Ron Paul’s Dissembling About His Newsletters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Famed opposition researcher Andrew Kaczynksi has dug up the ultimate video proof that Ron Paul is a liar with his current claims that he had no knowledge about those racist newsletters that carried his name for so many decades.

Ron Paul has lately claimed that he had no idea that his newsletters were filled with anti-Jew, anti-black, even anti-Asian sentiment, not to mention more conspiracy theories than a season of a TV series hosted by Jesse Ventura. He has explained that he just never had much to do with those newsletters, he didn’t write them, and he doesn’t know who did so no one should hold the contents of them against him. He’s even getting testy over this issue as is evident from his storming off an interview with CNN just yesterday.

Yet in 1995 he was happily hawking his newsletters to C-SPAN audiences (at about 1:50 into video):

But along with that, I also put out a political type of business investment newsletter that sort of covered all these areas. And it covered a lot about what was going on in Washington, and financial events, and especially some of the monetary events. Since I had been especially interested in monetary policy, had been on the banking committee, and still very interested in, in that subject, that this newsletter dealt with it. This had to do with the value of the dollar, the pros and cons of the gold standard, and of course the disadvantages of all the high taxes and spending that our government seems to continue to do.

Are we expected to believe Ron Paul when he claims he never paid much mind to these newsletters, even after we see him hawking them on C-SPAN in 1995? Are we expected to believe that the millions of dollars he made from these newsletters deposited into his coffers came without his slightest interest in where it was all coming from?
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Ron Paul’s Dissembling About His Newsletters”

Ron Paul: Conspiracy Nut, Anti-Semite

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last year Ron Paul said that the CIA perpetrated a coup over the United States. “There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. They’re in businesses, in drug businesses.” That fits in as just another part of the wacky world of Ron Paul that has spanned decades of denigrating blacks, assigning all sorts of crazy conspiracies to the US government, and above all hatred for Israel. It is a disgusting sin that this man is a political candidate for anything much less for the GOP nomination for President of the United States.

A lot of the credit for exposing the worst of Paul’s outrages belongs to James Kirchick who in 2008 wrote a short piece for The New Republic detailing what he found in an archive of Ron Paul’s racist newsletters.

Also back in 2008, then Fox News host John Gibson had a must hear interview with Kirchick asking why so many white supremacists and racists were in such slavish support of Ron Paul when he ran for president in 2008.

Aside from his racist newsletters, Kirchick notes that in 1994, Paul predicted a “holocaust” against South African whites and then advocated for a separate white state in South Africa. Kirchick also says Paul seemed to support the same thing in America.
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Ron Paul: Conspiracy Nut, Anti-Semite”