He Shall Forecast His Device, The Evil of “Being Deceived”

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

…he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time….. Daniel 11: 24

FORECAST–1 a: to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) …2: to serve as a forecast of : intransitive verb: to calculate the future

DEVICE–1: something devised or contrived: as a (1): plan, procedure, technique (2): a scheme to deceive : stratagem, trick b: something fanciful, elaborate, or intricate in design c:…f: a piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special purpose or perform a special function.

al-TAQIYYA–Concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time a shiite feels it is beneficial.

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. — 2 Timothy 3:13

I could end this article now. I mean, given the first five paragraphs, even the most reason-impaired hairy-legged butt-ugly feminist would get the gist of it; yes, it is THAT self-explanatory. But that wouldn’t help the easily led, easily fooled hippies, the complicit commies, and the DEVICE-driven Islammunists.

So for the logic impaired—and the wickedly involved—here is the excruciatingly obvious.
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This CAN’T Be Good: NK Delegation Visiting Venezuela

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

I have made it my duty to get people to call the evil we face in this day and age what it truly is: Islammunism. Not only is Islamofascism incorrect, the calling of evil or unpopular regimes “fascist” was the goal of Krushev when he was training infiltrators on how to bring down the USA. His reasoning? Words play subtle tricks on the mind–that is the essence of PC, and why I call it “Political Castration.” The word correct–even if you say you don’t buy into it–has an effect on the brain of all who hear or read it.

Never call it correct again.

It is why, starting in the late 1950’s, you started to see small changes. No longer did textbooks, movies, or media refer to America as a Republic; we were a democracy, because Krushev knew that that word would cause the easily led to be more inclined to vote Democratic, which was just the lip-glossed version of Communism. Hitler’s Nazis? THEY WERE SOCIALISTS. They were on the left of the spectrum, which is one reason Hitler and Stalin HATED each other. You can only have one Communist leader, and they both wanted it. But so thoroughly did Krushev’s Kronies take over the three commonalities of America that we now refer to the Nazis as “fascists,” which he taught his people to call any unpopular or brutal regime rather than “Communist.”

That one worked as well.
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Figuring Out God, Prophecy and other scary words

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

Reading some scriptures last night–that I’ve read a million times before–seemed to have new meaning with current events. Could this be what we are seeing happen right now?

Here’s what I was reading, and what I thought of it. (Only the Prophet can speak with any authority about God’s direction for His gospel, but we are ALL–as God’s children–entitled to the gifts of prophecy, discernment, and understanding concerning everything else in our lives and the lives of those we love or have responsibility over, so lay claim to it people and use it! NOW!)

Daniel 11: 21-22
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

First of all, let me stress that I do NOT believe that these verses are speaking of the anti-Christ, if there is a single person he is meant to represent. All men who seek to steal your freedom and set themselves above you, anyone who is a respecter of persons and believes you must do as THEY say–and NOT what is right–are anti-Christs. That was the war in Heaven and that is the war now–between those who want free will (Christ’s plan)and those who want force(Lucifer’s plan).

A vile person who shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries, to whom the people will NOT give the honour of the kingdom? Does that mean the majority will not elect him? I’ll get to that in a minute…only a few verses later there seems to be a confirmation of that fact.
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POLYGAMY A — Mormon Broad’s View

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

The latest news on the horrors of man-instituted polygamy has caused me to receive a deluge of emails regarding the LDS church–to which I belong–and the practice of polygamy. While the scandal involves a break off of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it is still a reasonable question, and deserving of a truthful answer. Only the Prophet can give direction for the Gospel here on earth, but all of God’s children are entitled to ask Him for answers and receive answers when He–and His child–is ready. Between His words to His prophets–from the Old Testament to now–and the personal answers we are all entitled to through study and prayer, understanding the difference between polygamy ordained by God and the selfish, gluttonous, and wicked polygamy of man are plain to see and stark in contrast.

So here it is–the good, the bad, and the ugly of Polygamy.

We believe in the concept of the New and Everlasting Covenant. We are sealed by those in authority to do so beyond this life so that we remain a family in the next life; there is no “’till death do you part” in our religion. We do not believe that God meant for marriage and family–the ONE thing He established when earth started and man came to be(he did not set up farming, business, governments, or politics, but MARRIAGE only)–to be for this life only. Marriage and family are the ONLY eternal profession. It is the most important thing we will ever do.
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