Are Tech Writers Full of Crap?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have been seeing more and more reports that writers, reviewers and bloggers are by and large useless where it comes to real news about the tech industry and this failed reporting on the iPhone ap Meerkat is a perfect example.

Tero Kuittinen has a great synopsis on how the tech media reported on the Meerkat streaming media iPhone ap touting it as the next big thing in social media despite that the ap never once got into the top 100 for sales of iPhone aps.

Kuittinen points out that the reportage on Meerkat was a feeding frenzy with one tech writer feeding off another quite despite the fact that the very phone ap they were over the moon about was never the smash hit they were claiming it was.

But even as Meerkat was announcing a $14 million cash infusion by investors, a rial ap debuted that buried Meerkat instantly.
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Are Tech Writers Full of Crap?”

New Phone Ap Exposes Home Addresses of Legal Gun Owners

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are you an evil gun owner whose “gun religion” requires “live child sacrifices” to appease your gun god? Well now there is a smart phone ap to expose your home address to the world.

Gun Geo Marker is now available for anti-gun smart phone users to upload the home address of gun owners to a database created to mark “dangerous guns and gun owners.”

The ap was developed by University of California San Diego lecturer and anti-gun hobbyist Brett Stalbaum who claims that his project is meant to track “irresponsible” gun owners. But reading his ap website tends to affirm that Stalbaum thinks all gun owners are irresponsible–as with the “gun religion” comment.

As Stalbaum explains on the ap’s webpage, “Yes, I guess this is the same as ‘publicly geotag[ing] homes of people believed to belong to a particular religion.’ True enough, if your religion requires live child sacrifices to appease a cold, tubular god.”
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New Phone Ap Exposes Home Addresses of Legal Gun Owners”