Chico Calls for Same-Day Permitting

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

Under Chico, slow pace and brick wall of bureaucracy would no longer stifle job growth

(CHICAGO) Mayoral candidate Gery Chico today pledged to make 24-48 hour permitting a reality in Chicago city government. Chico would inject a new sense of urgency and speed in the notoriously slow permitting process.

“Thanks to the new digital economy, commerce is moving faster than ever. It’s time to move government up to speed,” Gery Chico said. “We’ll break down the brick wall of bureaucracy and make the city permitting process move faster so we can bring more businesses to our city and create more jobs for our citizens.”
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Chico Calls for Same-Day Permitting”

Union Rhetoric Against Rahm Emanuel Heats Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent rally for Chicago Mayoral candidate Gery Chico, the head of the Operating Engineers Local 150, James Sweeney, said that Rahm Emanuel was a “Judas” to the union cause. Now Emanuel, himself Jewish, is attempting to make this common phrase into some sort of anti-Semitic attack on him.

During the rally, Sweeney attacked Emanuel’s long record of supporting the North American Free Trade Act (NATFA) that he helped Bill Clinton pass in the 1990s.

We don’t need to be told that there’s an economic problem, we live it every day. Rahm Emanuel doesn’t live it, he’s nothing but a Wall Street Judas… a bag of silver that he collected when he went and passed NAFTA. That’s exactly what he is.

For his part Emanuel is saying the whole thing is “blatantly antisemitic.” But come on. It is obvious that Sweeney had no intent to inject any anti-Semitism into his campaign rally when he said that Emanuel was a Judas to unions. Using the term Judas is a common term that properly fits any situation and isn’t just a Jewish reference.
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Union Rhetoric Against Rahm Emanuel Heats Up”

WGN’s Dean Richards: An Example of Chicago’s Rahm-Devoted Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

WGN AM 720 radio is one of the biggest radio stations in the country. It is traditionally one of Chicago’s most listened to radio stations and commonly tunes in as Chicago’s number one station. At least for the past few decades, WGN radio has also been the leading liberal station in the city. One thing WGN is not, however, is either edgy or independent of thought where it concerns Chicago’s ruling class. As a rule WGN is soldout all down the line to whomever is “the” Chicago guy.

This weekend Dean Richards, one of WGN’s weekend guys, employed the sort of “analysis” of Chicago’s mayoral election that tends to speak of what the station evidently feels must be the outcome of the election It was a not-so-subtle hint that Rahm Emanuel is the choice to take City Hall.

Richards took a segment of his weekend radio program to discuss the mayor’s race and the specific topic centered around candidate Gery Chico’s first major TV ad against Emanuel.
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WGN’s Dean Richards: An Example of Chicago’s Rahm-Devoted Media”

Chico’s New TV Ad: ‘Voters, pay the Rahm Tax’

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

(CHICAGO) Mayoral candidate Gery Chico began airing a new TV ad today warning Chicagoans about the Rahm Tax, Rahm Emanuel’s latest scheme to raise taxes on a whole new range of services that working families depend on every day.

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Chico’s New TV Ad: ‘Voters, pay the Rahm Tax’”

Chico supporters: Vote now to stop Rahm Tax later

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

Former Emanuel opponent endorses Chico: “He’s a proven leader who never lost touch with the community”

(CHICAGO) With early voting set to begin tomorrow, mayoral candidate Gery Chico joined community leaders and elected officials to rally Chicagoans to vote now to stop the Rahm Tax later. Chico supporters who attended the gathering in Eckhart Park included Ald. Ed Burke (14th Ward), Ald. Joe Moreno (1st Ward), Rev. B. Herbert Martin, LGBT advocate Rick Garcia, local police and firefighters and former Rahm Emanuel opponent and respected community activist Nancy Kaszak.

Kaszak, a northside leader in the Polish community, called Chico a proven leader who never lost touch with the community.
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Chico supporters: Vote now to stop Rahm Tax later”

Chico Blasts Rahm Tax at Local Barbershop

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

(CHICAGO) Visiting a Hyde Park barbershop that could potentially be hit by Rahm Emanuel’s haphazard plan to raise taxes, mayoral candidate Gery Chico again criticized the Rahm Tax as one of the largest expansions of the sales tax in city history at the absolute worst time.

