One Example of How Left Widely Funds Internet Operations

Think Progress Exposed

-By Eric Odom

More than 2.5 million people read pages of Think Progress every month. Quite a staggering number, and something free-market minded Americans should pay close attention to.

While some in mainstream communication realms might not see this as a significant story, many more of us are starting to uncover the dark agenda that drives the left wing propaganda machine at Think Progress.

What are the Origins of Think Progress?
Here is what we know…

1) Think Progress is a Project of The Center for American Progress Action Fund
The Center for American Progress Action Fund is a “progressive” think-tank. Their “partner” is The Center for American Progress, a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue code.

The Center for American Progress is ran by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta. That’s right… Think Progress is essentially a tool of the Clinton machine.

In fact, George Soros and Halperin recruited Harold Ickes — chief fundraiser and former deputy chief of staff for the Clinton White House — to help organize the Center.

With this in mind, it’s interesting to notice the Center’s use of Think Progress to attack John McCain, when they won’t lift a finger to send negative attention to Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

So much for “non-partisan”.

2) The Bloggers are Far Left Operatives
Faiz Shakir, the editor at Think Progress, is also the Research Director at the Center for American Progress. Faiz has previously worked as a Research Associate for the Democratic National Committee, as a Legislative Aide to Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL) on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, and as a communications aide in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Amanda Terkel is Deputy Research Director at the Center for American Progress and serves as Managing Editor for The Progress Report and Think Progress at the Center for American Progress. Terkel also worked in the Office of Liberal Democrat Senator Charles E. Schumer.

Also working as editors/writers/bloggers for Think Progress are Satyam Khanna, Matt Corley, Benjamin J. Armbruster, Ali Frick, Matthew Duss, Brad Johnson, Sarah Dale and Igor Volsky.

Not surprisingly, every one of the above individuals are on the payroll of either the Center for American Progress or the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Wonk Room is pretty much ran by the same ilk that edit the main Think Progress site. But Attackerman has a different background when it comes to blogger-in-chief. As Konservo points out, Spencer Ackerman runs Attackerman, supposedly covering National Security Issues. As Konservo mentions, Ackerman works for The Washington Independent, who, ironically is owned by the Center for Independent Media.

The Center for Independent Media is ran by a group of wealthy tech liberals and Democrat party operatives/campaign consultants. These folks aren’t messing around either. As mentioned above, the groups involved in this progressive/liberal ring of propaganda sites are also tied to Media Matters, the Soros funded liberal attack machine.

Just how active and aggressive are these groups in using the internet to spread their agenda? According to Shot in The Dark, the Center for Independent Media has been working to hire liberal/progressive bloggers in the state of Minnesota. An e-mail sent out via the Center for Independent Media makes it clear that the Soros machine is hiring a left wing army aimed at bringing free-market/limited-government advocates to their knees.

Read the full e-mail here.

Have no doubts, Think progress is not independent, not non-partisan, and not in any way a center of the political isle source of information. Instead, the site is a vessel through which the Soros money machine can funnel its left wing agenda.

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