Is Obama Feinting Fainting Spells at Rallies?

-By Warner Todd Huston

BreitbartTV has an interesting little video called “Fired Up and Falling Down: String of Crowd Fainting Incidents Hits Obama Rallies.” This video shows a series of what appears to be a fainting women right up near the stage at different Barack Hussein Obama campaign rallies. And in nearly every case, Obama says the same things, almost as if rehearsed. This has been rumbling for a day or so on the Internet, but the MSM has yet to pick up on it. I wonder why?

It’s an awful big coincidence that all these women keep fainting at Obama campaign rallies isn’t it? And isn’t it odd that they are always right up by the podium? Also, it is so odd that Barack says nearly the same lines in response and that he stops everything to “assist” the fainted?

So, the question arises, are staged fainting spells being created by the Obama campaign to make the audience think that people are so overheated by Obama that they end up fainting? It also creates the impression that the candidate is “caring” when he stops the rally to call for doctors to attend to the woman and for a “water bottle” to be given to her.

It just strains credulity that so many instances in nearly exact detail have been happening spontaneously.

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All They Need is Love — Obama’s Record Doesn’t Matter

-By Warner Todd Huston

Alright, folks. I think we are seeing a phenomenon in the making. But first this word of sanity…

Barack Hussein Obama is an empty suit. You know it and I know it. In fact, I know it even better because I am from Illinois. I’ve watched Barack do practically NOTHING for his entire political career, save vote on the extreme left every time he bothered to vote — which wasn’t too often. He has the worst absentee and “present” vote record of any Illinois politician.

He even voted not to allow emergency care to babies who suffered the failed attempts of an abortion but were born anyway, legislation called the “born-alive act” in Illinois. He has been a strong abortion advocate since day one. The man is straight up baby killer.

But, aside from this he did about zip in the Illinois state house, just as he’s done about zip in the Senate of the United States. He sponsors little legislation and votes as little as he can get away with, mostly so that he doesn’t have to take a stand in public on any particular issue. He wants as little record as possible so that people have as little history from which to judge him.

And yet, not a single bit of this will matter. His legion of fans (and they can more rightfully be considered fans, not political followers) don’t give a donkey’s ass about what he does or does not really stand for. All they see is the “magic man” they love, the man who is for “change.” They haven’t a clue what that means, but they love it unconditionally.

This man has the singular ability to make slobbering nitwits of everyone he meets.

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Slap of Daily Kos From the Left: ‘Hope Trumped Kos for Democrats’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, this will send the Daily Kossacks into a tizzy! The Wall Street Journal has an op ed by Dan Gerstein titled, Decline of the Angry Left. Gerstein, a senior adviser for Joe Lieberman’s various national campaigns, claims that the Daily Kos is finished as a mover and shaker in Democratic politics. After reading it over I think he is dead on with much of his analysis. The anger of the extremist, left as seen on a daily basis on the Daily Kos site has lost the contest for the hearts and minds of the Democrat Party. As Gerstein notes, he has been the target of the left before and this op ed certainly won’t make him their newest American idol!

In fact, Gerstein might not make himself very welcome in many Democrat circles all the way ’round with his denigration of the party leadership at this time.

Indeed, at the exact moment their party leaders were loudly replaying the psychodramas of the 1990s (and to some extent the ’60s), voters of both races were quietly resolving the pre-eminent conflict of the party’s present — between the politics of hope and the politics of Kos. (That being the Daily Kos, the nation’s most influential liberal blog and the left’s poster child for partisan pugnacity.)

Gerstein says that, as they bicker over whom to support and as they fight the battles of the last century, the party leadership is missing the boat. He thinks that the rank and file have made a choice between the loud-mouthed, childish, vitriol of the Daily Kos set and have gone for the themes of “hope” and change” offered by Barack Hussein Obama. Though it might be a little premature to say that Barrack is the final choice of the rank and file, he is right that the hatemongering of the Daily Kos set has been spurned in the simple fact that John “silky” Edwards was soundly rejected at the polls.