“Need a plumber? Pay the Rahm Tax. Need a taxi? Pay the Rahm Tax. Need to park your car? Pay the Rahm Tax,” Gery Chico said. “If Rahm Emanuel gets his way, we will all pay the Rahm Tax.”
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Chico Blasts Rahm Tax at Local Barbershop”

Chico pledges 2,000 new police officers by end of first term

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign..

(CHICAGO) Mayoral candidate Gery Chico rolled out a five-point plan to crack down on crime today that would strengthen police presence in Chicago neighborhoods, expand community policing and tackle gang violence. At a press conference in Marquette Park, within Chicago’s 8th Police District where the city’s index crime rate is the highest, Chico vowed to put 2,000 more officers on the street by the end of his first term in office.

Noting the increase in violence against police officers as an indication of a dangerous indifference to the law, Chico said protecting the citizens is the mayor’s most important job.
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Chico pledges 2,000 new police officers by end of first term”

Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor Ad: ‘Proven’

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

(CHICAGO) Mayoral candidate Gery Chico began airing a new TV ad today highlighting his plan to crack down on crime and fight gang violence in Chicago neighborhoods. The new ad – “Proven”- is Chico’s third to air as part of a robust television campaign. The ad features Chico’s recent endorsement by Chicago police officers and Chico’s pledge to put more police on the street and expand community policing.

In the past week, Chico was endorsed by Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2 in addition to the Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge 7. Chico has also been backed by the Mexican American Police Organization, the Latin American Police Association, and the Chicago Police Sergeants Association.
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Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor Ad: ‘Proven’”

Chicago Firefighters Endorse Chico for Mayor

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

(CHICAGO) Mayoral candidate Gery Chico was endorsed today by Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2. Standing with Chico at a union hall on the southwest side, Chicago Firefighters Union President Tom Ryan said Chico’s proven track record of delivering city services and balancing city budgets make him the best candidate to be the next mayor.

“After examining the entire roster of candidates and their respective track records, we determined that nobody in this race has the relevant experience of delivering essential city services that Gery Chico possesses,” said Tom Ryan, president of Chicago Firefighters Local 2. “Gery is a strong, capable leader who understands the critical work that Chicago’s firefighters perform. We are confident he will be a fair mayor and he will be a mayor who puts the safety of Chicagoans first.”

Chico has made public safety a top priority as a candidate for mayor. As mayoral chief of staff, Chico worked to ensure Chicago’s firefighters had a strong voice at City Hall. Chico is the only candidate with executive leadership experience in various municipal governments, having balanced more than 15 budgets during his public service career.

“Chicago has the best fire department in the United States of America. I am humbled to receive the support of the heroes who put their lives on the line to protect Chicagoans every single day. Our firefighters personify what public service should be about – hard work and helping people,” Gery Chico said. “As mayor, I will work with our firefighters to ensure Chicago is safe and our citizens are protected.”

Firefighters Union Local 2 represents more than 5,000 active members. Chico has also been endorsed by several other public safety groups such as the Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge 7, the Latin American Police Association, the Mexican American Police Organization, and the Chicago Police Sergeants Association.

Latest on Emanuel’s Quest to be Chicago’s Mayor

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two pieces of news in the storied quest by Rahm Emanuel to get on the ballot to run for mayor of the City of Chicago.

First of all the courts have stopped the City of Chicago Board of Elections from printing the election ballots. The City said that it had no choice but to go forward and print ballots without Rahm Emanuel’s name on them. But the courts have said that they cannot print any ballots at all until Emanuel’s case is settled.

Secondly, the Illinois Supreme Court has announced that it will, indeed, hear Rahm’s case.

Emanuel has appealed the Appellate Court’s decision that he is ineligible to run for mayor because he did not satisfy the residency requirement by living in the city over the last year.

