-By Warner Todd Huston
Back on January 12th, the pressofatlanticcity.com reported on the aftermath of an event sponsored by ESPN morning talkers “Mike & Mike” in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The event, an 8th anniversary celebration in a roast style comedy show of the two hosts, Mike Golic and Mike Greenburg, was deemed “too long and uneven” by staff writer Scott Cronick, but the interesting thing is what he apparently left out about the drunken appearance by ESPN’s Dana Jacobson. It seems Jacobson was so drunk that her “comedy routine” included the always funny “f**k Jesus” but the press isn’t saying a word about this outrageous gaff.
The pressofatlanticcity.com reports that Jacobson was so drunk she was booed off the stage.
ESPN anchor Dana Jacobson made an absolute fool of herself, swilling vodka from a Belvedere bottle, mumbling along and cursing like a sailor as Mike & Mike rested their heads in their hands in embarrassment. (Comedian Eddie) Griffin came to the podium to defend her after she was booed by the crowd. Ross eventually had to pull her off stage, too.
Sounds embarrassing, of course. But what wasn’t reported is what Jacobson said to get “booed by the crowd.”
According to a report by someone in attendance at the event, Dana Jacobson said the following:
“f**k Notre dame”
“f**k touchdown Jesus”
and – the step-aside-because-lightning-is-about-to-strike… “f**k Jesus.”
So, one has to wonder why it is that she has been let off the hook by the media for saying “f**k Jesus” and for her otherwise drunken appearance? Let’s keep an eye on this to see if her anti-Christian rant becomes even more of an embarrassment for her, but since she attacked Jesus, it is quite doubtful that it will.
Most likely, she will be given a pass. After all, it’s not like she said f**k Allah, or f**k Jesse Jackson, right? After all, we should be used to the double standard that Christians are OK to attack, I suppose.
Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer, has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and is featured on many websites such as newsbusters.org, townhall.com, New Media Journal, Men’s News Daily and the New Media Alliance among many, many others. Additionally, he has been a frequent guest on talk-radio programs to discuss his opinion editorials and current events. He has also written for several history magazines and appears in the new book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture” which can be purchased on amazon.com. He is also the owner and operator of publiusforum.com. Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions : EMAIL Warner Todd Huston
Obviously this story just doesn’t seem to matter enough to even make the MSM. Had I not read it here, I wouldn’t have known about it. Imus gets dropped from the airwaves, Dog The Bounty Hunter gets his show canceled, Isaiah Washington is fired from Grey’s Anatomy, and this chick just get a blurb in some obscure newspaper? The only discussion is on the internet? No “top story” on CNN? No “Investigation Report” from CBS, NBC or ABC? I don’t know why, but it doesn’t shock me. It saddens and disgusts me, that’s for sure.
Sounds like she is someone that needs people that will pray for her. – If you don’t mind I will right now.
Lord, Touch Dana’s heart with your peace and love. Set her feet on the road to become the person you created her to be. Set her heart free from the bondages that have caused her to turn from you. – Amen.
i don’t understand what the big deal is. she got drunk and made a few comments. it happens everyday. maybe it’s a big deal because she doesn’t share your beliefs?
i’m catholic and i could give a rat’s ass about what she had to say over a few drinks at a roast…a roast, where it’s the norm for people to express off color sentiments.
If she would have spoke of alah, muhomad as she did Jesus she would have been fired and never worked in TV or radio again. It is sad that we protect things that are threatening and trying to destroy or Country but allow the trashing of what is is built on.
She needs to be fired. No practicing journalist should be allowed to publicly denigrate ANY religion in such a vile and profane manner. Personally, I am a non-practicing Protestant and am just as tolerant to Islam as Christianity, and her remarks just cross the line. It will be very interesting to see what ESPN does. I am a HUGE fan of that network, but I’ll never watch it again unless she gets the boot.
The differences between Dana Jacobsen’s comments and those of Imus and Mel Gibson are pretty obvious. The best excuse Imus has was that he was joking, he couldn’t say he was drunk (he stopped doing that) or he never has made racist humor before (he did so nearly every show). The best excuse Mel had was that he was drunk, he wasn’t trying to be funny or called upon to make insults, hewas under pressure and his natural instincts came out (something echoed in his upbringing and his own movie–although overblown). In both cases the reaction was probably overblown and apologies and closer scrutiny was more called for. However, in Dana’s case she was supposed to be insulting, she was called upon to do so and no doubt became drunk worrying how she would do in an unnatural setting as the token woman sportscaster. What she said was stupid, but there was no history and the extenuating circumstances certainly merit the minor suspension and a lifelong close scrutiny.
Do not jump to conclusions about which religion, which channel, or which gender was involved.
It is clear she is an Anti-Christian. BTW, this (i.e. denigrating different races, religions, or creeds) is a pattern of behavior for ESPN anchors.
christians are just getting back what they have given others for centuries, we non christians are not doormats, ya know.