No Hiccups in State’s Construction Plan‏

From the Office of GOP Minority Leader Tom Cross…

After action by the General Assembly today — the state’s construction program will continue without interruption this summer keeping tens of thousands of people on the job repairing our state’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

This is another example of the General Assembly working together this session to achieve the common goal to put our state back on the right track.

We worked together to pass a budget that spends less money than we did last year—and made some tough choices to keep our spending down.

This has to be our new way of life.

We are not finished working on budgets that continue to bring our spending under control and reforming our government to make our state a place we can be proud of.

CLICK HERE to watch my comments on the House Floor today.

Holding the Line on Spending, Driving Cuts

From the office of Illinois GOP House Minority Leader Tom Cross…

As we wrapped up the regular spring legislative session this week, Illinois House Republicans drove the General Assembly to a balanced budget by only allowing the Governor to spend money that we estimate we will receive in revenues next year. That number is $33.2 billion—any dime we receive above that number will go to pay down our backlog of bills.

Our spending level is $2 billion less than what Governor Quinn wanted to spend and $1 billion less than what the Illinois Senate originally wanted to spend.

In fact, in a last ditch effort to spend more money, the Illinois Senate sent us legislation that would have tacked on more than $400 million. We rejected that.
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Holding the Line on Spending, Driving Cuts”

Bait-and-Switch: Democrats Unveil New Map

From the office of Ill. GOP Minority House Leader Tom Cross…

Dems Deny Vote on Fair Map Proposal; Shun Public Input in Favor of Partisan Map

In a stunning reversal of their oft-repeated pledge to lead an open and transparent redistricting process, House and Senate Democrats introduced a brand new partisan legislative map late yesterday which was different from the one publicly released last week. This bait-and-switch follows weeks of public hearings held throughout the state to obtain local citizen input on how Illinois’ new map should be drawn; a mere days after three public forums held within the past week on the original publicly-released map.

So much for transparency.
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Bait-and-Switch: Democrats Unveil New Map”

Illinois Redistricting Update‏

Tom Cross, Illinois GOP Minority Leader…

Democrats in both the House and Senate released legislative redistricting maps last week. In the House, Democrats waited to release their map until late Friday afternoon giving the public practically no time to review it before a planned Sunday hearing in Chicago. If you wanted an explanation you had to ask for it in writing. Democrats promised an open and transparent process – this isn’t it.

Despite claims from House Democrats that their map is fair and competitive, a number of Latino organizations have stated at hearings and in news reports that their population is under-represented. Since the last map was drawn in 2001, the Latino population grew the most in the last ten years in Illinois.
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Illinois Redistricting Update‏”

Ill. House GOP Leader Cross: House Passes State Budget, Drives Down Spending‏

From the office of Illinois GOP House leader Tom Cross…

For years, House Republicans have driven the discussion on the need for fiscal discipline and to stop spending money we don’t have. Today we took a dramatic step forward passing the first budget in years that actually forces the state to live within its means; and actually spends less than we did the year before. We are pleased that our friends across the aisle joined us in this fiscal discipline.

See the video HERE.

It is never easy to make cuts, but the budgets we passed this week will keep our promise to spend no more than our revenue estimate of $33.2 billion. This is the only way we’re ever going to get our bills paid and get our state finances back on track.
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Ill. House GOP Leader Cross: House Passes State Budget, Drives Down Spending‏”

House Redistricting Hearings Underway Around State

From the office of Tom Cross, Ill. GOP leader…

A series of public hearings on the redrawing of Illinois House district boundaries are underway this week, including today in Aurora, East St. Louis and Elgin (see below for a list of locations, dates and times). The hearings will provide residents with a platform to provide testimony about the map’s impact on their community. If you are unable to attend, Twitter and Facebook updates from the hearing will be available through the U-Map IL Facebook page.

Illinois State

We are also making our mapmaking software, computer, census data and staff available for the public to draw their own maps. Call 312-814-2053 to set up an appointment.
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House Redistricting Hearings Underway Around State”

Tax Freedom Day – Action Alert‏

From the office of GOP Minority Leader Tom Cross…

Congratulations! Today is the first day of 2011 that earnings you make can start going towards meeting the needs of you and your family. That’s right – we’ve worked the first 105 days of the year just to pay our federal, state, and local tax obligations for the year, more than a quarter of the way through 2011.

