Abortion-Supporting Obama Makes Pregnant WH Visitors Register Unborn Baby as Separate Visitor

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is interesting that the Obama White House, a place where everyone thinks a pre-born baby is just a lump of “unviable cells” and not really a person, is now insisting that pregnant mothers must register themselves and their unborn baby on the visitor log when they visit the White House.

As noted by Steven Ertelt,

The Director of the White House Visitor’s Office, Ellie Shafer, today distributed an email newsletter to members of Congress and others providing detailed instructions on how to register an unborn child (“a baby that has not yet been born,” as Shafer puts it) into the security system the White House uses to arrange group tours.

“We have received a number of calls regarding how to enter security information for a baby that has not yet been born,” Shafer wrote. “Crazy as it may sound, you MUST include the baby in the overall count of guests in the tour. It’s an easy process.”

My guess is these abortion-supporters don’t even get the irony of a White House that on one hand wants to devalue a fetus as not worth anything, a “lump of unlivable cells” that could be destroyed at will, yet want expecting mothers to register their unborn babies as a separate “person” when they visit the People’s House.
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Abortion-Supporting Obama Makes Pregnant WH Visitors Register Unborn Baby as Separate Visitor”

Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In February of 2012, a pair of left-wing “philosophers” wrote a paper that claimed that babies aren’t human until they can become cognizant of themselves, aware that if they were to be “aborted” or killed they’d be losing something valuable, their lives. This, they claimed, justified abortion as well as post birth infanticide. Naturally they had elaborate justifications for their stance and what they wrote is chilling indeed, for it essentially states that only people that think like them are really worth the status of “human,” worth having their lives considered sacrosanct.

The pair, Alberto Giubilini of Milan, Italy, and Francesca Minerva of Australia, held as a central thesis that since abortion is so commonly accepted there had to be a more expansive use for it. That use, the pair decided, should be to cover killing babies born with developmental problems. After all, they said, neither fetuses or newborns “have the same moral status as actual persons,” so this certainly must mean that newborns with catastrophic birth defects could be killed without any moral reservations.

Here is how they justified the non-human status of both a fetus and a born baby.
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Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?”

Bankrupting America Launches Online Advocacy Campaign Urging Senate to Vote on a Budget

From Bankrupting America…

ARLINGTON, VA – Bankrupting America, a project of Public Notice, today announced a multipronged online educational advocacy campaign leading up to the three-year anniversary since the last time Congress passed a budget. The campaign includes a web video, online advertising, a Twitter hashtag campaign and a grassroots call to action urging the Senate to pass a budget.

Congress last passed a budget on April 29, 2009, almost three years ago. Since then, Members of Congress from both parties have failed to work together to perform one of the federal government’s most basic functions.

Gretchen Hamel, executive director of Public Notice, issued the following statement announcing the campaign:
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Bankrupting America Launches Online Advocacy Campaign Urging Senate to Vote on a Budget”

Sluts Without Shame!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Since the Fall of man, the earth has been cursed with women (and men) who used their bodies in illicit ways. They have been called loose women, prostitutes, whores, fallen women, and sluts; however, in earlier days, there was a sense of shame and disgrace in their activities. Even Hollywood lowlifes tried to be discrete. While “slut” is considered offensive, so is the lifestyle.

When I was young, if an unmarried woman got pregnant, she was sent to “visit her grandmother” for a few months. The family still loved her, wanted the best for her, forgave her, but there was a lasting sense of shame. But those days are long gone. Society calls it “reproductive freedom” but God calls it whoredom; and status, beauty, money, and education don’t change anything.

Yes, any of our unmarried daughters can get pregnant and it is a heartbreaking situation, but when it happens again and again, the young woman is a slut, whether she is my daughter or yours. Of course, getting pregnant doesn’t make her a slut, being sexually immoral does. Sex outside of marriage is always wrong.
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Sluts Without Shame!”

What Richard Cranium Came Up With THIS Program?

– By Warner Todd Huston

This year, the City of San Francisco is spending $122,575 in scarce budget dollars to grow the “Healthy Penis” campaign. No advocates of flaccid government, THIS city council, I gotta tell you! Only a good stiff effort will do.

So what is the “Healthy Penis” campaign? It’s a city wide effort to drive a stake in the heart of syphilis in the Bay Area, that’s what. Yes, Mayor Gavin Newsom wants to give the shaft to VD and he’s willing to screw the budget to get it done.

We all stand against a fowled phallus, of course, but is over $120,000 in these harsh economic times a cost worth pounding out of the budget? I mean, is this the sort of thing we should be yanking money out of City Hall for?
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What Richard Cranium Came Up With THIS Program?”