Arianna Huffington Sued for Being Blog Slavemaster

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to say my feelings swing wildly on this story. After all, I thrill to see these extremist, lefties slaving away for free while their boss makes millions upon millions of dollars off their backs. It’s just too funny. Yet… and yet, I too am a writer that does some work (and too much at that) for free and I fully understand the ire that some of Huffington’s digital plantation slaves feel. And apparently the ire over there has caused at least one guy to take Puffington Post to court. This week Jonathan Tasini filed a class-action lawsuit against HuffPo on behalf of the Puffington plantation’s blogger slaves.

Ever since Arianna Huffington merged her famous blog with AOL and was awarded control of its news services, some of her former bloggers began to get restless. With Arianna getting $315 million buckaroos in her pocket those writers that made her famous with their years of unpaid blogging began to think that they deserved to get a piece of the puffypie at long last…

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Want to See Some Hate From America’s Left-Democrats?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left is filled with vitriol and hate. The American left despises anyone that disagrees with them. The American left hates the Constitution because it stands in its way to remake America in its own image. The American left practices the politics of personal destruction. The American left has called for rioting, murder, and has commonly created images depicting the gruesome deaths of those on the right. The American left has engaged in riots, property destruction, assault, and criminal activity all in an effort to force their political opinions on the rest of us.

This can be said without the slightest fear of contradiction.

Want a few examples?
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Want to See Some Hate From America’s Left-Democrats?”

Lefty Bloggers Eating Each Other, White House Not Amused

-By Warner Todd Huston

Politico has a delicious story detailing how lefty bloggers seem to be on the outs with the Obama administration over their constant stream of complaints unleashed about the president’s lack of supplication to the most extreme left-wing policies.

Politico found Peter Daou, another “progressive” blogger, who thinks he knows why Deputy White House Press Sec. Bill Burton didn’t name any left-wing bloggers along with his absolving of some of MSNBC’s hectoring on-air talkers.

Daou recently wrote a post hyperbolically titled, “How a Handful of Liberal Bloggers Are Bringing Down the Obama Presidency” exploring the idea. In it the blogger slams his own, claims that other lefty bloggers are tearing down the president among the progressives, and says it is damaging the administration.
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Lefty Bloggers Eating Each Other, White House Not Amused”