So this story is still ongoing. We have yet to learn if Rahm will actually be on the election ballot on February 22.
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Latest on Emanuel’s Quest to be Chicago’s Mayor”

Rahm May Have until Feb. 15 To File as Write In Candidate

-By Warner Todd Huston

As reported earlier, Rahm Emanuel has been thrown off the ballot by a decision by an Illinois Appellate Court stating that Emanuel did not satisfy the residency requirement since he did not live in Chicago over the last year. This presents several major problems for Emanuel’s candidacy.

First of all, it seems pretty sure that his name will not be actually printed on the ballot no matter what the Ill. Supreme Court does with this case. The ballot printing deadline is supposed to be next Monday, January 31 and it is highly doubtful that the Ill. Supreme Court can hear the case and make a decision in time to get his name printed on the ballot.

But, while it seems highly likely that his name won’t actually be printed on the ballot, Emanuel might just have enough time to register as a write-in candidate.
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Rahm May Have until Feb. 15 To File as Write In Candidate”

BREAKING: Rahm Emanuel OFF The Chicago Ballot for Mayor

-By Warner Todd Huston

An appellate Court has decided that Rahm Emanuel did not satisfy the residence requirement in order to qualify to run for Chicago mayor. The court has ruled that Emanuel be removed from the ballot in the coming election which is only a month away.

Emanuel will certainly take this case to the Illinois Supreme Court with the hopes that they can get an expedited case.

Rahm had won two other cases in lower courts. The Chicago Board of Elections and a Cook County court sided with Emanuel in previous decisions.

This will make the mayor’s race a very different animal at this point. This gives Gery Chico and Carol Moseley Braun the room to really ramp up their campaigns.


The Gery Chico camp has released a quick statement on this news:

“From day one, Gery Chico’s campaign has been about putting Chicagoans back to work, making our neighborhoods safer and giving our children the education they deserve.

“Today’s news is a surprise but it will not impact how we run our campaign. Gery will continue to work for every vote and lay out his plans to take Chicago in a whole new direction.”

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BREAKING: Rahm Emanuel OFF The Chicago Ballot for Mayor”

Rahm Emanuel ignores Hard Truth about Freddie Mac

From the Gery Chico For Chicago Mayor campaign…

Facts suggest Emanuel ignored scandal but mayoral candidate continues to ignore questions

(CHICAGO) Several hours ago, Rahm Emanuel was asked about Gery Chico’s charge that when Emanuel was informed of scandal on the Freddie Mac board, he sat on his hands and took the cash.

Emanuel didn’t deny it. Instead, he said he was never mentioned “by name” in any of the wrongdoing. Here’s the hard truth – Rahm won’t answer the hard questions about Freddie Mac.
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Rahm Emanuel ignores Hard Truth about Freddie Mac”

Rahm’s Operative and Union Each Trying to Buy Chicago City Council

-By Warner Todd Huston

A political operative tied directly to Rahm Emanuel has raised $1 million to back Emanuel friendly candidates for City Council, reports The New York Times. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is investing over $2 million also to buy candidates that favor their issues. Both are struggling to buy a City Council loyal to them in hopes of emulating outgoing Mayor Daley’s lock on power.

The Emanuel effort is being led by former Daley aide and Emanuel congressional campaign manager Greg Goldner. Goldner is grandiosely calling his fundraising effort For a Better Chicago. By “better” he means for a Chicago that will be at Rahm Emanuel’s beck and call.

Amusingly — nay perhaps insultingly — Goldner is insisting that his new effort has no connection with Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel’s campaign has also said that For a Better Chicago is not connected to his campaign.

… And I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
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Rahm’s Operative and Union Each Trying to Buy Chicago City Council”

‘Hard Truth’: Emanuel and Freddie Mac

Mayoral candidate Gery Chico has some “hard questions” about Rahm Emanuel’s connection to failed financial giant Freddie Mac…

Time for Emanuel to tell “hard truth”

Chico: “Chicago can’t afford a mayor who looks the other way!”

