Apple App Store Says Mad Magazine Artist too Mean for Approval

-By Warner Todd Huston

I always knew that Mad Magazine was filled with ner-do-wells that will rot your brain and turn you into a big meanie. My teachers in school all told me so… and they were teachers so they must’ve been right. Now the Apple iPhone App store has finally seen the light of reason on this truism, too. Well, if the App Store didn’t deny Mad Magazine exactly, it did lower they kabosh on one of its nasty, mean-spirited artists, Tom Richmond, by denying his iPhone App registration. Serves him right, the troublemaker.

The good name of Apple computers will not be sullied by the rottenness, and all around anarchy of this no-account, Richmond, that’s for sure. And to assure that Apple will always stand for truth, justice and the American way, Richmond’s crummy little iPhone App has been denied. Take that forces of un-Americanness!

So, what was Richmond’s apostasy, you might wonder? Well, last year cartoonist Tom Richmond was asked to help with the graphic display of a proposed iPhone App that would connect the user with information on their representatives in Congress. It was to monstrously be titled the “Bobble Rep” App. The idea is that you’d key in the name of a congressman into your iPhone and his contact info would pop up on the screen. You’d get a little cartoon illustration of the congressman, his phone number, address and website.

“And,” You might ask? “So blinking what,” you might blurt out? Well, any casual look at these ultra mean, highly objectionable cartoons depicting a few of those well-born and delicate members of Congress will disabuse you of the notion that this iPhone App is anything but born of the devil.

Behold more of the blasphemy:
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Apple App Store Says Mad Magazine Artist too Mean for Approval”

Where Have I Been? In Computer Purgatory, That’s Where!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Frequent visitors to Pubius’ Forum will have noticed that not a whole lot new has been posted here for the last several days. Well, the reason is contained in the photo above… and it’s good and bad news.

First the bad. The bad is over — which is also the good news — but the reason we have had few new posts is because I just purchased a brand new 24″ imac computer and I just spent the last two days transferring files and programs from my old, old, old G4 Mac to the new one, updating programs, and downloading replacement third party apps to get back up and rolling again. I have done this twice before and t is always an ordeal. It’s an ordeal because I always wait until my old Mac is so hopelessly out of date that it no longer works at all.

My original Mac was a 6200 and I used that old clunker all the way until the year 1998. I went from the 6200 straight to a G3. The two were in few ways compatible. So, I had to transfer everything one at a time and painstakingly. This was a big jump, too, because every single program I was so used to using on the 6200 had been radically upgraded by the time of the G3 or even discontinued. So that the change over was a major disorientation causing me to completely overhaul my working habits.

The next Mac, the G3, I used until 2003. It was a dream compared to the 6200… once I got used to it. The speed was amazing to me with the big jump. After all, from the 6200 running system 7.5.5 Mac had gone all the way to system 10 by the time of the first G3s. Night and day, for sure.

Then I bought a used G4 and have been using that ever since 2003. Of course, the jump between the G3 and G4 was not a big deal user-wise. But, I still had to transfer everything by hand and it was a two day ordeal. It took at least two days that time, too. The G4 has gotten to the point where I cannot even run Firefox effectively any more. I can’t even upgrade Internet applications because the G4 is just too far out of date. Even YouTube wasn’t running right any more. Oh, my applications were running great, but if I couldn’t use the web effectively enough to post stuff… what good was it?

Well, Saturday I finally broke down and got the 24″ imac… and broke it’s made me. I had to get a loan against my stinkin’ 401K to even do it! Naturally it’s another two day ordeal. It just takes so much stinking time to arrange things to a familiar work space, downloading programs, registering everything, etc., etc. It has so consumed me that all day Saturday I forgot to eat!! I was all so centered on arranging my work space, playing around organizing cables under the desk, going out buying firewire cables so I could network the G4 and imac, etc., etc. It just took a ton of time.

So, the upshot is that I missed everything in the news for the last two days trying to get this all arranged and set so I could get back in business. And I still have to load Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, and a few other apps. But, I’ve already been perusing the net and whatnot with the imac and it is screamin’ fast. I am quite happy with it. Oh, and, yes, I use a dual screen set up, so the second screen to the right of the imac is connected to the imac as well. You can see my set up in the main picture above. Not only that, but I’ve succeeded in setting up a Mac to Mac network over firewire and the third screen to the left is my old G4 hooked up to a flat screen TV set via a VGA connection. So, that means I don’t have to buy Photoshop all over again for the new imac! That’ll save a ton of cash. Now if only I could figure out how to get the Internet on the G4 through the firewire. I swear it should be possible, but I am missing SOME setting or another.

Now to fill out all the paperwork to get the various rebates… sigh.

And NEXT I have to update my PC laptop from XP to Vista. Arrrrgh.

So. Does anyone want to buy a Zip drive and a bunch of discs? How about Disc Warrior? Want it? I have a Diablo game that I don’t have anything to play it anymore. So much junk computer stuff laying around I can’t believe it.