Kicking The Habit (Oil Isn’t As Slick As Bureaucrats)

By R. A. Hawkins

Of late all we seem to hear about is the need to kick the oil habit. Before I address this I want to comment to those who seem to say this so often. Do you really think that the radical Muslims will stay away from you just because we leave their benighted land? Get a grip. All cowardice ever receives as payment is more hostility by an emboldened attacker. If I injured the sensibilities of any of the liberals out there I would like to say I’m sorry. But I won’t.

What is needed now is another Republican Revolution. I mean the kind that we almost had when Gingrich and company took Congress back in the very first election held after Bill and his significant other were in office. Here are a few things that did get done. For the first time in years private business owners were actually able to write off their own medical insurance costs. Didn’t hear much about that did you?! All of those really neat herbs and supplements you can now get in the store — they weren’t available until the Republicans took Congress back from Moscow West. And eventually the Republicans also let the stupid assault weapons ban die a quiet death. They never did get to do all of the things they wanted to do. In spite of what the media said, little has changed as far as taxes except for Bush’s tax cut. The flat tax went the way of the pterodactyl but it is about to return as the Democrat albatross. I will enjoy watching them pitch their totally original and awesome idea of tax increases for everyone. Some people just don’t learn.

We do need to decrease our independence on foreign oil and that will never get any better until we decide to drive more reasonably sized vehicles and allow drilling in certain areas that are loaded with oil and apparently the democrat ruling class known as caribou, which seems to have replaced the whales in the liberal mind. I guess they finally realized that whales don’t vote for them. I’m really hoping that the caribou don’t run afoul of the liberals when it is discovered that they don’t vote Democrat either. I would hate to endanger the poor creatures. I want them to be fruitful and multiply. I hear they taste really good.

There was one thing the Republicans were talking about doing that never did get done. It was about that time that the liberal news media began piling the praise on the Republicans. What they didn’t get to do, because of a certain Nazi and his friends, was start a review of the laws that we have in this nation. That’s right. They were going to sit down and look at a law and then see if the agency that was supposed to be enforcing that law was enforcing it as written or making it up as they go. That was the one and only reason the media began praising them. It was a “You’ve done great! Oh look at you! You go girl! You go girl!” moment and the liberals didn’t want that to happen, never mind that when some of these agencies get entrenched they tend to take more power than they should, or that nobody ever stops them.

Laws are passed with certain intent and that intent is always interpreted by a bunch of bureaucrats who are hell bent on building their own pathetic little empire. You know what I mean. For example: A certain type of fly is determined by some PhD to be an emerging species and they need time to study it. Never mind the possibility that it’s some kind of a fluke caused by exposure to Air America radio waves. You worry about cell phones; I’ll worry about that.

But the fact remains that these people aren’t elected and they certainly aren’t monitored by anyone. They just get to make it up on their own. But as we enter the next election cycle remember that there is an enemy out there that will attack us here because in their eyes we’ve already lost the war. If a politician doesn’t get that they shouldn’t get the job. And we need to have some real conservatives up there for once. I really don’t want to hear what these squeeze bags want to give me, that is unless it’s elbowroom and fewer restrictions. How can anyone design, test and build a solar-powered home in a city these days? They are as zoned out as the people sitting behind desks and running our lives. And the same goes for green cars. If you want to buy one and pay interest that’s okay, but dream up a new design and build it? Well there’s that pointy-headed little bureaucrat stopping you. That is what needs to be fixed now.

That will take some real men however.

R.A. Hawkins is the author of “Through Eyes of Shiva”, available through Visit -Entropical Paradise –( The Home of R.A. Hawkins for more commentaries and editorials by R.A. Hawkins.

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