National Candidates Champion Universal School Choice

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Dick Zimmer, candidate for U.S. Senate from New Jersey, and candidates for U.S. Congress Dale M. Glading (NJ-1), Martin Marks (NJ-7) and Roland Straten (NJ-8) have committed to support the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity (CRA for EEO). This proposed legislation would require the states to provide equitable educational funding for children in public and non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

Israel Teitelbaum, of Parents for Free Choice in Education (PFCE), joined today with Larry Cirignano of, and candidates Martin Marks and Dale Glading in Washington, DC to introduce this proposed legislation to congressional staffers and fellow activists at the Wednesday Meeting of Americans for Tax Reform, as well as the halls of Congress.

The CRA for EEO is based on the writings of economist Milton Friedman in his 1955 article The Role of Government in Education, his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom, his 1980 book Free to Choose and his 2005 article School Vouchers Turn 50, But the Fight Is Just Beginning. Although it’s been proven time and again that competition improves quality and efficiency, this is the first time in the 53 years since Friedman first proposed school choice that his plan is being introduced as national legislation.
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Mayor Berry For School Choice? You Bet!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Former Mayor of Washington, DC and current Councilman Marion Barry’s article in favor of school choice represents an enormous opportunity to bring this issue into the national election debate (see article below). Although it has been over 50 years since the late, great Milton Friedman first proposed school choice, his proposal has never been debated in the public arena. All school choice programs in effect and considered over the past half century were referred to by Friedman as “charity vouchers,” as opposed to “educational vouchers.” While they are a step in the right direction and help some of the poor, they do not create true school choice and competition, which brings to bear the power of free enterprise to undo the stagnation resulting from a monopoly.

The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity, would fulfill what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 tragically omitted – equitable educational opportunity for every child. This is based on Friedman’s teachings, including his 1955 article The Role of Government in Education, his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom, his 1980 book Free to Choose and his 2005 article School Vouchers Turn 50, But the Fight Is Just Beginning (attached). This legislation would require the states to provide equitable educational funding for children in both public and non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

This legislation is now being championed by New Jersey candidate for U.S. Senate Dick Zimmer and candidates for U.S. Congress Dale Glading (NJ-1), Martin Marks (NJ-7) and Roland Straten (NJ-8). It has the support of countless voters and a long list of prestigious organizations, including Americans for Tax Reform, Washington DC; Family Research Council, Washington, DC; Alliance for Worker Freedom, Washington, DC; Center for Equal Opportunity, Falls Church, VA; Torah Communications, Brooklyn, NY; National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, Brooklyn, NY; N’shei Chabad Newsletter, Brooklyn NY;, Washington, DC; Catholic Voices, Cedar Grove NJ; New Jersey Family Policy Council, Trenton, NJ; Sephardic Voters League, Brooklyn, NY;, Westfield, NJ.
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School Choice Competition Working in Florida, New Report Shows

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Florida’s McKay Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities Linked to Public School Achievement Increases.

Washington, D.C. (May 2, 2008)—America’s largest school voucher program for students with special needs, the John M. McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities, has led to increased achievement among public school students with special needs, a new report by the New York-based Manhattan Institute reveals.

The Alliance for School Choice—the nation’s preeminent nonprofit organization promoting school vouchers and scholarship tax credit programs—hailed the report as further evidence that the competition brought about by private school choice benefits public schools.

Authored by Jay Greene and Marcus Winters, the report, titled The Effect of Special Education Vouchers on Public School Achievement: Evidence From Florida’s McKay Scholarship Program, concludes that “rather than being harmed, public schools respond to the challenge of exposure to school choice by improving the education they provide.”

According to the study, students with mild disabilities who are educated in Florida’s public schools posted significant test score improvements in math and reading. These gains occurred when other students with special needs transferred from public schools to private schools using the state’s McKay Program.

“The paper is the first quantitative evaluation of a voucher program designed specifically for students with disabilities,” said Alliance President Charles R. Hokanson, Jr. “Jay Greene and Marcus Winters provide a rigorous, scientifically valid, and conclusive study that adds significant substance to the debate over the impact of competition and school choice on public schools.”

The McKay Program was established in 1999 and is benefiting 19,439 students this school year. Throughout the country, five states (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, and Utah) offer special needs scholarship programs.

“Several local organizations—including Step Up for Students and the Florida Alliance for Choices in Education—as well as the Florida Department of Education, deserve significant credit for ensuring that this important program benefits not only the students who receive scholarships but students with special needs all throughout the Sunshine State,” said Lori Drummer, state projects director for the Alliance.
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You’re Being Ripped Off!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

You probably have not noticed that you are being ripped off every day – big time. If you are sending your child(ren) to private or religious school in New York, this robbery amounts to $12,000 per child, per year. In most of New Jersey you are losing $16,000 per child, and in Newark it’s $21,000.

Those who are responsible for this discriminatory system claim that government has the right to control the educational system and fund only those willing to sacrifice their children on the altar of the State. This is obviously in direct conflict with the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

If you believe there is nothing you can do to change this system, you have fallen prey to your oppressors. The fact that you still have voting rights affords you the ability to use this as leverage. There is lots you can do. Even if you only take one action, it’s an enormous accomplishment. For, by each of us doing only one task, together we can force the issue and restore our right to raise our children without government interference and government induced poverty.

