-By Warner Todd Huston
An Arizona gun shop owner that was pressed into service by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) to illegally sell guns to straw purchasers told the L.A.Times that “Every passing week, I worried” that someone was going to get hurt with the hundreds of thousands of dollars in firearms he was selling to them.
The shop owner, Andre Howard of the Lone Wolf Gun Store in Rio Rico, Arizona, sold guns to people he knew were transporting them to Mexican narco-terrorists for 15 months under orders from the BATF. As time wore on and he never heard of any arrests and saw no announcements of tracking programs made public, Howard’s conscience really began to bother him…
Read the rest at RightPundits.com.
Previous Coverage of Fast and Furious:
- Ariz. Gun Shop Owner Suspicious of Fast and Furious
- Eric Holder: Fast & Furious? What is that, a Movie?
- Obama’s Gun Running: White House Officials Knew More Than They Claimed, Also More Guns Showing Up at US Crime Scenes
- Fast and Furious Investigation Expands
- Finally: Gov’t Official Resigns Over Obama’s Arming of Mexican Narco-Terrorists
- New Mexico Officials Arrested, Likely Part of Obama’s Gun Running to Mexican Narco-Terrorists
- Gun Walker Guns Linked to 11 US Crime Scenes, BATF Officers PROMOTED!
- Was Obama’s CIA Behind Guns for Mexican Narco-Terrorists?
- Memorial Video for U.S. Border Agent Killed By Obama’s Gun Running Program
- Obama Mentioned ‘Gun Tracing’ in 2009 Mexico Visit
- BATF Official: The White House Knew About Fast and Furious Gunrunning Operation
- Obama’s Guns Appearing at Mexican Crime Scenes
- ATF Director Worried That DOJ Kept Him in the Dark
- Democrats Really Are Using Illicit Gunwalker Program to Push New Gun Banning Laws
- Was Obama’s Arms for Naco Terrorists Program an Attempt at Pushing Gun Control?
- Obama Directly Connected to Murderous Gunrunning Program
- Rep. West Calls for Resignation of U.S. Attny Gen Over Obama’s Arming of Mexican Narco Terrorists
- Obama’s Mexican Gun Running Paid For by Stimulus Money
- Newest News on Obama’s Arming of Mexican Narco Terrorists
- Obama Happily Putting Guns in the Hands of Mexican Drug Dealers, Now Ending Up in Phoenix