ESPN’s Dana Jacobson Suspended Over Drunken Rant

-By Warner Todd Huston

As I reported earlier, Dana Jacobson was a guest roaster at an Atlantic City, NJ ESPN event for the Mike & Mike show on the 12th. She was supposed to be offering a comedic “roast” of show hosts Mike Golic and Mike Greenburg, but instead offered a profanity laced, drunken rant when it came her turn at the dais during which she blurted out “F**k Jesus.”

Well, it looks like the folks at ESPN weren’t amused because Jacobson has been suspended for her outrageous comments.ESPN benches Jacobson

Sources have confirmed that Jacobson, a co-host of “First Take” on ESPN2, currently is serving a one-week suspension because of her behavior at a Jan. 11 roast for ESPN Radio personalities Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic at Atlantic City, N.J.

She’s really sorry, though.

In a statement, Jacobson said, “I am sorry. My remarks about Notre Dame were foolish and insensitive. I respect all religions and did not mean anything derogatory by my poorly chosen words. I also deeply regret the embarrassment I’ve caused ESPN and Mike and Mike.

“My actions at the roast were inappropriate and in no way represent who I am. I won’t make excuses for my behavior, but I do hope I can be forgiven for such a poor lack of judgment.”

It’s good to see that some standards of conduct are being upheld somewhere in the media.

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ESPN’s Dana Jacobson’s Drunken Rant: ‘F**K Jesus’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back on January 12th, the reported on the aftermath of an event sponsored by ESPN morning talkers “Mike & Mike” in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The event, an 8th anniversary celebration in a roast style comedy show of the two hosts, Mike Golic and Mike Greenburg, was deemed “too long and uneven” by staff writer Scott Cronick, but the interesting thing is what he apparently left out about the drunken appearance by ESPN’s Dana Jacobson. It seems Jacobson was so drunk that her “comedy routine” included the always funny “f**k Jesus” but the press isn’t saying a word about this outrageous gaff.

The reports that Jacobson was so drunk she was booed off the stage.

ESPN anchor Dana Jacobson made an absolute fool of herself, swilling vodka from a Belvedere bottle, mumbling along and cursing like a sailor as Mike & Mike rested their heads in their hands in embarrassment. (Comedian Eddie) Griffin came to the podium to defend her after she was booed by the crowd. Ross eventually had to pull her off stage, too.

Sounds embarrassing, of course. But what wasn’t reported is what Jacobson said to get “booed by the crowd.”

According to a report by someone in attendance at the event, Dana Jacobson said the following:

“f**k Notre dame”  
“f**k touchdown Jesus”  
and – the step-aside-because-lightning-is-about-to-strike… “f**k Jesus.”

So, one has to wonder why it is that she has been let off the hook by the media for saying “f**k Jesus” and for her otherwise drunken appearance? Let’s keep an eye on this to see if her anti-Christian rant becomes even more of an embarrassment for her, but since she attacked Jesus, it is quite doubtful that it will.

Most likely, she will be given a pass. After all, it’s not like she said f**k Allah, or f**k Jesse Jackson, right? After all, we should be used to the double standard that Christians are OK to attack, I suppose.

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