In recognition of this sobering fact, today is Tax Freedom Day in Illinois; a reminder of just how much we must pay in taxes each year before our hard-earned dollars can finally start working for us.
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Tax Freedom Day – Action Alert‏”

IL House Repubs: Pay Cuts, Murder Registry and More‏

From GOP House Minority Leader Tom Cross…

10 % Pay Cut for Lawmakers Clears House

House Republicans this week helped pass legislation requiring lawmakers to take a 10 percent pay cut in Fiscal Year 2012 – a $1.2 million savings for taxpayers, said House Republican Leader Tom Cross.

“We must lead by example. We have been pushing tirelessly for state government to live within its means—when looking at reductions in our budget, we must look at ourselves-first,” said Cross.

Illinois state representatives and senators receive the fifth highest paid salary in the country. Only California, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan pay their legislators more than Illinois. The current annual salary for an Illinois legislator is $67,836; if HB 2891 becomes law, the annual salary will be $61,052.
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IL House Repubs: Pay Cuts, Murder Registry and More‏”

Ill GOP House News

From Ill. GOP House Leader Tom Cross…

Years of advocating for fiscally conservative and responsible budgeting by members of the House Republican caucus finally seems to be resonating with leading Democrats in the House. Wednesday, House Republican Leader Tom Cross testified alongside House Speaker Michael Madigan before the House Elementary and Secondary Appropriations and the General Services Appropriations Committees on legislation they are co-sponsoring that reinforces the concept that the state cannot spend more money than it takes in.

House Bill 3639, House Bill 3697, and House Bill 116 require the state to fully fund the public pension systems in FY12 and House Bill 117 which passed the Public Safety Committee, requires the state to allocate $2.137 billion to pay debt service on bonds.

Cross_Madigan_HB117 from Illinois House Republicans on Vimeo.

The House also passed on Wednesday a bi-partisan, House Resolution 158, which specifies that any revenue the state receives exceeding $33.2 billion, the estimate adopted in House Resolution 110, should be used to pay down bills. This estimate is $2 billion less than the Governor proposed spending in his FY12 budget plan.

Last week the House passed House Resolution 156 establishing the percentage of general revenue funds each appropriations committee would have available to work with as they develop their budgets.
The allocation is as follows:

  • Elementary and Secondary Education – 28.742%
  • General Services – 5.158%
  • Higher Education – 8.761%
  • Human Services – 50.631%
  • Public Safety – 6.978%

“This series of legislation is putting the legislature on the right path to passing a state budget that is balanced and does not exceed what we can afford – that helps ensure the tax increases passed in January will be temporary,” said Cross. “It also provides schools, human service providers and others with some certainty knowing how much money will be available as they prepare their own budgets. That is something they haven’t had for years with the Democrats’ lump sum budgets. It’s good to see our persistence is finally paying off and we are going to continue to hold the Democrats’ feet to the fire to reduce spending and balance the budget.”

Restoring Fiscal Sanity, Putting Illinois Back to Work‏

From the office of Illinois Republican House Leader, Tom Cross…

As the legislative session continues in Springfield, I wanted to take a quick moment to update you on some of the key legislation introduced by House Republican members.

House Republicans are committed to restoring fiscal responsibility and ending the reckless spending in Springfield. We are fighting for meaningful spending caps, researching opportunities to cut spending and working to substantial reforms to save significant taxpayer dollars.

Listed below are some of the measures we are working on and I would like your thought on these so please let us know if you support or oppose these measures.

Repeal the Democrat Income Tax
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Restoring Fiscal Sanity, Putting Illinois Back to Work‏”

Ill House Republicans: We Need to Stop Spending Money We Don’t Have!‏

From the Illinois House Republicans…

Finally, Democrats who control the Illinois House are starting to listen to what House Republicans have been saying for years and continue to say: We need to stop spending money we don’t have!

Last week the House unanimously passed HR110 establishing a conservative revenue estimate of $33.2 billion, $2 billion less than Governor Quinn is proposing to spend. To get our state’s fiscal house in order we must start by enacting a truly balanced state budget. Passing HR110 was an important first step.

Now that we have established how much money we can expect, the next step is to develop a plan to pay our bills and meet expenses without exceeding our limit. Today several pieces of legislation establishing a framework for reducing spending and paying down bills advanced in the House:
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Ill House Republicans: We Need to Stop Spending Money We Don’t Have!‏”

Citizen’s Right to Know Under Attack in Illinois!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois Senate is currently debating SB1645 which would arbitrarily limit a citizen’s “right to know.” If a citizen asks more than fifteen questions per year under FOI rules (Freedom of Information Act Requests), the citizen’s requests would be characterized as a “vexatious” requests.

