-By Warner Todd Huston
On Wednesday evening officials of the University of California at Berkeley decided to cancel a talk scheduled to be given by iconoclast gay conservative and free speech activist Milo Yiannopoulos. Officials feared unrest over the event. But it came to that anyway as the fascist left kicked into high gear with rioting and destruction in the violent, un-American way we’ve all became so woefully used from the left in America.
Many on the left have been crowing that their constant penchant to riot is an example of their advocacy for “freedom.” But in fact, it is the opposite. Indeed what we are seeing is a clash between the advocates of free speech on the right and the violent attempts to suppress free speech by liberals.
You should notice, dear readers, how there are never any riots by conservatives or Republicans. Only fascist liberals riot. Heck, conservatives don’t even leave any trash behind when they rally!
Yiannopoulos is a Breitbart editor (disclosure: I write for Breitbart News but have never had any personal interaction with Milo) and a provocateur who has been touring the country with his “Dangerous Faggot Tour” railing against endemic left-wing PCism and most especially excoriating universities for their speech codes and other efforts to quash dissent and free expression.
And what happened at Berkeley does no less than prove Milo 100% right: the left is made up of fascists who want to destroy our Constitutional right to free speech.
Ben Shapiro made an important distinction in his recent article on the Berkeley incident when he said that this isn’t about Yiannopoulos.
“And the riots aren’t about Yiannopoulos: they’re about the very concept of allowing someone on campus who the left considers radical,” Shapiro wrote.
He went on saying, “the academic left has built up a pseudointellectual bulwark around such fascism. They’ve told students that they deserve ‘safe spaces’ — areas in which their ideas are not challenged in any way. They’ve forwarded the culture of ‘microaggressions,’ which urges students to see any speech they find offensive as a form of “aggression” to be countered by other aggression.”
One brave young woman waded into this left-wing melee of hate that night, brave because she was wearing a Donald Trump “Make American Great Again” hat. But she soon found out how opposing views on campus are treated.
As she stood proudly wearing her Trump hat and being interviewed as violence-prone lefty students stood nearby, a liberal woman ran up and pepper sprayed her merely for speaking.
The Trump supporter, Kiara Robles, later tweeted out that the anti-Americanism indulged by the protesters is exactly the reason Trump won.
And where are the calls from the left to end these riots? Where is the left’s pleading for civility and free speech? Crickets is what we hear on that count.
In fact, maybe we even have the opposite of silence on the matter. Sadly, we get the likes of failed Democrat Vice President candidate and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine openly calling for violence when he told Democrats to go out and “fight in the streets” against Republicans.
Loser Kaine even told Democrats to engage in violence even if there is “popular outcry” against such actions. He told Democrats to become “energized by it.”
The monsters in Berkeley heard him loud and clear.
The media is also doing its level best to cover for the rioters in Berkeley (and elsewhere, for that matter). Today’s catch phrase in the media is that the Berkeley protests were “mostly peaceful.”
IJReview.com did a great job showing how that “mostly peaceful” claim is a lie with series of examples showing just how violent it all really was.
Instead of calls for debate, instead of liberals urging people to use the system to argue their case, instead of Democrats striving to engage in the time-honored American political process, they are urging revolution. In fact, some are even calling or secession, for Pete’s sakes.
An effort to peel California away from the United States of America has been growing as the liberal temper tantrum grows.
It is becoming easy to understand how Lincoln and his Republican Party of the 1850s and 60s felt when Democrats were demanding secession in 1860. Back then they decided that the American system created by the founders wasn’t good enough for them, too. And today, Democrats are again the party of secession!
Oh, the left pretends it is all about their desire to defeat “racism” and other liberal buzzwords. But it’s really about control. In Donald Trump and the rising conservative-minded populist movement they see the end of the lock on control of the country that they’ve enjoyed since the earliest days of the 20th century.
But they are fully ignorant of what makes this country great. For instance, as they seek to erase our borders while making the claim that immigration is what made the United States great, it is clear they don’t “get” it at all. Immigration did not “make America great.” Our system is what made America great. Immigrants are just part of the equation, not its essence.
But Donald Trump has some bullets in his arsenal that can be used to further destroy the left before his days in the White House are done. These un-American universities and these states and cities that are so in love with “sanctuary cities” are besotted with federal tax dollars being wasted to float their socialist utopias.
The president can cut off that flow of cash.
Trump has already warned that he could easily cut off funds to universities like Berkeley and states like California.
If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2017
This is exactly the right move. Berkeley gets around $370 million of our tax dollars to preach its hate. That money should be cut off entirely. Berkeley can preach all the hate it wants, but it should do so without our tax dollars shoring up its hate speech.
Trump should continue that tactic against all so-called “sanctuary cities” and any state governments that support such law-breaking policies.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson
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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing news, opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that wrote articles on U.S. history for several American history magazines. Huston is a featured writer for Andrew Breitbart’s Breitbart News, and he appears on such sites as Constitution.com, CanadaFreePress.com, BizPac Review, and many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.
For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.
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