddlesome Green Police force swarms through neighborhoods, into homes and businesses, looking for any evidence of crimes against the planet. You know, awful infractions, like using plastic grocery bags, trashing old batteries and drinking from styrofoam cups.

Now whether the ad for Audi’s new “green” car was supposed to be a spoof, a satire, a lampoon — whatever — it was weirdly hair-raising. And also consciousness-raising, but not necessarily in the way the eggheads at Audi intended. Viewed as an omen of ugly things to come, it was a super chilling moment during the Super Bowl.
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The Green Shoots of Obama’s Green Police”

Reverend Obama passes the ‘collective’ plate

-By Norvell S. Rose

Who could forget how Newsweek editor Evan Thomas practically fell to his knees last summer in adoration of President Obama, declaring on MSNBC: “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.”

How about the musings of the Washington Post “On Faith” column in February 2008: “Is Obama the Messiah? People are asking these days and it’s not so hard to understand why: the desperate throngs, the tears, the great awakening of a slumbering demographic.”

At about the same time, the tingly-legged Chris Matthews gushed to the New York Observer, “I’ve never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament.”

Or Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in early 2008 praising Obama as “hope of the entire world“ and savior who “can turn out to be the one who can lift America from her fall.”
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Reverend Obama passes the ‘collective’ plate”

The Hilarious Hypocrisy of Obama’s Mr. Axelrod

-By Norvell S. Rose

Sometimes, a Washington whopper is just too big and juicy to resist. It absolutely begs to have a bite taken out of it. Such is the case with the interview David Axelrod gave during the most recent edition of the NBC News show Meet the Press.

In the course of the conversation with host David Gregory, Mr. Axelrod, the Senior White House Advisor, served up a heaping helping of raw hypocrisy. Allow me to set the scene for you.
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The Hilarious Hypocrisy of Obama’s Mr. Axelrod”

A Tea Party Patriot Responds to a Ruling Party Pundit

-By Norvell S. Rose

It wasn’t until the election of Barack Obama that I ever really considered myself a party person. Okay, I was a registered Republican, and I tended to vote for (R) candidates. Not because I truly believed in any set of guiding GOP principles, and especially not in recent years. But more because of a general feeling that Democrat contenders were, like termites, almost always more likely to eat away the foundations of the America I love.

Now, though, it’s different. The termites are swarming. They are more voracious than ever. And because we must engage in serious pest control, I passionately proclaim, “Party on!” Now that Obama defiantly pursues his relentless assault on liberty in order to fundamentally transform the United States of America, I am a party animal. A Tea Party Patriot and proud of it!

Thus, when her highness of highbrow punditry, Eleanor Clift, pens another of her catty columns for Newsweek, I accept her invitation to party. Entitled “Weak Tea (Party)” (www.newsweek.com/id/232794), Ms Clift’s commentary provides an ideal opportunity to clarify just what the Tea Party movement is all about. Here, thanks to the blinding hubris of the ruling class, Eleanor unwittingly offers an incredible party favor – the chance to blunt and even bury a number of key points the liberal media elite use to try to define who the Tea Party is.
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A Tea Party Patriot Responds to a Ruling Party Pundit”

The Formal Declaration: War on the Middle Class!

-By Norvell S. Rose

From Barack Obama and his well-oiled propaganda machine, we have come to realize that truth can be found only in the opposite of what’s said. So, when the President announced his new initiatives to help the country’s struggling middle class, I knew that, in fact, the all-out war on the middle class had formally been declared.

Take cover, America, they’re from the government and they’re here to “help” us.

The first wave of the assault – the media blitz.
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The Formal Declaration: War on the Middle Class!”