With this appellation applied, FOI requests can then be ignored.

Now, at first this may seem sensible in some way. After all, if Joe Blow from East Peoria keeps bombarding the state with FOI requests this might seem odd or troublesome. But what about journalists? What about public watchdog organizations? These folks are highly likely to be requesting many bits of public information. Are they to be shut down too?

Even still, so what if Joe Blow does ask for a bunch of FOIs? Isn’t it the right of a citizen to know what his government is doing?

So, what does the government have to hide? Further how arrogant of them to say that we, the people, are “vexing” them!

Please contact your legislator, click here and tell them to vote “NO” on SB1645.
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Citizen’s Right to Know Under Attack in Illinois!”

Criminal Element: Ill. Democrat Was Convicted Felon Before Being Elected

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been revealed that Illinois State Representative Robert Rita was a convicted felon before he ever ran for office for the fist time, a violation of state law. Being a convicted felon should have barred him from even running for office.

Lee Williams of the Illinois Policy Institute tells us that Rita, a Blue Island Democrat and a five-term state rep., has always been ineligible to seek elected office, absent a pardon.

Rita was convicted of DUI and attempted bribery in Nye County, Nevada in 1991. Lee Williams reports that this was confirmed by Jamie Kostiuk, a Nye County records clerk. Hard copies of the files, though, could not be located.

Lee Williams, however, tracked down some other sources of the conviction.
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Criminal Element: Ill. Democrat Was Convicted Felon Before Being Elected”

March with Tom Morrison: Palatine’s Inaugural St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sat, March 12

From the campaign of Tom Morrison for State Rep…

Palatine Paints the Town Green

This event should be very festive and fun. Please join us at 10:45 AM, Saturday March 12 at the community parking lot at 200 East Wood Street. The parade route will continue west to Benton, north to Colfax, west to Brockway, and end at Wood Street for disbursement at the train station. Following the parade, there will be an Irish Market, as well as a variety of food and drink vendors, and live music.
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March with Tom Morrison: Palatine’s Inaugural St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sat, March 12″

Republican Leader Cross Sponsors Bi-Partisan Resolution Spending Control Measure

From the Office of Rep. House Leader Tom Cross…

HR110 unanimously passed Illinois House today

Springfield….Rep. Tom Cross (R- Plainfield) is sponsoring House Resolution 110, which creates a framework for Fiscal Year 2012 budget negotiations based upon the adoption of realistic revenue projections; setting the table for lawmakers to identify realistic cuts and prevent excessive borrowing.

“I am pleased to sponsor this resolution. We have been saying for years that our state needs to live within its financial means, just as every family living in Illinois does,” Cross said. “This resolution will allow the legislature to know how much revenue the state can expect next fiscal year so we can create a balanced budget and put a stop to out-of-control spending.”
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Republican Leader Cross Sponsors Bi-Partisan Resolution Spending Control Measure”

Crook County, Illinois: Fake State Rep Casts Deciding Vote to Raise Our Taxes

-By Warner Todd Huston

She didn’t know anything about the bill. She never read it. She hadn’t been given any cheat sheets, facts sheets, talking points, or mass emails on the bill. But in true, corrupt Chicago fashion, she voted “yes” on it just as she was told to do by her corrupt party bosses.

Even worse, she was only a “state rep” because someone told her to drive to the state capitol for a week to “be” one. As Andy Shaw joked, Williams became the “somebody that somebody sent.”*

It is business as usual for Illinois, the most corrupt state in the Union.

You see, fake State Rep Kathy Moore of Lincoln Park was drafted by Illinois Democratic Party bosses to fill out the last week of elected State Rep John Fritchey’s term in office. Fritchey was elected to a spot on the Crook County Board and left his state rep seat to take that chair last November. So, Democrats fretted that Fritchey’s 11th District seat would be empty during this important vote to wildly raise everyone’s taxes.
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Crook County, Illinois: Fake State Rep Casts Deciding Vote to Raise Our Taxes”

Illinois: Strange Case of the State Rep for One Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

Russell Geisler was an Illinois State Representative from the 105th District… for one day.

You see, when the 24-hour stint occurred Geisler was an aide to State Rep Shane Cultra of the 105. Cultra was appointed by the party to fill State Senator Dan Rutherford’s vacated seat because Dan was elected to the State Treasurer’s office. Since Cultra left his seat to take his appointed Senate seat, that left the 105’s state rep seat empty until the new legislature was sworn in and the next man could that the 105’s seat.

