IL Congresswoman’s Ties to Obama

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – Representative Melissa Bean (D) Illinois 8th district and Obama share direct campaign funding ties. A closer look suggests that Bean and Obama are tightly linked.

Two mega-donors are John W Rogers and Mellody Hobson, executives at mutual fund company Ariel Capital Management, who have given more than $14,200 combined to Bean, including $4,600 in July 2009 alone, according to OpenSecrets.

Rogers is a personal friend of Barack and Michelle Obama, and his ex-wife currently serves as the White House social secretary (yes – that social secretary; she also shares a Georgetown apartment with Valerie Jarrett). Hobson has been a fundraiser for Obama since his first campaign, in 1995, and was rumored for an economic advisory post in the administration.
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IL Congresswoman’s Ties to Obama”

Bean’s Earmarks in 2010

From the Palatine Tea Party group…

(Palatine, Illinois) – Representative Melissa Bean Illinois 8th district sponsored or co-sponsored the following 13 Earmark projects in 2010 totaling $25,271,000*. Keep in mind that 2010 is not over yet.

With record deficits in 2010 of over one trillion dollars and unemployment near 10% we can see why people are angry with members of Congress and “Voter unhappiness with Congress has reached the highest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports as 71% now say the legislature is doing a poor job. That’s up ten points from the previous high of 61% reached.”

Is Melissa Bean at all interested in upholding a high standard of ethics? Where is her common sense and accountability to us the United States taxpayer? This is not your money to waste!
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Bean’s Earmarks in 2010″

Bean’s Budget Plan – “Cut Wasteful Spending”

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – How would Bean reach a balanced budget if she were in Congress as she said to the Daily Herald on October 27, 2002?

Bean said, “my primary tactic to reach a balanced budget would be cutting wasteful spending.”*

Bean’s Wasteful Spending

2008 earmarks of $26,842,300
2009 earmarks of $38,314,314
$787 billion stimulus bill
$26 billion jobs bill
Trillion dollar take over of our healthcare system

Your kids get the bill from my reckless behavior…

Here is one recommendation – Use Common Sense

If you are outraged with Bean’s wasteful spending, contact her local office (847) 517-2927 or DC (202) 225-3711 and vote her out in November!

*Chicago Daily Herald, 10/27/02

Rep. Melissa Bean’s Jackbooted… Librarians?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week a shocking video of a townhall of sorts held by Chicago, Illinois area Congressman Melissa Bean (D, 8th District) was released that seemed to show that she’d hired a couple of thugs to intimidate attendees from asking her questions that she didn’t want to answer.

The video kicked up a bit of controversy on both sides of the aisle. Conservatives pointed out that Rep. Bean was not only avoiding questions from her constituents, but sending her thugs to discourage those questions. Liberals said that the video was heavily edited and that the thugs were really merely “security guards” hired by the library, not Bean’s thugs.

But the liberal’s protest that these guys were “just” security guards hired by the library that was hosting the meeting does not explain why these guys walked over to the audience members to tower over them as they attempted to ask the Congressman a question. If these guys were not hired by Bean and if they were just there to assure that the townhall went without violence, they would more likely not have been interested in what participants were saying but only should they have gotten out of hand. None of the videos, not the admittedly edited one, nor the uncut one, shows anyone getting out of hand. No one attending this meeting was in need of the intervention of library “security” agents.
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Rep. Melissa Bean’s Jackbooted… Librarians?”

Congressman Melissa “No Questions Please” Bean And Her Intimidating Enforcers

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is interesting to watch this video of a recent townhall held by Chicago area Congressman Melissa Bean (8th District). First she does her level best to avoid actually answering any questions and then when a constituent gets tired of the tap dancing she sends a guy that looks like a bar bouncer over to that person to stand over them in a threatening manner.

Notice that the enforcer comes over to intimidate not just the guy making the video here but another constituent, a middle aged woman.

Also I love the part about the questions. The congressman is right there for everyone to ask questions of her, yet she tells them to email her? Really? Email!?

If you’d like to contact the Round Lake Area Library where this happened, Lake County Tea Party has the contact info.
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Congressman Melissa “No Questions Please” Bean And Her Intimidating Enforcers”

(Ill. Congresswoman) Bean’s Crime Inc: What Other Say About Third Way Does

A multi-part series from the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – Congresswoman Melissa Bean is one of the Honorary Co-Chairs of the Third Way Foundation, formerly known as the Progressive Foundation.