(CHICAGO) With former president Bill Clinton stumping in Chicago for Rahm Emanuel today, mayoral candidate Gery Chico asked Emanuel to tell the truth about his tenure on the Freddie Mac board, to which Clinton appointed Emanuel in 2000. Under Emanuel’s watch, an Enron-type scandal took place costing taxpayers more than half a billion dollars, according to news reports.
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‘Hard Truth’: Emanuel and Freddie Mac”

Gery Chico vows to bring American Center for Cures to Chicago

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

(CHICAGO) Mayoral candidate Gery Chico pledged today to make Chicago the capital of modern medicine by making the city home to the American Center for Cures (ACC). View the video of Chico’s press conference:

The ACC would be the largest cure center in America. The comprehensive facility dedicated to preventing and curing society’s most prominent diseases would also create tens of thousands of jobs in Chicago.

“Chicago became what it is today because of people who took bold and innovative ideas and made them a reality,” Gery Chico said. “It’s only fitting that something so vital to our future should be right here in Chicago; creating jobs, revitalizing neighborhoods and enhancing our position as a world-class city.”
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Gery Chico vows to bring American Center for Cures to Chicago”

U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez endorses Gery Chico for mayor of Chicago

-By Warner Todd Huston

Interesting news, here, of the newest endorsement for Chicago Mayor. Congressman Luis Gutierrez has officially endorsed Gery Chico for Mayor. This is a big “get” for Chico.

I suppose it isn’t surprising that Gutierrez has turned against Emanuel. As we reported in Nov., there is no love lost between Rahm Emanuel and Rep. Gutierrez.

It is also telling that Gutierrez didn’t endorse Miguel Del Valle. There seems to be little doubt that the top three candidates are Emanuel, Carol Moseley Braun (whose campaign is troubled to say the least) and Gery Chico. If Gutierrez wanted to play a sly politics game he could easily have picked Del Valle to satisfy his Hispanic supporters and then casually switched to Emanuel (the power broker) once Del Valle quit the race (which it is highly likely he’ll do).

But Gutierrez picked Chico, a candidate that is actually in the running, showing that he does want to back a winner.
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U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez endorses Gery Chico for mayor of Chicago”

Chicago Mayor’s Race: De Jesus Drops Bid, Endorses Chico

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yet another announced candidate for Chicago Mayor has dropped his bid for the top seat. Wilfredo De Jesus announced Friday that he is giving up his quest and is throwing his support over to Gery Chico.

It really looks like a three person race at this point. Rahm Emanuel, Gery Chico, and Carol Moseley Braun.

If anyone is marking their race cards, an activity so woefully prevalent in Chicago, that leaves still campaigning:
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Chicago Mayor’s Race: De Jesus Drops Bid, Endorses Chico”

Danny Davis Quits Chicago Mayor Race, Leaves One African American in Race

-By Warner Todd Huston

The theme of the race for mayor has thus far been twofold. One, will Rahm Emanuel be allowed to stay on the ballot, and two, will there be too many African Americans in the running effectively splitting the black vote all to pieces allowing Rahm to waltz in unopposed?

When we started this off a few months ago there were four black candidates. Rep. Danny Davis, former Senator Carol Moseley Braun, Reverend James Meeks, and the least known of the pack William “Doc” Walls.

Since then we’ve seen several of these candidates drop their bid, leaving two. First to fall was James Meeks and now the Sun-Times is reporting that Danny Davis has also given up his campaign and will be endorsing Carol Moseley Braun.
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Danny Davis Quits Chicago Mayor Race, Leaves One African American in Race”

Video: Who Is Chicago Mayoral Candidate Gery Chico?

I have to hand it to the Chico campaign. As Gery Chico runs for Chicago Mayor, they are out of the box in full force and getting to the bloggers, too. Heck, I’m not even a Democrat and am getting their campaign press releases. Good job to the Chico shop! Good media outreach so far.

Here is their latest effort meant to introduce the candidate to those who may not know him.

Mayoral Candidate Gery Chico’s Chicago City Hall Transparency Ideas

-By Warner Todd Huston

When Mayor Richard “King” Daley got himself a one billion dollar infusion of cash by selling the parking meters in the city (yes, I said one BILLION) everyone thought it was such a great deal. Gery Chico tells us that all this money is nearly gone and spent already. He wants city hall to be more transparent and if he becomes mayor that’s what he says he’ll do.

From the Chico Press release:
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Mayoral Candidate Gery Chico’s Chicago City Hall Transparency Ideas”