Obama’s Birth Certificate… Can We Get Past This Now? (And is This The End of Trump?)

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a poll that came out that showed that only 38% of Americans thought the president was actually born in the USA, the Obama administration has finally released Obama’s long form birth certificate.

There are several reasons that Obama finally did this and the biggest is that this issue was starting to hurt him politically as the poll above showed. Obama himself was irritated to note that talk of his birth certificate was everywhere in the Old Media detracting from the actual issues of the day.

You’ll notice that I’ve never written about this birth certificate issue. The reason was that even if he was born in another country, even if he was illicitly made president, the fact is Obama is president. That being true, there is only one way to get rid of him if he has done something wrong (well, one way besides voting him out): impeachment.
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Obama’s Birth Certificate… Can We Get Past This Now? (And is This The End of Trump?)”

Was he born here? Barack Obama vs the Law trailer

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, why won’t he show the birth certificate, anyway?

I am not personally convinced the birth certificate is an issue, but I have to say, I have no leg to stand on but my “feeling” that it isn’t relevant because we’ve not seen actual birth certificate to butress my “feeling.” So, what do I tell people that insist this is an important issue?

I have nothing logical to tell them to disabuse them of their notion because I can’t prove them wrong.

So, why won’t Obama just publish the real birth certificate?