Of Edward’s ridiculous campaign, Gerstein writes:

Mr. Edwards, after running as the sunny son of a mill worker in 2004, returned last year as the angry spear carrier of the hard-line left, running on a dark, conspiratorial form of populism and swapping in corporations for Republicans as the villain in his us-versus-them construct. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, has not just been selling possibilities and opportunities, but reconciliation and unity — and, god forbid, promising to work with Republicans to meet the country’s challenges. (Not surprisingly, throughout 2007, Mr. Edwards was the runaway favorite in the regular Kos reader straw poll — besting Mr. Obama by 21 points as late as Jan. 2, 2008.)

Now that Mr. Edwards has formally dropped out of the race, we can say it’s official — hope and unity crushed resentment and division.

Some may say that Edwards lost not because of his style — that of the angry populist — but because his new found arrival to that style was simply not credible. The angry Kossacks might take that very angle to explain away why they lost (as Gerstein points out, they supported Edwards heavily) but this would not explain why Edwards’ campaign did not resonate at all outside the nutroots on Al Gore’s Internet. So, with this in mind, I’d say that Gerstein is right that the petulant, tyros of the DailyKos are an ever dwindling minority and have lost their battle to control the Party.

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Al Franken’s Mental Disorder Given a Pass by Media?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Comedian Al Franken is running for the U.S. Senate seat from Minnesota, this the media is happy to report. But, for some unexplainable reason, the media isn’t so interested in reporting Franken’s odd behavior. It seems that an ungovernable rage is always just under the surface with Franken, a rage that has several times broken free and resulted in assault and other violent or antisocial behavior. Why the media doesn’t highlight this man’s unstable behavior can only mean that they are lending him as much cover as they can to assist his campaign.

His unprofessional and intemperate language is well-known, of course. He has titled books by childishly calling people “big fat liars” and he has utilized his uncivil tongue as a talk-show, shocker. It all makes for a rather angry, uncivil fellow, but if that were all there were to it, one might at least be able to excuse it as mere bravado utilized to make some cash. Still, there is an always lurking anger that is detectable in his ranting. There is just something unstable about the man.

The most egregious example of Franken’s crazy behavior happened during the 2004 election cycle as Franken attended a Howard Dean rally in Exeter, New Hampshire. A heckler was giving Howard Dean a spot of trouble and Franken strangely thought that he’d act the part of Hulk Hogan and bodyslammed the heckler to the ground. In any normal world this would have been called assault and someone who acted like this would not only be hauled away by the police but serious aficionados of politics would shun him afterward. Democrats, however, loved it… and that says quite a bit about them, doesn’t it?

Still, it is usually his uncivil tongue that he displays most often and recently we got another dose of that famous Franken incivility.

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Presidential Race Predictions 2008

-by Warner Todd Huston

I don’t usually like to make predictions like this because, historically this far out, it’s hard to get it right as so many things can change in the many months ahead. But I feel things are solidifying already. So, here it is. My prediction on who will be facing whom for the 2008 election for president.


Romney will win the nomination for the GOP. He has the delegates and that will just grow as Republicans realize that it is either Romney or McCain. Granted, both are horrible choices… but McCain is by far the worst or the two. As to who Romney will pick for VP, rumors are abound that he will go for Fred Thompson. This is an outside possibility as long as Thompson doesn’t get his heart set on running for Governor of Tennessee and as long as he feels VP is good enough for him. It is also a good choice for Romney because principled conservatives hate the man. Chosing Thompson would add badly needed credibility to the ticket. If Thompson does refuse or does not become the VP choice, I cannot guess who it will be otherwise.


Hillary will win for the Democrat Party and she will pick gov. Richardson for VP. She also will have more delegates in the long run. As to picking Richardson, after making so many blacks mad at her (and Bill) during this race because of her treatment of Obama, she will have to shore up her Hispanic constituents. They are a bigger voting block anyway. She will ignore her black voters and pander to the Hispanic ones.

The interesting thing here is that both candidates, Romney and Hillary Clinton, have large portions of their voters who don’t like them at all. Many conservatives will not be able to vote for the left of center Romney. His past support of abortion and his man, many, many flip-flops will keep principled voters away from him. And, Hillary has just alienated her black voters and that will probably continue now that Obama won South Carolina by such a large margin. I feel many blacks will not be enthusiastic for her once she wins the nomination and support will slip. But how far?

So, the question becomes, NOT which candidate has excited more people than the other to win election, but which one has peeved off the most! Has Clinton lost enough black votes to affect her chances, or has Romney lost enough conservatives to lose his bid against Hillary?

Other GOP VP choices

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