Pawlenty Video: Obama’s Empty Podium, Empty Presidency

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tim Pawlenty has a new ad out that hits Obama where it hurts the most: his utterly failed fiscal policies.

Tag Line: “Tim Pawlenty: Executive Experience Matters”

I would support Pawlenty over Obama, for sure. TPaw is right that Obama’s lack of experience makes him the worst of all candidates for the presidency.

It isn’t just Obama’s lack of executive experience, though. Obama has no experience at anything. He had an invisible stint at Harvard. He was a non-entity at the University of Chicago. He never published a thing of note in the legal or business world. He made no dent in the world of “community organizing.” He was a do nothing state senator and a do nothing federal senator. All he’s ever been is “Obama.”

This ad shows him for the feckless, bromide laden, no-account that he is.

Conservatives, Tea Partiers Still Not Warming to Mitt Romney

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN is reporting that the “Christian right” and the Tea Partiers are still nowhere near supporting Mitt Romney’s bid for the GOP nomination for president. Romney’s flip flopping on abortion, his full-on and continued support for his disastrous Romneycare health plan in Massachusetts prompting fear that he will end up supporting Obamacare if he wins, and other flip flops in his record have kept conservatives of many stripes away from supporting him.

Rightfully so, I should hasten to add.

Of course, Romney is leading far and away in most of the polls with Michele Bachmann currently coming in a distant second, so it is interesting to see the base still leery of a Romney candidacy. One has to wonder how the polls can show Romney so far ahead if CNNs report is correct on the base and it’s feelings against Romney. Perhaps these polls are really only based on name recognition even still and the real race has yet to begin…

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Herman Cain: Obama’s NLRB ‘A Direct Assault on the Free Market System’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Presidential candidate Herman Cain (R) recently spoke with FOX Business Network’s (FBN) Neil Cavuto about the dispute between the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Boeing and its impact on the United States economy. Cain said what the NLRB is trying to do keeping Boeing out of Charleston is “a direct assault on the free market system” and he hopes Boeing will “fight it all the way to the Supreme Court if that’s what they have to do.” Cain went on to say it is “uncertainty” that is preventing the U.S. economy from adding jobs in the “private sector” which must be “the engine” for economic growth and it is issues like the NLRB/Boeing dispute that are “killing the engine.”

Cain says that the reason business aren’t hiring is because of the uncertainty that Obama’s policies have visited upon the nation. The “uncertainty about the impact of Obamacare” chief among them.

“We don’t know what the tax rates are going to be at the end of 2013. This economy is stalled. This economy is like a train stuck on the tracks. You have a boxcar full of 15 million people who don’t have jobs, you have a boxcar of businesses that are hanging on. You have a caboose and no engine. They keep feeding the caboose. The caboose can’t pull the train. The private sector has to be the engine. Everything that they are doing, including this National Labor Relations Board issue, is killing the engine.”
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Herman Cain: Obama’s NLRB ‘A Direct Assault on the Free Market System’”

Thoughts on the CNN Republican Debate

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well the CNN debate of some of the GOP candidates for president is now in the history books and I thought I’d give my impression of those vying there.

Before I do that, I have to comment on John King’s constant guttural vocal tick. It sounded like he had Tourette Syndrome with the grunts and other noises. He was an utter failure as a moderator. His annoying grunts HAVE to go. It was also clear that his goal was not to hear what the candidates wanted to say, but that he wanted them to attack each other. He was constantly trying to pit them against each other. Fortunately, they did not take the bait for the most part. This was a civil debate, for sure. But if anyone failed tonight it was John King.

The debate format was rotten, too. This 30-second limit on answers for complex issues is absurd. I am glad that about halfway through the thing the time limit went by the wayside.

Now Let’s take the candidates as they appeared on the stage.
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Thoughts on the CNN Republican Debate”

Getting Muddy: Tim Pawlenty Attacks ‘ObamneyCare’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tim Pawlenty is one of only two GOP contenders that have a nation-wide ground game and it looks like he’s starting to go on the attack against Mitt Romney, the other Republican with a nation-wide organization. On Fox News Sunday today he attacked Romney’s disastrous healthcare bill that he signed when Governor of Massachusetts head on calling the legislation “ObamneyCare.”

With one phrase he was able to link Romney’s healthcare law directly to the hated Obamacare legislation. It was clever, but it shows that Pawlenty feels that Romney is not only the guy to beat, he’s vulnerable as well.

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Drunken Pawlenty Worker At Iowa Family’s Door at 3AM

-By Warner Todd Huston

For some unexplained reason a drunken campaign worker for the Tim Pawlenty Presidential Exploratory Committee was found at a Polk County, Iowa Family’s back door at 3AM on Wednesday morning.

Ben Foster was arrested and ended up in the Polk County jail after the Steward family called police about a drunken intruder trying to get into their back door. Foster was charged with public intoxication and trespassing.

An Iowa consultant for the Pawlenty campaign confirms that Foster was an employee of the Tim Pawlenty Presidential Exploratory Committee.
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Drunken Pawlenty Worker At Iowa Family’s Door at 3AM”

Tim Pawlenty Launches Freedom First PAC

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has just been announced in a coast to coast conference call that Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is launching a new effort he is calling Freedom First PAC in order to fight the “encroachment of a bureaucracy that stifles ands suffocates freedom in America.”

Right now, our freedoms are being challenged on many fronts. One such challenge is encroachment on our liberties by an unceasing Federal bureaucracy. Little by little, it suffocates individual freedom, personal responsibility and the free market. It can happen quietly — it’s not always a grand debate over something like health care. It can happen in increments that people don’t even see or know about, but nevertheless deflates the human spirit.

It should be remembered that Pawlenty was one of the Republicans whose name was bandied about as a candidate for vice president and many people see Pawlenty as a viable candidate for national office. Obviously this is Pawlenty’s first step toward a shot at the White House. Pawlenty, however, says that this is about 2010 and the immediate help he can give other candidates running for office now and the help his PAC can offer to push the sort of issues and solutions that will affect our nation today.

Pawlenty mentioned that his new media team headed by prominent blogger Liz Mair, is an important part of this new effort and the new media will be a major part of any political group going onward.
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Tim Pawlenty Launches Freedom First PAC”