-By Warner Todd Huston
If you need any more proof that the concept of Global Warming is less “science” and is more just a replacement for the kind of failed concepts of communism and socialism that is increasingly being rejected by the world, two recent stories helps clarify the point.
The first is a recent article by one Kellie Hastings, a writer who claims that her “research is thorough” and her “articles are written with style and intellect.” In a piece titled “Deadly Ozone From Drive-Thru Mania,” our Miss Hastings pours out her considerable “intellect” into the theory that drive thru windows are destroying the planet and making us a bunch of fatties.
These drive-thru window services contribute to smog, emissions, noise pollution, air pollution, pollution within the store itself as employees at the window are constantly breathing in exhaust fumes. They add to our obesity problem creating a lazy society. They congest the parking lots creating line ups adding to even more idling vehicles.
Wow, that is quite a list, a result of her “thorough research,” no doubt.
And what does all this evil come down to as far as Miss. Hastings is concerned?
And all this is for what, convenience sake, money, success?
Is the human species evolving or are we becoming selfish to our never ending needs, our services rendered mind set? Or is it because we cannot turn back the clock and change the structured society we all love so much?
Maybe we have misled ourselves in regards to the meaning of purpose. Materialistically speaking, is it our destiny or purpose to acquire as much as possible? Is our evolutionary success based on our technologically convenient lifestyle? Or are we here to serve the almighty dollar?
Yeah, it’s all because of … you guessed it… capitalism. Her solution, of course, is to put an end to all this capitalism stuff like all good communists aim to do.
She fails utterly to prove with all her “research” that the “air pollution” she claims is a result from drive-thru windows will be reduced by getting rid of the convenience. She just states it straight out as fact. But, if Miss. Hastings is unhappy over the continued and expanded use of automobiles because of the air pollution they cause, she can’t be too happy about the Tata Corporation in India offering a new auto for around $2,500, an offering that will allow many millions more people than had ever been able to afford a brand new car.
Now, owning a car opens up possibilities to a person that is beyond their reach otherwise, it opens up a freedom that many millions do not currently enjoy. The ability to find work at further distances from their homes than ever gives them more choices to find lucrative employment opportunities, the ability to find markets and entertainments are also greatly expanded. All this greatly expands individual freedom.
If many millions more of the people of India (and around the world) find themselves able to afford this new car, it will incredibly improve their standard of living. It will also force the government to redirect their own efforts to internal improvements to accommodate this rise in cars that will add even more to raising the standard of living in once poor countries.
Isn’t this great news? Not to the communists of Greenpeace who are protesting this new product. Green communists are attempting to forever keep the poor in the grinding poverty in which they currently wallow. These green communists do not want people to be raised up out of poverty because to do so will cause “pollution” and “global warming.”
And Greenpeace isn’t alone. Their pals in the media are happy to fan the flames of alarmism over the supposed “global disaster” of this incredible new freedom-promoting car. As the Washington Post proved with an article outrageous titled “It Costs Just $2,500. It’s Cute as a Bug. And It Could Mean Global Disaster.”
Green communists do not care about people and these two stories add to the ever growing proof that enviro-communists have gravitated to environmentalism as a replacement for an overt espousal of communist ideals.
Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer, has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and is featured on many websites such as newsbusters.org, townhall.com, New Media Journal, Men’s News Daily and the New Media Alliance among many, many others. Additionally, he has been a frequent guest on talk-radio programs to discuss his opinion editorials and current events. He has also written for several history magazines and appears in the new book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture” which can be purchased on amazon.com. He is also the owner and operator of publiusforum.com. Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions : EMAIL Warner Todd Huston
I have said for some time that Enviro-collectivists main goal is to shut down the motor of the world through ignorance and paranoia about the environment. Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Progressivism, Environmentalism…they are all Collectivists.
I have not read Jonah Goldberg’s new book “Liberal Fascism” yet, but after seeing Jonah on Jon Stewart’s show, I will have to read it. Jonah is saying the same thing I was about Progressives being overt Collectivists and how it is a much more discriptive word for their movement than Liberal. The video is available here: http://www.comedycentral.com/motherload/player.jhtml?ml_video=147884&is_large=true
This article Warner Todd Houston
is spreading across the Internet which
depicts his view on global warming has two flaws.
He seems to feel he has rights to publish my works into and as part of his work via articles without my permission. Publishing the entire works of
another writer on ones website via directories or permission is one thing.
However, purposely taking parts of anothers work and implementing paragraphs of their words into their works of writing via articles to further enhance their credibility is a copyright infridgment of my work.
The link to my work is all he has rights to post if he hasn’t intentions
of posting entire article as means to accuse a writer of being
My NON-PROFIT website
is proof I am anything but a communist and am well aware of governement corruption by way of lies, global bullshit, global warming propaganda, the pathetic food
industry, media censorship, New World Order etc.
Work in a driv-thru and you can smell the
difference, breath it in and you can feel
the difference. Maybe he should try this.
He must believe all the pollution we
put into the air just dissipates leaving
that clean air we all crave.
Either Warner is to remove his article or re-write it,,with his own words,,,not words of my work,,to fill in those empty spaces he needs to fill to credit his false accusations of who is and who isn’t a COMMUNIST.
Kellie Hastings, author of
Deadly Ozone from Driv-Thru Mania