Here are a few possibilities. The effort we take to accomplish any of these, respectfully and convincingly, will invite fulfillment of the ancient adage, “Effort will not result in nothing.” Please keep us informed of your actions and developments, for this will help us promote the campaign.
1- Place phone calls to your Congressman, Senators, presidential and other candidates. The Capital Switchboard offers information and will connect you to all federal representatives – 24 hours per day. Call 202-224-3121, ask for your party, and urge them to sponsor the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational opportunity. This will require states to provide equitable educational funding for children in both public and private schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

2- Contact your school, PTA and other community groups to organize and promote this effort.

3- Call us to arrange for speakers to address your group.

4- Respond to surveys, political calls and leaflets with your request for support for equal educational opportunity.

5- Attend political events and express your opinion.
Continue reading “You’re Being Ripped Off!”

Real Life Super Bowl

-Israel Teitelbaum

While many millions of Americans were watching two football teams battle it out in an evenly matched contest, a real life battle for the future of this nation was and is being fought. This match is far more lopsided.

On the right are a handful of political leaders and about 60 major “Right Wing” organizations. They have budgets that pale in comparison to their opponents, with staffs of thousands. While the Right may enjoy enthusiastic cheering from much of talk radio, reaching tens of millions of listeners, the “news” portion of radio broadcasts, as well as TV news and commentary are dominated by the Left. These are viewed daily in most households, many times more than radio talk shows. The Left also has a standing political army of 3.2 million members of the National Education Association stationed in all 50 states and over 14,000 communities across the USA. Additionally, countless advocacy groups are funded out of the NEA’s estimated $2 Billion budget.

Had the two Super Bowl teams been so matched, it is doubtful that anyone would have been watching the game. It’s therefore not surprising that so many conservatives feel apathetic, hopeless and confused. This also explains why all the leading presidential candidates when addressing the issue of education for all our children, fear the left side of the isle, even those calling themselves conservative, leaving many of our children abandoned in poor public schools that do not teach.
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Conservatives: THINK!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

When I attended the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, on Bedford Avenue corner Dean Street, Brooklyn, in the 1950’s, there was a sign on the wall that read “THINK.” I used to wonder what it meant, and over the years it has taken on more meaning. It becomes ever more apparent that there are actually people out there who don’t think. They allow others to do their thinking for them. While we “Conservatives” always believed that “Liberals” don’t think. Now I’m beginning to have some doubts.

It’s becoming very frustrating to listen to my favorite talk show hosts as they constantly lament the onslaught of the Left. I’m pained by their refusal to address the core issue, from whence the Left derives its ill-gotten power.

Clearly, we no longer have a government of, by and for the People. We have local, state and federal government controlled by the largest conglomerate the world has ever seen – a monopoly that goes by the name of the National Education Association, and affiliates, with a standing political army of 3,000,000, plus friends and family.

Conservatives have handed them everything, including our children, on the mistaken claim that the 10th Amendment prevents Congress from passing what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 left out – Equal Educational Opportunity. This legislation would provide for equitable educational funding for children in public and non-public schools, while respecting schools’ liberty in hiring and provision of services. It would break the NEA monopoly on the nation’s education system, culture and government, and force them to compete with parents and private enterprise. This would result in improved quality and efficiency of both education and government.

While the 10th Amendment prevents the Federal Government from involvement in matters not assigned to the Feds in the U.S. Constitution, the right of parents to raise their own children, without government interference, is clearly protected in the Constitution. This issue needs to be publicly debated now, while our votes are being counted!

Please see the following press release and feel free to contact or interview any of those involved in the effort to sponsor the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. See contact information below.

All the best.
Israel Teitelbaum
Continue reading “Conservatives: THINK!”

Massive School Choice Drive Planned

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Honorable Clergy, Principals and Concerned Parents:

It’s a great pleasure to forward the press release from the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education on the urgent issue of school vouchers, along with the “Become a Lobbyist” contest that invites everyone to join this effort. Parents and teachers may, of course, help.

Major national organizations and schools across the USA are joining a massive drive to promote The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This proposed national legislation would provide equitable educational funding for every child in both public and non-public school, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

Your help is crucial to having this legislation sponsored. According to Congressman Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, who championed the DC Vouchers, voters need to speak out, as was done in Washington DC. The way our democracy works is that the people express their needs to their elected officials, and their elected officials respond with legislation. As long as we remain silent, nothing happens.
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Massive School Choice Drive Planned

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Community leaders and school principals came together on Tuesday, January 8, at the headquarters of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE) to address the current crises in education. After hearing from a cross section of community activists, it was decided to organize a massive “phone-in” to the leading presidential candidates urging them to support The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This proposed legislation would provide equitable educational funding for children in both public and non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

Phone calls are scheduled to be placed on January 23 and 24, shortly prior to major primary elections across the United States. Florida will hold theirs on January 29; Main on February 1; and on February 5 primaries will be held in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah.

Rabbi Shea Hecht, Chairman of the Board of NCFJE, opened the meeting by pointing out that despite the fact that passage of this legislation appears to be politically impossible to achieve, we need to do all that we can, and have faith that our Creator will do the rest. He pointed out, “In study after study, wherever school choice has been tried, it was of great benefit to all; the children benefited, the parents benefited and so did the private and public schools…Although the challenge is great, school choice has the support of many people, and we need to make the effort.”
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