So, Cultra thought that instead of leaving the 105 unrepresented for the last day of the session, he’d appoint his aide to the seat. And that is exactly what he did.

This isn’t a sudden story, though. Cultra announced that he had plans to do this weeks ago.

His plan did not meet with the approval of everyone in his party, however. Some Republicans have been grumbling that the idea is a slight to the voting process and treats the State Rep’s seat in a trivial manner.

Geisler’s big vote was to take away from seniors the free rides on the CTA.
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Illinois: Strange Case of the State Rep for One Day”

Contact Info for State Representatives From Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have been linking to other sources for this, but I’ve noticed that some of the links on those other pages are not working correctly. So, here are the elected state representatives of the State of Illinois. this list is alphabetical by party, but noted is each representative’s district, email address, and phone number. Also, to go to the rep’s state sponsored webpage, click on their name.

Republican State Representatives

House Minority Leader: 85th District Tom Cross (217) 782-1331

Suzanne Bassi, 54th District (217) 782-8026

Mark Beaubien, 52nd District (217) 782-1517

Patricia Bellock, 47th District (217) 782-1448

Bob Biggins, 41st District (217) 782-6578
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Contact Info for State Representatives From Illinois”

Want Proof That Our Legislature is too Often Filled With Idiots?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Chicago Tribune had one of those ubiquitous year-end pieces to inform us about how some thing or another ended up as the year came to a close. On Dec. 30 the Trib gave us a little round up of some of the really stupid, useless, pointless new laws that our wonderful state representatives in Springfield worked so hard to give to us in 2010.

As the Trib notes, our state budget is in practical bankruptcy and while our stalwart politicians have failed to do a single thing about it, they haven’t been completely idle. Oh, no. They’ve been very busy with the important work of the state.

Yes, they’ve been diligently working for you and me, don’t you know? They have been hard at work passing those most important laws, new rules that will surely make all our lives better.
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Want Proof That Our Legislature is too Often Filled With Idiots?”

‘Kill’ Lawsuit Loan Shark Bill Editorial Blasts Bill — Help Us Stop it Today!

From the U.S. Chamber of Commerce…

Thanks to your grassroots efforts, we have so far stalled a bill in Springfield that would legitimize an industry of “Lawsuit Loan Sharks” in Illinois.

This weekend, the Chicago Tribune editorial board also weighed in, urging the General Assembly to reject this wrongheaded bill:

Bottom line: The bill would give legal certainty to an abusive practice and put it under a light regulatory scheme where it can flourish — spawning lawsuits galore. Illinois already has a notorious reputation for jackpot justice. Kill the bill.

We agree.
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‘Kill’ Lawsuit Loan Shark Bill Editorial Blasts Bill — Help Us Stop it Today!”

Shane Cultra Takes Rutherford’s 53rd District State Senate Seat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dan Rutherford was the State Senator from the 53rd District, but with his recent election to our state treasurer’s office, that left his seat empty. Since a Republican held that seat the local Republican Party was given the task of choosing someone to replace Rutherford and fill out his term.

After much wrangling and many hats in the ring, the Party chose Shane Cultra of Onarga to be the man sent to Springfield.

It was a crowded field of nine Republicans vying to take Dan Rutherford’s empty seat. In the running were Gary Manier, David Zimmerman, and John Ackerman of Tazewell County; Matt Sorenson of McLean County; Jason Barickman, and John Bambenek of Champaign County; Scott McCoy and Mike Stoeklin of Livingston County; and finally Cultra of Iroquois County. Keith Sommer of Morton dropped out of contention recently due to his wife’s illness.

Cultra is strongly supported by the United Republican Fund and rated at “90” by that organization.
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Shane Cultra Takes Rutherford’s 53rd District State Senate Seat”

Ron Sandack Chosen to Fill Vacated Ill. State Senate Seat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ron Sandack, Mayor of Downers Grove, has been given the nod to fill the seat vacated by Dan Cronin (R, Elmhurst – 21st District) who is stepping into the Chairmanship of the DuPage County Board.

Sandack was chosen over Republicans Chris Nybo, Sandy Pihos, and activist Rafael Rivadeneira.

The seat State Senator Randy Hultgren holds is yet to be filled now that Hultgren was elected to Congress. Hultgren has announced that he will retain his seat until Jan 4 when he’ll vacate it to go to Washington.
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Ron Sandack Chosen to Fill Vacated Ill. State Senate Seat”