What Others Say About Third Way

Politico labeled Third Way “the moderate voice of the progressive movement,” and both Newsweek and US News have described our work as influential. New York Times columnist David Brooks described Third Way as “creating the ideas that are giving Progressives control of the center.” Other national columnists, like EJ Dionne and David Broder of The Washington Post, and Joe Klein and Amy Sullivan of Time, have cited Third Way’s impact in shaping the national debate.*
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(Ill. Congresswoman) Bean’s Crime Inc: What Other Say About Third Way Does”

(Ill. Congresswoman) Bean’s Crime Inc: What Third Way Believes

A multi-part series from the Palatine Tea Party…

Congresswoman Melissa Bean is one of the Honorary Co-Chairs of the Third Way Foundation, formerly known as the Progressive Foundation.

What Third Way Believes:
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(Ill. Congresswoman) Bean’s Crime Inc: What Third Way Believes”

(Ill. Congresswoman) Bean’s Crime Inc (Third Way)

A multi-part series from the Palatine Tea Party…

Congresswoman Melissa Bean is one of the Honorary Co-Chairs of the Third Way Foundation, formerly known as the Progressive Foundation.

Third Way Foundation is the leading moderate think-tank of the progressive movement.*

Who is Third Way?
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(Ill. Congresswoman) Bean’s Crime Inc (Third Way)”

Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 9 of 13

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – In response to the letter Melissa Bean wrote to the constituents in district 8 dated April 16, 2010. We will respond to each of her statements Melissa Bean made based on emotion with factual responses where she stated the following:

“Taxpayer expect accountability. Health Insurance reform is as important to America’s fiscal health as it is to our physical health. Currently the U.S. spends twice as much, as a percentage of GDP, than other industrialized nations on health care, while an estimated 45 million people are uncovered. At a time when our nation’s debt exceeds $12 trillion, H.R. 3950 provides the most significant deficit reduction in more than a decade. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, this bill cuts our federal deficit by $1.3 trillion over 20 years…”

Firstly, we know of no economist, actuary or accountant in the private sector that would ever attempt to score the cost of a piece of legislation (certainly one of this size) out over a 20 year period and we’ve already exposed the “fuzzy math” used by this administration to hide the REAL cost of this legislation. President Harry Truman’s famous words apply perfectly to the scoring of this legislation. He said : “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. In 1965 the Fed projected that costs for Medicare Part A would be $9 Billion. It ended up costing $67 BILLION! The Medicaid special hospital subsidy was supposed to cost $100 MILLION. Instead the real cost was $11 BILLION! That’s ONE HUNDRED TIMES GREATER!
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Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 9 of 13″

Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 7 of 13

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – In response to the letter Melissa Bean wrote to the constituents in district 8 dated April 16, 2010. We will respond to each of her statements Melissa Bean made based on emotion with factual responses where she stated the following:

“With this legislation, insurance companies will be banned from dropping coverage or increasing rates arbitrarily after a claim from an employee. Premium increases will be more predictable as they will need to be justified bases on paid claims.”
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Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 7 of 13″

Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 4 of 13

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – In response to the letter Melissa Bean wrote to the constituents in district 8 dated April 16, 2010. We will respond to each of her statements Melissa Bean made based on emotion with factual responses where she stated the following:

“Across the district, I’ve heard of countless health care challenges families have been struggling with: A mother fearing for her son’s life because he’s hit his lifetime cap on benefits at age 14, contemplating bankruptcy to provide him care. A man unable to start his own company because his pre-existing condition makes it impossible to afford health insurance in the individual market. Moms and dads who have been laid off from work, dreading the expiration of COBRA benefits and access to health insurance for their families. I’m proud to have voted to end these uniquely American stories.
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Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 4 of 13″

Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 2 of 13

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – In response to the letter Melissa Bean wrote to the constituents in district 8 dated April 16, 2010. We will respond to each of her statements Melissa Bean made based on emotion with factual responses where she stated the following:

“After deliberate review of the final legislation in relation to (the concerns of the people of the 8th district) I supported it (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) because it will provide the health care security, affordability and choice families and businesses seek, while utilizing the private market-not a government takeover-and yielding a significant federal deficit reduction of $1.3 trillion…”
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Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 2 of 13″

Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 1 of 13

From the Palatine Tea Party…

In response to the letter Melissa Bean wrote to the constituents in district 8 dated April 16, 2010. We will respond to each of her statements Melissa Bean made based on emotion with factual responses where she stated the following:

“After deliberate review of the final legislation in relation to (the concerns of the people of the 8th district) I supported it (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) because it will provide the health care security, affordability and choice families and businesses seek, while utilizing the private market-not a government takeover-and yielding a significant federal deficit reduction of $1.3 trillion…”
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Melissa Bean’s Healthcare101 – Part 1 of 13″

Palatine Tea Party: Healthcare Protest At Rep. Bean’s Offices

-By Warner Todd Huston

The folks at the Palatine Tea Party has some good video and photos of the protest outside Representative Melissa Bean’s offices (D, 8th District).

The protest was held at noon on Monday, March 15.
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Palatine Tea Party: Healthcare Protest At Rep. Bean’s Offices”