Michelle Obama on ‘World’s Most Powerful Women’ List. Why?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Forbes has published its world’s most powerful women list and on that list, in the top slot no less, is Michelle Obama, the wife of the President of the United States of America. Along with Obama a few singers and entertainers made the list. It all goes to prove that apparently no one knows what “powerful” means anymore.

On the most powerful list – after Obama at number one — Lady Gaga comes in at seventh place, in ninth singer Beyonce Knowles appears, and bringing up the rear is entertainer Ellen DeGeneres. Oprah Winfrey makes it in as number three.

There is no reason that any of these women (well, I’ll give you Oprah) belong on a “most powerful women” list — or a most powerful anybody list, for that matter.
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Michelle Obama on ‘World’s Most Powerful Women’ List. Why?”

Another Motherhood-Hating, Traditional Gender Role-Attacking, San Fran Liberal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Margot Magowan a blogger for the San Francisco Chronicle must have gone to college. I say that not because she seems so well educated, but because she seems to hate traditional gender roles. After all, the only place that women become radical feminists is in college because the real world does not teach such balderdash.

In a short April 7 blog post Magowan furiously attacked the magazine Good Housekeeping for its latest cover story on First Lady Michelle Obama. Magowan hated the photo, claims she hates “the media’s” supposed “abuse” of first ladies, and even more to the point hates the fact that a magazine named Good Housekeeping still even “lives on” in this day and age when all things connected with homemaking should have been destroyed by the triumph of feminism long ago… as far as she is concerned apparently.

This post is a liberal feminist’s rant extraordinary, for sure.
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Another Motherhood-Hating, Traditional Gender Role-Attacking, San Fran Liberal”

Meghan McCain’s Latest: Too Stupid Not to Comment Upon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just hearing her name causes me pain and normally I wouldn’t waste a minute’s time worrying about what this vacuous little child has to say on much of anything — as is evidence by the fact that this is the first time my keyboard has shuddered out her name. However, Meghan McCain’s latest blog post is a piece of conventional wisdom that, while not unique to little Meaggie’s fallow mind (which itself is de rigeuer for the girl, sadly), it is one that has been heard since the day women began to stride into the world of western politics. However, it is one that I think no longer applies. So, I’d like to address the empty reasoning on women in politics despite that it emanated from McCain’s somewhat barren pen.

Here is McCain’s prosaic premise: The attacks on Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton have made it harder for women and is proof that no woman will ever be “just right” for politics. To which anyone not looking to make excuses can only say a resounding “yeah, right.”

The simple matter of fact is that anyone that clamors for great power will stir great passions in those whom they wish to govern. And those that find wide support among the people will find that such support is ephemeral once decisions start having to be made. It doesn’t matter if the powerful is man or woman.
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Meghan McCain’s Latest: Too Stupid Not to Comment Upon”