Left-Wingers Have the Cash To Constantly Beat Conservatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

As some of you may remember I have been covering the anti-vote fraud efforts of True The Vote, a program created by the Texas-based King Street Patriots. They recently sent out a fund raising letter that almost immediately drew the notice of left wingers intent on destroying their anti-vote fraud work. This immediate response by the left really highlighted how unprepared conservatives are to fight the left’s juggernaut machine.

The King Street Patriots (KSP) have raised several thousand dollars to fund their anti-vote fraud program, certainly. But, as everyone knows, when running an organization — especially a politically oriented one — money is always in short supply.

Catherine Engelbrecht, the head of the KSP, has told me that they’ve rarely resorted to asking for money in fundraising letters, but sent one out early this week to raise much needed cash. Engelbrecht told me that only hours after the letter went out to her supporters the left-wing website American Independent posted a story about the letter.

The quick jump on the fund raising letter by the left shows some major differences between the left and the right in political activism.
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Left-Wingers Have the Cash To Constantly Beat Conservatives”

A Nationwide Movement To Eliminate Voter Fraud Is Born

-By Warner Todd Huston

This past weekend the first national True The Vote Summit was conducted by the folks that successfully rooted out vote fraud in Harris County, Texas during the 2010 elections. Folks from 27 different states were in attendance to learn how the Harris County effort was conducted in hopes of replicating the same back home, but with the hard lessons already learned.

On Saturday those in attendance heard from True The Vote’s wizened members and learned what the best practices were to “true” the voting process in their own areas. Along with the True the Vote experts attendees also heard from the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund and election law expert Christian Adams. The day’s activities were wrapped up in a neat, if somewhat eccentric bow as those gathered heard an entertaining address by none other than our own Andrew Breitbart.

This event wasn’t just a rally cry for free and fair elections, though indeed it was that. TTV’s Mark Antill, Alan and Colleen Vera, Nancy Geigel, Vickie Pullen and the indefatigable Catherine Engelbrecht gave detailed information on how folks can set up their own poll watcher programs, told the summit goers how to keep the process free of partisanship, and discussed the ins and outs of the legal system they came up against when implementing their 2010 program. I even got a few minutes to let the folks know how to use the Internet and the New Media to help support their efforts back home.

But make no mistake about it. Despite what the left has said about this effort, their goal is not to inject a partisan agenda into our elections but to make sure that every election nation wide is free of fraud. Time and again TTV’s members told of how they worked hand in hand with Democrat poll watchers to make sure that everything was on the up and up during the elections.

Still this hasn’t stopped the left from whimpering.
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A Nationwide Movement To Eliminate Voter Fraud Is Born”

Activists in 23 States Coming Together in Texas to ‘True The Vote’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Note I am leaving for Texas on Thursday morning to attend this event. Just thought I’d repost it from earlier in the month…

Patriots and activists from 23 states are about to gather together on March 25 and 26 in Houston, Texas to attend the True The Vote Summit, an effort to make “true” the electoral system in every polling place in the country, to stop voter fraud, and to quash the intimidation of voters. Organizers hope to make sure that we again have free and fair elections.

A local Harris County activist group named The The King Street Patriots built the True The Vote Summit upon their experiences of attempting to “true” the 2010 election in Harris County, Texas.

Back before the recent election, the KSP got together to try and find out what sort of shape the voting rolls were in Harris County, Texas were. What they found was shocking. Due to its investigation, an ACORN organizer was exposed for having registered over 23,000 fake voters in the county. The story made national news.
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Activists in 23 States Coming Together in Texas to ‘True The Vote’”

Lefties Trying Preemptive Assault on Texas True The Vote Event

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left-wing website Talking Points Memo (known as TPM) is worried that the Tea Party-backed True The Vote effort in Harris County, Texas — home of the City of Houston — is going to successfully enlist Texans to join an effort to “true the vote” by battling vote fraud. Because of this fear, TPM has been trying to undermine the event with several left-slanted blog posts.

TPMs latest posting is artful for its vague accusations and spin, but it is short on any actual proof of the nefarious goals that the left-wing site is trying to ascribe to the True The Vote National Summit, coming up on March 25 and 26. Read closely TPM’s post also has the odd effect of coming to the support of vote fraud by seeming to discount the True The Vote event. Sadly, this dismissive attitude is of a piece with the left’s desire to shy people from paying attention to the massive vote fraud that they, themselves have been involved in for decades.
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Lefties Trying Preemptive Assault on Texas True The Vote Event”

Democrats Stealing Elections: Illinois Dems Deny Military the Vote in 2010 Election

-By Warner Todd Huston


The Dept. of justice is investigating whether the Democrat Secretary of State for Illinois has somehow forgotten to send thousands of absentee ballots out to members of the military serving overseas and in this close election climate in Illinois, these ballots now not to be counted could be decisive.

Federal election law, specifically the Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE), states that every state must mail their absentee ballots 45 days before the election. However, Cris Cray, director of Legislation at the Illinois State Board of Elections, has reported that some of Illinois’ voting jurisdictions have failed to mail ballots on time.

Reporters confirmed that Justice is investigating Illinois via a message from Justice Department spokeswoman Xochil Hinojosa.
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Democrats Stealing Elections: Illinois Dems Deny Military the Vote in 2010 Election”

Gains in Suburban Chicago Voter Registration Shows GOP Enthusiasm in Collar Areas

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chuck Goudie recently reported that voter registration is way up in the Republican dominated suburban Chicago and collar county areas this year while voters in the city itself has fallen slightly over last year’s registration numbers. The uptick in the suburbs seems to show that enthusiasm for Republican voters is much higher than that of city Democrats.

There has been a spike in suburban and collar county registrations and while city registration is 60,000 down from 2008, statewide registration is up from levels of four years ago.
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Gains in Suburban Chicago Voter Registration Shows GOP Enthusiasm in Collar Areas”

Texas: Former SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project.

This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community.

Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they’ve uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat “voters” in Texas.
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Texas: Former SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters”

2 Chicago Democrats Convicted of Vote Fraud

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two political workers for Chicago Alderman Bernard Stone (50th Ward) have been convicted of vote fraud and were sentenced to one year in jail on August 4.

The pair were convicted of attempting to manipulate absentee ballots in Stone’s tough 2007 re-election campaign.

The workers, Anish Epsen, 40, and Armando Ramos, 36, were given 364 days and 270 days respectively, convicted of attempted absentee ballot violations, a misdemeanor. The pair faced several felony charges, but the judge only sentenced them on the misdemeanor charges.

Instructive is the reaction of boss Stone.
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2 Chicago Democrats Convicted of Vote Fraud”