Former Chicago Bears support Chico for Mayor and Super Bowl plan McMichael: Chico is one tough guy (And introducing Chico iPhone App)

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

(CHICAGO) Campaigning today at Manny’s Deli on the near Southside, Gery Chico received the support of two former Chicago Bears, one of whom played a key role on the 1985 Super Bowl Championship team.

Steve McMichael and Bruce Herron- part of the Bears’ legendary defense for several years- both said they believe Gery Chico is the most qualified, honest candidate to lead Chicago in a new direction.

“If Gery Chico was an ’85 Bear, I would have wanted him by my side blitzing because he is one tough guy,” said Steve “Mongo” McMichael. “Just look at what he did for education in the 90s! He’d make a great mayor.”
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Former Chicago Bears support Chico for Mayor and Super Bowl plan McMichael: Chico is one tough guy (And introducing Chico iPhone App)”

Emanuel refuses to release Rahm Tax list

From the Gery Chico for Chicago Mayor campaign…

HARD TRUTH: Emanuel not being honest with voters

(CHICAGO) Rahm Emanuel today backtracked on his proposed Rahm Tax, saying his campaign would not release the entire list of services that would be hit by his tax hike. Mayoral candidate Gery Chico blasted Emanuel for not telling the “hard truth” to voters. Emanuel is currently running ads that suggest Emanuel is the candidate who best tells the “hard truth.”

“Rahm Emanuel has made a habit of not being honest with the voters of Chicago,” Gery Chico said. “Emanuel isn’t being honest about his plan to raise taxes on a whole new litany of services that will hurt working class families. Emanuel isn’t being honest about his tenure on the scandal-laden board of Freddie Mac. The last thing Chicago needs is a mayor who says one thing and does another.”
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Emanuel refuses to release Rahm Tax list”

Rahmin’ It Home, Emanuel Stays on the Chicago Mayor Ballot

-By Warner Todd Huston

At last, the question of whether Rahm Emanuel should stay on the ballot has been settled once and for all. The Illinois Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that the Appellate Court’s decision to throw Rahm off the ballot was a “novel standard” without “any foundation in Illinois Law.” Therefore, Rahm Emanuel is eligible to run for election in the Chicago Mayor’s race.

The question arose when attorney Burt Odelson charged that Rahm Emanuel did not satisfy the residency requirement for a candidate. Chicago election law requires that a candidate for office must have lived in Chicago for a year before appearing on an election ballot.

Odelson claimed that since Emanuel lived in Washington for the last two years he did not satisfy the one year residency requirement. Two courts disagreed with the charge but the third, the Appellate Court, agreed throwing the whole city into a tizzy for the last several days.
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Rahmin’ It Home, Emanuel Stays on the Chicago Mayor Ballot”

Meeks Out, One More Quits Race for Chicago Mayor

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few weeks ago four names were dropped from the race for Chicago Mayor’s office. This week Reverend James Meeks has suspended his campaign to run for the top seat at City Hall, too.

Further more, the election board responsible for determining if Rahm Emanuel is eligible to even run for mayor has made its decision. Rahm stays on the ballot.

Certainly more will be removed as time rolls onward, but here is the list of candidates as it stands now:
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Meeks Out, One More Quits Race for Chicago Mayor”

Rahm’s Little Spy

-By Warner Todd Huston

Walter Jacobson of Channel 2 News reports that Rahm Emanuel sent a spy to one of his opponent’s events. Gery Chico had a community meeting with various representatives of the community in attendance but one fellow was loathe to be fully identified as the rest were. Turns out he was a spy for Emanuel.

Chico held a meeting for community leaders to talk issues. One by one they introduced themselves and identified the community groups they represent.

All except for one man who said only that his name is Jim, and that he was there to observe and learn.

That seemed odd, so Jim was watched and seen tape recording the meeting.

When asked about it, he admitted it was not quite true he was there to observe and learn — but to record the meeting for Rahm Emanuel.

And there you go. Just another example of Chicago-style politics.

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Rahm’s Little Spy”

Four Out of the Race for Chicago Mayor

-By Warner Todd Huston

The man that is renting Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago house announced today that he’ll drop his bid to run against the former White House chief of staff.

Emanuel tenant Rob Halpin told reporters that the financial burden — as well as the legal hurdles — of running for mayor was simply too much for him to incur.

The board of elections also removed three candidates from the ballot due to the candidates not having enough ballot signatures to satisfy the minimum requirement of 12,500 signatures.

The three removed were M. Tricia Lee, only had 700 valid signatures; Jay Stone, had a mere 246; and Ryan Graves had duplicate signatures.

With Lee’s removal from the ballot, that puts Rahm Emanuel in the second spot on the ballot.

Certainly many more will be removed as time rolls onward, but here is the list as it stands now:
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Four Out of the Race for Chicago Mayor”

Chicago Mayoral Contest Begins: Gery Chico Calls for 10 Debates

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, the field of contenders for Chicago’s mayoral election is taking shape. Hats in the ring currently were tossed by James Meeks, Danny Davis, Miguel del Valle, Carol Moseley Braun, and of course Rahm Emanuel.

Then there is former school board chief Gery Chico. Chico claims that over 50,000 voters signed his petition as he filed them on Monday morning. Chico says “the time to debate is now.”

Mayoral candidate Gery Chico called for at least 10 debates in the neighborhoods of Chicago on Monday, after filing his petition signatures at the Chicago Board of Elections. Chico filed 50,254 signatures and will unveil the first major proposal of the campaign this week.

“I am calling for all the candidates to commit to at least 10 debates in Chicago’s neighborhoods before the election,” Chico said. “The future of our city is at stake and Chicagoans deserve nothing short of a full and vigorous debate of the issues. Let’s debate ways to create more jobs, make our streets safer and fix education and let’s debate them now because Chicago needs a mayor who is ready on Day One.”

My guess is that Rahm will do his best to ignore all contenders and assume the mantle of clear winner. I’d also guess he will refuse all debates until very close to the end of the campaign.
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Chicago Mayoral Contest Begins: Gery Chico Calls for 10 Debates”

Coalition of Chicago’s Blacks Chose Danny Davis for Mayor

-By Warner Todd Huston

After two months of backroom dealing and secret meetings Chicago’s African American community claims that it has chosen U.S. Representative Danny Davis as its black Democratic candidate for mayor of Chicago in 2011.

Davis beat out such luminaries as Alderman Walther Burnett, the Reverend James Meeks, and long-out-of-view Carol Moseley Braun.

Sources say that Moseley Braun lost because she has been out of the public eye for too long. But I’d guess she lost more because of all the fraud and thievery she’s been involved in over the years. She isn’t called Carol Mostly Fraud for nothing.
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Coalition of Chicago’s Blacks Chose Danny Davis for Mayor”