AP Knows Racists Secretly Want Obama to Win in Nov.

-By Warner Todd Huston

Do you know who the Associated Press thinks is secretly hoping for a Barack Obama win? Why, it’s “racist groups,” dontcha know? See, as the AP reports it, a black man as president couldn’t be a more perfect example of how the dark race is takin’ over and ruining the white man’s world, right? At least, that is according to the AP’s favorite go-to racist guy, David Duke, anyway. And what better way for the AP to prove that only racists oppose Obama, eh?

AP decided to dredge up the aforementioned David Duke to let the country know that “the racists” are wringing their hands in a gleeful expectation that a president Barack will swell the ranks of the KKK and other racist groups. Sternly telling us that “They’re not exactly rooting for him, but prominent white supremacists anticipate a boost to their cause if Barack Obama becomes the first black president,” the AP lets the cat out of the bag for the hooded set.

Want proof? Well, the AP is happy to give it… such as it is.

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AP: ‘Gay Ex-Governor Owes Wife No Alimony’… Name That Party?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many of you will remember New Jersey Governor James McGreevey who ended up having to admit he gave his gay lover an undeserved State job — even as the gay lover claimed sexual harassment — and that he was cheating on his wife and family with that very gay lover. Many will also remember that disgraced Governor James McGreevey was a Democrat. “Many” apparently doesn’t include the Associated Press because they are still publishing stories about James McGreevey leaving out that one little fact that he was a Democrat.

To the AP, McGreevey is merely the “Former Gov.” who has succeeded in winning a recent court case brought by his ex-wife who was seeking alimony. Oh, the AP gives us all sorts of information about our friend James McGreevey. The AP tells us that he was an acknowledged “gay American,” we find out he was “the nation’s first openly gay governor,” and that McGreevey is now oddly a “seminary student.”

But, not once does the AP let us know he was a Democrat.

Not once.

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AP Headline Asserts VP is ‘Unpopular Cheney’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, the Associated Press is certainly living up to its new rules of being opinion editorialists instead of reporters if the following headline is any indication: “Obama links energy troubles to unpopular Cheney.” This was unleashed on the world by the AP on August 5. So, I ask you, does “unpopular Cheney” sound more like opinion than it does simple news reporting?

In fact, the Cheney comment was not even the crux of Obama’s comments, but a throw away line meant to give red meat to the far left. Obama did not center his energy discussion on Cheney. Yet here we have the AP deciding to make that the focal point of the discussion by making it the headline? Even more ridiculously, the AP twice reported that throw away line in the same 10 paragraph story. This seems to reveal that it is the AP, rather than Obama, that wanted to focus on Cheney the most here.

Certainly we can face facts that the liberal press has succeeded in pillorying Vice President Cheney since almost the minute he stepped into the VP Mansion at the United States Naval Observatory. It is, therefore, a fact that Cheney has a low approval rating. But it seems to me that the headline branding Cheney “unpopular” is somewhat unseemly and opinionated as opposed to newsworthy.

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AP: GOP Convention Protesters Create ‘Marketplace of Ideas’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Talk about a puff piece, this Associated Press short is a story with absolutely no substance. Not only that but after seeing the headline and then reading the story, one is hard pressed to believe they belong together. This Amy Forliti puffery is incongruously headlined “Protesters expected to transform the streets outside GOP convention into marketplace of ideas,” yet there isn’t any discussion at all of any such “marketplace” or about any real “ideas” in the story. In fact, the only “ideas” are ages old, stale and losing their grip among more Americans everyday.

Oh, Forliti talks about protests filled with prosaic anti-war sentiment, ages old oil protests, anarchists and 9/11 truthers, but there is no discussion of real “ideas” in this piece. Nor does the piece discuss exactly who is organizing these protests, people who are themselves filled with the dead ideas of another era — just for instance the United For Peace And Justice (UFPJ) is mostly a socialist organization and they are always a part of these coalitions of misfits.

After reporting that a retired 73-year-old doctor will parade about holding a styrofoam gravestone who will be on hand at the RNC convention in Minnesota and after talking about how a “philosophy professor” will agitate for 9/11 trutherism, the AP piece lets us know that these folks comprise a “marketplace of ideas.”

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Shameless AP Editorializing, Republicans Against ‘The Poor’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Associated Press injected an editorial comment into the news… again. A few days ago, the AP issued a piece headlined Senate Republicans block heating aid bill, in which the AP made it seem as if Republicans don’t care about “the poor” and are only interested in mere political partisanship. This report featured quotes showing how wonderful and caring the Democrats are but not a single quote from any Republican to explain their stance. It also clearly discounted the GOP position while positively spinning the Democratic position.

The story concerns the GOP’s blocking of a Senate Democrat bill to double the Federal aid to “the poor” to subsidize their heating and air-conditioning bills. First of all, I wasn’t aware that it was Constitutionally mandated that “the poor” get free air-conditioning, but that is another story. The editorializing comes in with the second paragraph.

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